
TE||The long hot summer

 一天一篇TE 2020-12-08







The long hot summer


英文部分选自经济学人Science and technology版块

Climate change


The long hot summer


Greece is burning, Japan is in a state of emergency. Heat is causing problems across the world and, worryingly, such weather events may become more common


SODANKYLA, a town in Finnish Lapland just north of the Arctic Circle, boasts an average annual temperature a little below freezing. Residents eagerly await the brief spell in July when the region enjoys something akin to summer. This year they may have wished for a bit less of it. On July 18th thermometers showed 32.1°C (89.8°F), which is 12°C warmer than typical for the month and the highest since records began in 1908. But Sodankyla is not the only place that is sizzling.

索丹屈莱是一个位于芬兰拉普兰区的小镇,恰好坐落于北极圈以北,以其年均气温略低于零点为荣。当地居民总是对七月的短暂时光迫不及待,那时他们便可以享受近似于夏天的气候。今年,他们可能希望少一些这样的夏日时光。7月18日,温度计显示32.1°C (89.8°F),这高于往年同期12°C,并打破了自1908年以来的历史高温记录。然而,并非只有索丹屈莱赤日如此炎炎。

Wildfires have killed at least 80 people near Athens. Sweden has suffered a rash of forest fires, sparked by unusually hot and dry weather. Britain and the Netherlands look more parched than they did in 1976, one of the driest summers on record. Some 80,000 hectares of forest are burning in Siberia. Japan has declared its heatwave to be a natural disaster. On the night of July 7th, the temperature in downtown Los Angeles did not drop below 26.1°C. That seems positively nippy compared with Quriyat in Oman, which recorded a 24-hour minimum temperature of 42.6°C a few days earlier.


Heatwaves bring problems, especially in the developing world. Crops are ravaged, food spoils and workers become less productive. Studies have linked rising temperatures to violent crime and civil strife. And heat can kill on its own. In 2003 more than 70,000 Europeans may have died as a direct result of an infernal summer.


That was seen as a once-a-millennium heatwave at the time. By comparison, notes Geert Jan van Oldenborgh of the Royal Netherlands Meteorological Institute, outside of northern Europe the summer of 2018 looks unremarkable, so far, in terms of temperature. The Netherlands, for instance, can expect scorchers every couple of years. Except, he adds, a century ago that might have been once every 20 years. A few years back, a team led by Peter Stott of Britain’s Met Office calculated that, by 2012, summers like the one in 2003 would be expected to occur not every 1,000 years but every 127.

当时被人们认为是千年不遇的热浪。相比之下,荷兰皇家气象研究所高级研究员吉尔特·扬·范·奥尔登伯格(Geert Jan van Oldenborgh)注意到,至今就气温而言,2018年北欧地区以外的夏季看起来并不惹人注意。比如,荷兰预计每两年就会遭遇一次高温天气。另外,奥尔登伯格还说,一个世纪前荷兰的高温周期可能是二十年。前几年,由英国气象局(Britain’s Met Office)的彼得斯托特(Peter Stott)带领的团队预测,到2012年,类似于2003年的夏季每127年将会发生一次,而不再是千年一遇。

Hot times ahead


No consequence of global warming is as self-evident as higher temperatures. Earth is roughly 1°C hotter today than it was before humanity started belching greenhouse gases into the atmosphere during the Industrial Revolution. If this so-called thermodynamic effect were all there was to it, temperatures now considered unusually hot would become more typical and those regarded as uncommonly cold, uncommoner still. But climate being a complicated thing, there is more to it.



That's all (that)there is to it.事情就是如此而已。这是一个固定用法,不宜逐字翻译。句中all是先行词,that是关系代词,引导定语从句there is to it修饰all,在定语从句中that作表语,即为there is (that) to it.
例句 That's all there is to it—it's the only way. 那是生命的全部,是唯一的方式。


Weather patterns can change because the colder poles warm faster than balmier lower latitudes. As the thermal difference between the two diminishes, so does the velocity of the jet stream, a westerly wind which blows at an altitude of around 10km. That means the weather it carries can stay in place for longer. Sometimes, it offsets the thermodynamic effects, leading to cooler temperatures than might be expected. Often, it amplifies them.



1.急流(the jet stream):大气中一股强而窄的气流带,急流的水平长度达上万公里,宽数百公里,厚几公里。急流中心的长轴称为急流轴,它近于水平分布。急流中心最大风速在对流层的上部必须大于或等于30米/秒,它的风速水平切变量级为每100公里5米/秒,垂直量级为每公里5-10米/秒。按急流出现的高度不同,一般可分为高空急流和低空急流。

stay in place: 留在原地  栗子:Of course, it takes all the running you can do to stay in place. 当然, 用尽你的力气去跑才能维持在原地.

When and by how much is a matter of hot debate among climate scientists. It is hard to pin any particular heatwave, drought or flood on the effects of man-made pollution. Freak events happen; the highest temperature ever recorded on Earth was 56.7°C in Death Valley, California, but that was on July 10th 1913, when concentrations of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere were much lower.


By using clever statistics to compare the climate’s actual behaviour with computer simulations of how it might have behaved in the absence of human activity, researchers can calculate how mankind has made a particular weather event more likely. The first such study, co-authored by Dr Stott in 2004, found that the likelihood of the 2003 European summer had doubled as a result of human activity. Since then similar “event attribution” research has burgeoned. A year ago Carbon Brief, a web portal, identified a total of 138 peer-reviewed papers in the field, covering 144 weather events. Of 48 heatwaves, 41 contained humankind’s imprint in the data.

