
投稿必备:如何写好Summary or Abstract?(内附模板)

 科研菌 2020-12-17

在大多数情况下,摘要是你的文章中唯一出现在Web of Science或PubMed等索引数据库中的部分,因此将是你文章中访问量最大的部分;留下良好的印象将鼓励研究人员阅读您的论文全文。本质上,Summary和Abstract都是对是一篇研究论文的简要总结,但表现形式有些许不同,Summary一般用段落式的总结,而我们常说的Abstract是指结构性摘要,呈现在文章中就是introduction,methods,results和conclusion,具体要求哪一种摘要可以查阅期刊的作者指南或参考该期刊已发表的文章。



  • Background/Introduction



High-grade serous ovarian carcinoma (HGSOC) is the most frequent type of ovarian carcinoma, associated with poor clinical outcome and metastatic disease[让任何一个领域的读者都能读懂]. Although metastatic processes are becoming more understandable, the genomic landscape and metastatic progression[更详细的背景介绍] in HGSOC has not been elucidated[该主题尚不清楚].


The role of ... is controversial.[该主题尚不清楚] The purpose of this study was to determine the effectiveness of ...[研究目的]
Few studies have prospectively examined...
However, the precise roles of ... during this process are unknown.
...is a barrier to overcoming therapy resistance.
...has provided noteworthy benefits in multiple cancers in recent years; however, its clinical benefits remain confined to 10–40% of patients with extremely high costs.
To characterize its mutational profile,...
...play a pivotal role in, however,...have remained elusive.Our aim with this paper was …

  • Methods:应用什么有效和可靠的方法来获得结果。

    • 总的来说包括:

    • 生物学或临床领域的应提及所研究的生物,细胞系或种群。

To answer this question, we compared
Here, we investigated
Here, we designed/conducted
We generated a model of...
We analysed/measured
Furthermore, we observed
In this study, 215 participants were randomly assigned to [实验条件] or [对照条件].

Multi-region whole-exome sequencing was performed on HGSOC primary tumours and their metastases (n = 33 tumour regions) from six patients.

  • Results:清楚描述您研究中最重要的发现


Here, we report ...[分子/药物] that exhibit strong anti-tumor effects in multiple types of cancers.
Here we show that the vertebrate kinesin-5 Eg5 drives the sliding of microtubules depending on their relative orientation.

然后按照文章的研究顺序,用2-3句话选出最重要的几条结果描述即可,但是要注意这一段的表述要非常精确,在比较结果时避免使用类似"very", "small", or "significant."的词,而要具体阐明有什么变化。

This study discovers significant upregulation of
We demonstrate
Specifically, we show that
We propose that

  • Conclusion:说明您的工作在理论上或实践上的含义或描述您的工作如何推动该领域的发展

This study provides deeper insights into ... that can pave the way to new therapeutic targets.
...represents a promising strategy for the treatment of ...
Together, these results indicate that
Overall, this large study provides deep insights into..., and their potential relationships with survival and tumor features.
We anticipate our assay to be a starting point for more sophisticated.


段落式要包含的内容基本上和结构性摘要差不多,但是更注重每个独立部分的连接和融合。Cell Press和Nature的期刊都是段落式的Summary/Abstract,大家可以查阅具体类型的文章进行进一步的摘要写作学习。

  • 可以把研究背景与主要结果融合

Hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) is an aggressive malignancy with its global incidence and mortality
rate continuing to rise, although early detection and surveillance are suboptimal, thus this study we evaluated...

  • 可以把部分方法和结果融合,如“通过...方法来得到...结论”

By correlating intracellular metabolite levels with radiation resistance across dozens of genomically-distinct models of GBM, we find that

Here, we performed a genome-wideCRISPR loss-of-function screen to identify Foxp3 regulators in mouse primary Treg cells, which were enriched in genes encoding subunits of the SWISNF nucleosome-remodeling and SAGA chromatin-modifying complexes.

We show that genetic depletion and pharmacological inhibition of FTO dramatically attenuate leukemia stem/initiating cell self-renewal and reprogram immune response by suppressing expression of immune checkpoint genes, especially LILRB4.

  • 可以把主要结论和研究意义结合

A transition model from the nsp7-nsp8 hexadecameric primase complex to the nsp12-nsp7-nsp8 polymerase complex is also proposed to provide clues for the understanding of the coronavirus transcription and replication machinery.


  • 大背景


During cell division, mitotic spindles are assembled by microtubule-based motor proteins.


  • 小背景


The bipolar organization of spindles is  essential for proper segregation of chromosomes, and requires plus-end-directed homotetrameric motor proteins of the widely conserved kinesin-5 (BimC) family. Hypotheses for bipolar spindle formation include the ‘push−pull mitotic muscle’ model, in which kinesin-5 and opposing motor proteins act between overlapping microtubules.

在示例中,提到了双极纺锤体的形成假说,以及涉及到的关键蛋白kinesin-5 family. 可以用到... is  essential for ..., and requires [关键分子/其他研究对象];in which...act...等句子。

  • 研究目的


However, the precise roles of kinesin-5 during this process are unknown.

可以像示例这样说the precise roles of ... are unknown,也可以直接说Our aim with this paper was...

  • 研究最主要的结果

用一些here we show之类的表达,一句话总结提炼文章最主要结果

Here we show that the vertebrate kinesin-5 Eg5 drives the sliding of microtubules depending on their relative orientation.

  • 研究的主要结果


We found in controlled in vitro assays that Eg5 has the remarkable capability of simultaneously moving at ~20 nm s–1 towards the plus-ends of each of the two microtubules it crosslinks. For anti-parallel  microtubules, this results in relative sliding at ~40 nm s–1, comparable to spindle pole separation rates in vivo. Furthermore, we found that Eg5 can tether microtubule plus-ends, suggesting an additional microtubule-binding mode for Eg5.

在这个部分还可以结合研究方法一起说,如示例中的“We found in controlled in vitro assays that...”,“...comparable to spindle pole separation rates in vivo”。还要注意使用恰当连词连接不同的实验结果。

  • 得出结论


Our results demonstrate  how members of the kinesin-5 family are likely to function in mitosis, pushing apart interpolar microtubules as well as recruiting microtubules into bundles that are subsequently polarized by relative sliding.


  • 研究意义


We anticipate our assay to be a starting point for more sophisticated in vitro models of mitotic spindles. For example, the individual and combined action of multiple mitotic motors could be tested, including minus-end-directed motors opposing Eg5 motility. Furthermore, Eg5 inhibition is a major target of anti-cancer drug development, and a well-defined and quantitative assay for motor function will be relevant for such developments.






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