
小学英语口语朗读每天跟读2020.9.23《Rumor travels fast》

 pengxq书斋 2020-12-15


Rumor travels fast

One day, a man named Mao Kong said to Ai Zi: A duck laid one hundred eggs at one time.一天,一个叫毛空的人对艾子说:“一只鸭子一次生了一百个蛋。

Ai Zi didn’t believe him. Mao Kong added: Maybe there were two ducks.艾子不相信。毛空又说:“那可能是两只鸭子生的吧。

Ai Zi still didn’t believe him. Mao Kong went on saying: Maybe there were three ducks.子还是不相信毛空就说:“那可能是三只鸭子生的”。

And so he repeatedly changed his words until he increased the number of the ducks to ten. Once again, Ai Zi didn’t believe him.就这样,毛空一再改口。最后一直增加到10只鸭子。艾子还是不相信。

After a while, Mao Kong told Ai Zi another thing: Last month, a piece of meat which is thirty meters wide and twenty meters long fell down from the sky. Ai Zi didn’t believe it. Mao Kong changed his words again: That’s a twenty-meter-wide and ten-meter-long meat. Ai Zi still didn’t believe him.过了一会儿,毛空又对艾子说:“上个月,一块30米宽,20米长的肉从天上掉了下来。”艾子不信,毛空又改口说:“是20米宽,10米长”。艾子依然不信。

Finally, Ai Zi asked Mao Kong: Whose duck is it? And where is the meat?最后艾子问毛空:你说的鸭子是谁家的?肉掉到了什么地方?

Mao Kong said: I heard all of them from others.毛空说:“那些都是在路上听别人说的。

Then Ai Zi told his students: It’s a bad habit of spreading rumors like Mao Kong.于是,艾子对他的学生说:“你们可不能像毛空那样道听途说。


1. laid:(lay的过去式)下蛋

2. add: 补充说

3. repeatedly:反复地

4. increase: 增加

5. spread rumor: 散播谣言


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