
TE||Apartheid’s apologist

 一天一篇TE 2020-12-08







Apartheid’s apologist



Apartheid’s apologist


Roelof Frederik “Pik” Botha,  South Africa’s longest-serving foreign minister, died on October 12th, aged 86


THERE WERE few things Pik Botha liked more than telling a story, except, perhaps, being at the centre of one. Eyes flashing and with a stage performer’s perfect timing, he would cast his spells. He did it best if he had a cigarette in one hand and a drink in the other (better yet, one or two already in him, as they helped bring out his mischievous streak). And there was plenty of mischief to be made. At a government bosberaad, or country retreat, he decided to liven up an evening by throwing ammunition into the campfire, sending his cabinet colleagues diving for cover as the bullets exploded. At a boring diplomatic dinner in Geneva he selected a long-stemmed rose, sniffed it and then ate it before working his way through several more. Even his nickname, Pik—short for pikkewyn, Afrikaans for penguin—hinted at an impish character. He picked it up as a baby, but it stuck and he kept it because it rolled off the tongue so much more easily than the sober Roelof Frederik with which he was christened.

也许除了成为某个故事的主角之外,皮克·博塔最喜欢的事情便是讲故事了。每当此时,他双眼放光,时机一到,便开始讲故事,听的人沉浸其中,如痴如醉,就像被施了魔法一样。尤其是当他左手夹着一支烟,右手端着一杯酒时,他便能发挥到极致(手里有其中一样也是好的,这样他就可以发挥自如)。除此之外,他还做过很多“荒诞的事”。为了打破政治僵局在隔离场所或是乡村别墅召开的会议中,有一次他决定把弹药扔进篝火中,让内阁同僚们在子弹爆炸时迅速躲藏,以此来活跃夜晚的气氛。在日内瓦举行的一个无聊外交晚宴上,他也用自己的方式来活跃气氛,他选了一朵长茎玫瑰,闻了闻,然后吃掉了它。甚至他的昵称皮克(Pik),也是南非语中企鹅(Pikkewyn)的缩写,这也凸显了他顽皮的性格。这个名字在他是个孩提时候就起了的,虽然难听,但他还是保留了下来,比起受洗礼时起的拗口名字Roelof Frederik,皮克的发音容易多了。

注:bosberaad:为了打破政治僵局在隔离场所召开的会议,(来自南非荷兰语 bos (“ 丛林” ) + beraad (“ 考虑” )。

There was more here than showmanship. When, in the late 1980s, peace talks aimed at getting South Africa and Cuba to pull their troops out of Angola’s civil war broke down, he walked over to the hotel bar and offered a whisky to his Cuban counterpart. By the end of the evening neither man could walk without help, but they had the outlines of a deal.



《Cuban intervention in Angola》


In the half-century in which he represented South Africa, first as a diplomat and then for almost 20 years as its longest-serving foreign minister, he deflected or delayed sanctions aimed at ending apartheid, or white rule. He was by far the most eloquent defender of a system that denied millions of black people the vote, that uprooted hundreds of thousands from their homes and that was maintained by the barrel of a gun and tip of a sjambok.


注:Uproot 迫使某人离开出生地或定居处

If you uproot yourself or if you are uprooted, you leave, or are made to leave, a place where you have lived for a long time. 

Henry Kissinger was a role model and told a biographer that he was “fiery, intelligent and discreet”. Margaret Thatcher embraced his arguments against sanctions: that they would be ineffective while making black people poorer. Instead of isolating South Africa, he argued, Western leaders should allow verligte (enlightened) whites to reform apartheid gradually. To do so he had to paint himself as a liberal held hostage to conservatives within his party.


It helped that most of his cabinet colleagues and the apartheid-era presidents he served did little to conceal their racism. P.W. Botha (no relation), who led the country from 1978 to 1989, would wag a finger—both temper and voice rising—when challenged over the immorality of apartheid. Pik Botha, instead, would lean forward, hunching his rugby-player’s frame, and earnestly explain that he abhorred racism and did not want to lord it over blacks.


He may have even believed it himself. In 1977 he stunned his party by rejecting routine segregation, saying he was not prepared to die “for an apartheid sign in a lift”. A decade later he infuriated it by saying he was prepared to serve under a black president.


The son of a rural schoolmaster, his closest childhood friend was Frans, a local black boy. Starting school without Frans was unthinkable. So his father Roelof found a spot for Frans near the door of the Paul Kruger School near Rustenburg. Friendship was one thing, but the blood of his ancestors ran thicker still. Like that of his grandfather, Johannes, who fought against the British in the Anglo-Boer war. Johannes had joined a guerrilla band after the conventional war was lost, fighting on for almost two more years among a group known as the bittereinders until their final, unconditional surrender.



