
2021 PKU International Students & Foreign Experts ...

 skysun000001 2020-12-17


Dear international student

With the calendar soon flipping to a new page, 2020 is winding down and 2021 is right around the corner. Let's look back upon the year of ups and downs. Changes took place in our daily life. Probably we panicked over the raging pandemic, and anxiety might have once filled our room closely locked. Loneliness crept over our heart isolated from our beloved campus. Bittersweet as the past one year may be, here we are in this together.


With everyone's efforts and contribution, we are back to the life familiar to us. As memory floods, vivid days witnessed how we strove together. Tomorrow, as a new day dawns and a new spring shines, we wish to take a moment to wish you all the best in 2021! No matter whether you are at PKU Campus, or thousands of miles away connecting to us via the Internet, let's join our hands in this fruitful celebration! Together, at the splendid occasion of delicacies and spectacles, we toast to and bid farewell the year of 2020. Looking forward to a rendezvous with the rays of sunshine, as spring's forth to bloom.

12月21日 燕园 勺园弘雅厅

On Dec 21, at Shaoyuan Hongya Hall, the 2021 Peking University International Students and Foreign Experts New Year Party waits to unravel.

We will appreciate the melodious singing as well as the charming dancing to better understand the long history of Chinese culture. We will also prepare many interesting and meaningful activities for you, such as making dumplings, writing Spring Festival couplets, playing riddles and so on. Besides, there will be a special moment in this occasion. Not only should we make the acquaintance of the ones making great contributions, we should also acknowledge the Pekingers who still delicate themselves to academic advancement.


Though miles apart, we can be in the same joyful moment connected by the Internet. Please sign up for the party live broadcast via the following link by Dec 19:

The live broadcast link will be given to your mailbox. Together let's celebrate and enjoy this unique atmosphere anticipating the coming year of 2021!


18:00-20:30, Dec 21, 2020


Hongya Hall, Shaoyuan


Students living on campus or in Beijing can obtain the ticket on site at the University.

Ticket collection site: Room 330, New Sun Student Center

Collection date: Wednesday, Thursday or Friday (Dec 16- Dec 18)

Specific time period: 8:30-11:30, 13:30-17:00

Limited quantity, first come first served

Hold the campus card to receive the ticket, one ticket per person and no obtaining for others.

Special thanks to sponsorship from MI!

2021 PKU International Students & Foreign Experts New Year Party

Source: International Students Division, Peking University

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