借助智能的统计数据,将气候的实际变化状况与无人类行为干预的电脑模拟气候状况进行比较,研究人员更有可能测算出人类的行为怎样导致某一特定气候现象的产生。2004年由斯托特教授担任联合作者发表的首份此类研究报告指出,人类活动导致出现2003年欧洲酷夏气候的可能性增加了一倍。自那以后,类似的“因素分析法”研究迅速发展。一年前, “碳简报”网站(Carbon Brief) 上共刊登了138篇该领域的同行评论论文,包含144起气候事件,其中的48起高温事件中,数据显示有41起存在人类的推波助澜。

More studies have appeared since then. World Weather Attribution, a website run by Dr van Oldenborgh and Friederike Otto of Oxford University, posts a new one practically every month. Besides scrutinising past weather, many of the studies look ahead—in particular at how the likelihood of future extreme events changes depending on how seriously countries take their commitment in Paris in 2015 to limit global warming to “well below” 2°C relative to pre-industrial levels (and better yet, to no more than 1.5°C).

自此更多的研究涌现。WWA(World Weather Attribution)网站几乎每月都会刊登一篇新文章。该网站由牛津大学的范·奥尔登伯格博士和弗里德莱克·奥托博士(Friederike Otto)运营,除了研究过去的天气,也预测未来变化。2015年的巴黎协定把全球温升目标控制在较工业革命前上升2°C以内(最好不超过1.5°C),研究人员尤其致力于研究各国政府履行承诺的程度会对未来极端天气变化的可能性产生怎样的影响。

The picture that emerges is bleak. One study, published in June by Andrew King of the University of Melbourne and his colleagues, found that the number of Europeans who can expect to witness a temperature above the current record, wherever they happen to live, would double from 45m today to 90m if the planet warmed by another 0.5°C or so on top of the 1°C since the 1880s. If, instead of 0.5°C, it warmed by 1°C, the figure would rise to 163m.

现状却很黯淡。墨尔本大学的安德鲁·金(Andrew King)与同事于6月发表的一项研究结果表明,自19世纪80年代以来地球温度若从已经升高的1℃上再升高0.5℃,那么那些无论身处何方、见证气温突破记录的欧洲人的数量会从目前的4500万翻倍至9000万;如果温度升高不是0.5℃,而是1℃,这一人数将会达到1亿6300万人。

Greece smoulders


This looks even more alarming if you factor in humidity. Human beings can tolerate heat with sweat, which evaporates and cools the skin. That is why a dry 50°C can feel less stifling than a muggy 30°C. If the wet-bulb temperature (equivalent to that recorded by a thermometer wrapped in a moist towel) exceeds 35°C, even a fit, healthy youngster lounging naked in the shade next to a fan could die in six hours.



*湿球温度:(绝热饱和温度)是指在绝热条件下,大量的水与有限的湿空气接触,水蒸发所需的潜热完全来自于湿空气温度降低所放出的显热,当系统中空气达饱和状态且系统达到热平衡时系统的温度。湿球温度就是当前环境仅通过蒸发水分所能达到的最低温度。热力学湿球温度也称绝热饱和温度。——来源 百度百科

At present, wet-bulb temperatures seldom exceed 31°C. In 2016 Jeremy Pal of Loyola Marymount University and Elfatih Eltahir of the Massachusetts Institute for Technology found that if carbon emissions continue unabated, several cities in the Persian Gulf, including Abu Dhabi and Dubai, could exceed wet-bulb levels of 35°C by the end of the century. A follow-up study reckoned that, by 2100, parts of South Asia, which is much more populous than the sheikhdoms and a lot poorer, could suffer a wet-bulb level of 34.2°C every 25 years.

目前,全球范围内湿球温度很少超过31℃。但在2016年,洛约拉马利蒙特大学(Loyola Marymount)杰里米·帕尔(Jeremy Pal)和麻省理工学院的弗法提·埃尔塔西尔(Flfatih Eltahir)发现,若全球碳排放继续有增无减,包括阿布扎比和迪拜在内的几个波斯湾城市,其湿球温度在本世纪末将有可能超过35℃。 一项后续研究也表明,至2100年,比中东酋长国人口更加稠密且贫穷的部分南亚地区可能每25年就会经受一次湿球温度高达34.5℃的炙热考验。

The effects could be devastating. The World Bank has warned that rising temperatures and changing monsoons could cost India 2.8% of GDP per person by 2050 and affect the living standards of 600m Indians in areas identified as hot spots. The global cost of productivity lost to heat has been estimated at $2trn by 2030.


The toll on human lives is hard to imagine. But at least people can learn from past mistakes. Thanks to better government responses, particularly in care for the elderly, in 2012 Europe survived a summer hotter still than 2003 with fewer casualties. As Indians get richer more will be able to afford air-conditioning; even those in shantytowns can paint their corrugated-iron roofs white to reflect sunlight. If only the world could take in a similar lesson about the importance of stopping climate change in the first place.




Nikolai,男,小硕, science追随者 





Li Xia, 女, HR, 经济学人发烧友

Jasmine, 女 ,税收专业大三学生, 经济学人粉丝




Nikolai,男,小硕, science追随者 






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