
英语中 even 及其相关组合的用法区别习题

 外语行天下 2021-01-06

even 对应的常考点是 even if 和 even though 的区别,它们的区别往往取决于从句所涉及的事是否是真实的还是假设的,通常真实的用 even though,假设的用 even if;相对于 even though 而言,even when 所涉及的事往往是偶尔发生的事情。

一、用 even,even so,even if,even though 或 even when 完成下面的句子

1 It hasn't rained in weeks, and the weather forcaster said it should be warm and sunny tomorrow for the wine festival. But the weather isn't really imprtant; _____ it rains, the festival will take place.

2. These days a woman can do anything a man can do. She can _____ be a jet pilot in the airforce!

3. _____ the science of medicine is advancing very quickly, there are many people in the world who die of diseases which are easily cured because they can't afford to pay for treatment.

4. Jessica is extremely beautiful and graceful. _____, I think it will be very difficult for her to break into the world of international modeling.

5. Samantha is very easily insulted. _____ a person complements her, she takes it as an insult.6. My dog eats everything - _____ ice cream!

7. Fred is a brilliant computer programmer. _____ he doesn't go to university, he will be able to survive just by doing web page design.

8. _____ the world is becoming increasingly global, many people remain ignorant to other cultures and languages.

9. He can do everything. He sings beautifully, speaks five languages, rock climbs - he _____ cooks gourmet cuisine.

10. The movie was predictable and the acting was pretty bad. _____, I loved it because it was funny and I needed a good laugh.


1. Even if


解析:从 will 可以看出,后面是说话者假设出来的,类似 if 引导的条件状语从句,只有 even if 可以表示假设,所以用 even if.

2. even


解析:从句子构造可以看出,句子缺的是修饰副词,所以不用 even if,even though 和 even when,因为它们是连词;even so 很像 but 或 however,跟句意不符合,所以用 even.

3. even though


解析:医学发展很快是存在的事实,所以只用 even though.

4. Even so


解析:even so 很像 but 或 however,表转折,根据句意和句子缺失的成分(状语)判断用 even so,因为副词的位置很灵活,可以放在句首或句中,甚至是句尾。

5. Even when


解析:从两个独立句子判断,该句缺少连词;因为萨曼莎很容易被侮辱,所以别人会恭维她的话,也是属于偶尔发生的事情,所以用 even when.6. even


解析:从句意判断,应该用 even,表示惊讶。

7. Even if


解析:从后面的 will 看出此句是假设出来的,类似于 if 引导的条件状语从句,所以只用 even if.

8. Even though


解析:世界变得越来越全球化是存在的事实,所以用 even though.

9. even


解析:从句子结构可以看出句子缺失的成分是副词,结合句意判断应该用 even.

10. Even so


解析:从句子结构可以看出句子缺失的是状语,所以只能用 even 或 even so,结合句意判断,应该用 even so.

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