

 _src_ 2021-01-22


This change log contains details of the changes between versions.
Please be aware that the log may be incomplete.

  • 2005/07/02 Version
    Updated the documentation.
    Updated AutoHotkey to version
    Updated UPX (packer for executables) to version 1.25. Files that were packed and encrypted with the old UPX version 1.24 (as NiftyWindows before) might confuse (alerted by mistake) some security software. The current version of NiftyWindows isn't encrypted anymore but still compressed using UPX version 1.25.
    Fixed CTRL+WIN+S to enable power management after screen saver activation. This feature is very useful if you already know that you are going to leave the system for a long period of time.

  • 2005/03/14 Version 0.9.3
    Updated the documentation.
    Updated AutoHotkey to version
    Provided several minor improvements to most features.
    Released the full source code under the GNU General Public License (GPL).
    Provided a 'X Window' like focus switching by mouse cursor movement. After activation of this feature (by using the responsible entry in the tray icon menu) the focus will follow the mouse cursor with a delayed focus change (after movement end) of 500 milliseconds (half a second). This feature is disabled per default to avoid any confusion due to the new user-interface-flow.
    Provided some new hotkeys to organize and access your process windows in semantic groups quickly. Use CTRL+WIN+F1..F24 to add all windows of the active process to the responsible group and use WIN+F1..F24 to step through the group easily. Take a look in the readme for further details of this innovative feature.

  • 2005/02/28 Version 0.9.2
    Updated the documentation.
    Updated AutoHotkey to version 1.0.29.
    Provided a global hotkey (CTRL+ALT+BACKSPACE) to remove all visual effects (like on exit) that have been made before by NiftyWindows. You can use this action as fall-back solution to revert any always-on-top, rolled windows and transparency features you've set before quickly.
    Provided many new features to adjust several transparency settings of your windows. Especially the pixel (not window) transparency is unknown to most people and can now be used easily by NiftyWindows. Take a look in the readme to join this complex feature.
    Provided some new hotkeys (WIN+0..9) to open and close the drive trays of the installed CD/DVD-ROM readers/writers. The hotkeys are used in the sequence of the key placement on your physical keyboard from left to right (1 refers to the first and 0 to the tenth drive).
    Provided a tooltip feedback for most of the NiftyWindows features. These tooltips can be enabled or disabled by clicking the responsible entry in the tray menu. The current setting is stored in the applications ini file to make it persistent (application directory). [thanks Ronald]
    Provided an easy to use resize mode (ALT+WHEEL) to change the size of the active window in steps of 10 or 1 percent.
    Provided a web aware resize mode (ALT+NumAdd/NumSub) to change the size of the active window in steps of the standard screen resolutions. ALT+NumAdd increases to the next higher, ALT+NumSub decreases to the previous lower resolution. [thanks Ronald]
    Provided a check for update service (menu entry and monthly reminder) to stay easily up to date with all NiftyWindows features. NiftyWindows does never perform any update check without your interactive admission before the check.
    Provided a tray icon (with menu) that contains several interaction components. You can disable the mouse hooks for all buttons separately in the responsible submenu to keep the original behaviour of any button. This makes sense if you need some special handling provided by some applications like Internet Explorer or Mozilla/Firefox (e.g. previous/next on fourth and fifth mouse button or close-tab on middle).
    Changed the always on top hotkey from CTRL+^ to WIN+^.
    Provided an additional hotkey (CTRL+WIN+S) to launch the screensaver with the addition that the display(s) will be powered down shortly (five seconds) after the screensaver started successfully. This feature is very useful if you already know that you are going to leave the system for a long period of time. [thanks Christian]

  • 2005/01/28 Version 0.9.1
    Updated the documentation.
    Updated AutoHotkey to version
    Provided a forced mode modifier (CTRL) to use the window interactions independently of the current window state. With this forced mode you can drag and resize the special windows specified in the readme (makes sense) as well as adjust the bounds of context menus and other (naturally) unchangeable GUI components (be careful). [thanks Daniel]
    Provided a new feature combination to roll windows up to their titlebars. Press RIGHT_BUTTON+LEFT_BUTTON over the caption of a window to roll it up instead of minimize it (normal behaviour). You have to apply this action again to roll the window back down. [thanks Daniel]
    Provided a new mouse button combination (RIGHT_BUTTON+MIDDLE_BUTTON) to close the selected window as if you click the close button in the titlebar.
    Provided a new feature combination to send the selected window to the bottom of the windows stack. Press RIGHT_BUTTON+MIDDLE_BUTTON over the caption of a window to use this action. [thanks Carsten]
    Provided two hotkeys (CTRL+SHIFT+B and CTRL+SHIFT+U) to control the visibility of Miranda's buddy list and message windows. This feature is applied only if the Miranda executable can be found at: %ProgramFiles%\Miranda\Miranda32.exe
    Changed the modifier for the virtual grid from CTRL to SHIFT (due to the new forced mode).
    Changed the key/mouse combination for the alt-tab-menu from CTRL+WHEEL to RIGHT_BUTTON+WHEEL. [thanks Stephen]
    Updated the list (dragging disabled) of certain windows whose mouse behaviour may have a special handling controlled by the application. Currently the following windows (and its possible child windows) have been taken into account:

    Windows Explorer; Cabinet; Internet Explorer; Mozilla/Firefox; Opera; Xplore

    All popup menus/windows are excluded from dragging (otherwise you can drag around the start or context menus which is funny but does not make any sense) (see forced mode).
    By now the toggle maximize feature does not work on windows that do not provide the maximize button in the titlebar (see forced mode).
    By now the resize feature does not work on windows that do not provide a thick frame for the normal resize operation (see forced mode).
    Fixed the visual update effects of VMWare (and similar) windows.

  • 2005/01/04 Version 0.9
    This is the first public release of NiftyWindows (using AutoHotkey version 1.0.24).


This list is incomplete, but contains the most important things.

  • Extend the configuration menu to enable/disable all features separately.
  • Make the eject drive feature operating simultaneously to open/close multiple drives at the same time.


If the area (see below) in this section is empty there are currently no known unsolved problems. Please be aware that there may be unknown problems.

  • There are some visual problems when using the transparency features on Java windows (JFrame, JWindow, JDialog, etc.). You can fix this easily by adding the following VM parameter to the java command line:

    java -Dsun.java2d.noddraw=true (...)

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