The First Boer War (Afrikaans: Eerste Vryheidsoorlog, literally "First Freedom War"), also known as the First Anglo-Boer War, the Transvaal War or the Transvaal Rebellion, was a war fought from 16 December 1880 until 23 March 1881 between the United Kingdom and the South African Republic (also known as Transvaal Republic; not to be confused with the modern-day Republic of South Africa).[1] The war resulted in defeat for the British and the second independence of the South African Republic.

Having been conquered once, he would say, Afrikaners would never again negotiate their own destruction. More than any of his colleagues, he could see that the battle over apartheid would not be won or lost in the townships, but in the court of international public opinion. As a lawyer he had faced that court when he went to The Hague to defend a challenge to its rule over South West Africa (renamed Namibia after its independence in 1990). South Africa’s legal team won the case in 1966, but having seen how unpopular apartheid was abroad, Mr Botha came home a reluctant reformist. In a submission decades later to the Truth and Reconciliation Commission he said that he had realised “you gain nothing by winning the legal battle if you lose the moral battle.” He went into politics, winning his first seat in 1970. In his maiden speech in parliament he urged South Africa to sign the UN Declaration of Human Rights. This was too radical a thought for many, as was his call a year later to give “coloureds” (people of mixed race) the same political rights as whites. He found little willingness in his party to embrace the view that, in order to survive, apartheid had to reform. But his promises of change were eagerly received overseas.

博塔表示已经被征服过一次的阿非利堪人,绝不重蹈覆辙,。比起他那些同僚,他更清楚反种族隔离斗争应该在国际舆论的法庭上论出输赢,而不是取决于某一场小镇的战斗。他还是律师的时候,前往海牙为南非对西南非(于1990年独立后更名为纳米比亚)的统治辩护。那时, 他就已经面对过这种法庭,1966年,南非律师团在此案中胜诉,却也见证了种族隔离制度在海外极为不得人心,博塔回国后成为一名变革者,尽管有几分不情愿。几十年后,他在向真想与和解委员会(the Truth and Reconciliation Commission)递交的一份文件中,表示,已经意识到,“如果你在道德上站不住脚,那么在法律上打赢官司也没有任何意义”。他开始从政,并于1970年为自己赢得了第一个官员席位。他在议会的首次演讲中,呼吁南非签署联合国人权宣言。对众人而言,这种观点太过激进,一年之后他有呼吁给予“有色人种”(混血儿)与南非白人同等的政治权利,这一想法依然过于激进。他发现党内几乎无人愿意接受这样的观点,即,只有改革种族隔离制度,才能生存下去。不过,他的改革承诺却在海外获得了热切地响应。


1.“真相与和解”委员会: 1994年11月29日,南非政府宣布真相与和解委员会成立,享有厚望的诺贝尔和平奖得主南非圣公会图图大主教担任委员会主席。“真相委员会”是新南非的一个创举,目的在于通过弄清种族隔离时期侵犯人权罪行的真相并加以妥善处理,促进改善种族关系和实现种族和解。“真相委员会”坚持独立性、公正性与和解精神,作出了很大成绩。但是问题敏感、工作难度大,其作用有一定限度。新南非种族关系的全面改善仍然任重道远,有很长的路要走,“真相委员会”带了一个好头。

2.议员首次演说: A maiden speech is the first speech given by a newly elected or appointed member of a legislature or parliament.

3.联合国《世界人权宣言》: 是联合国大会于1948年12月10日通过(联合国大会第217号决议,A/RES/217)的一份旨在维护人类基本权利的文献。由于该文件是由联合国大会通过的,《世界人权宣言》并非强制的国际公约,但是它为之后的两份具有强制性的联合国人权公约,《公民权利和政治权利国际公约》和《经济、社会及文化权利国际公约》做了铺垫。



Over time, he said different things to different people, casting himself as a good man in a rotten system, a liberal who had campaigned from within. In 2000 he told a black newspaper that he planned to join the ANC because he identified with its fundamental values. Later, at a meeting of mostly Afrikaners he denied ever having joined the party. It was too much of a stretch. For so long, he had argued for a power-sharing agreement that preserved the essence of white rule while ending international isolation. Such a deal could never be reached with the ANC. As much as Mr Botha knew that apartheid could not survive, there was still something of the bittereinder in him. Just as they had fought on for a doomed cause, even as their farms and homes were burned to the ground, his defence of the system served only to prolong its horror.


注:南非非洲人国民大会(African National Congress,ANC)现为南非执政党,简称非国大,是南非最大的黑人民族主义政党,也是南非惟一跨种族的政党。




Li Xia, 女, 爱爬山的自由翻译+美食狂人

















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