
为年轻建筑事务所专制的五种创新商业模式 | ArchDaily

 萧然静客 2021-02-03


AIA在10月份举办了第一届事务所创新实验室活动,目的是通过建立新的事务所模式来提高建筑师和建筑服务水平,改善事务所的管理。 10支由6人组成的队伍提出了10种建筑创新模型。经过长达一天讨论,参与者投票选出了公民选择奖作为最佳事务所模型。在10支队伍中,5种方案被作为建筑创新实验室的选题:

Jennifer Matthews, Assoc. AIA, writes out ideas for evolving architectural practice in the future with teammates Michael ThrailKill, AIA, and Abram Sustaita, AIA. Image Courtesy of the AIA
Jennifer Matthews, Assoc. AIA, writes out ideas for evolving architectural practice in the future with teammates Michael ThrailKill, AIA, and Abram Sustaita, AIA. Image Courtesy of the AIA

1. 会员互助模式(The Networked Practice )


Christian Jordan AIA, Abigail Brown AIA, Michael Anglin AIA, Desmond Johnson AIA, Jared McKnight Assoc. AIA, and Katie Miller AIA of team JAMB Collective prepare their practice model to pitch to attendees. Image Courtesy of the AIA
Christian Jordan AIA, Abigail Brown AIA, Michael Anglin AIA, Desmond Johnson AIA, Jared McKnight Assoc. AIA, and Katie Miller AIA of team JAMB Collective prepare their practice model to pitch to attendees. Image Courtesy of the AIA

另外一只队伍, New [net]WORK希望依托于他们的“专业人员合作网络”,将建筑师,研究院和其他业内专业人员连接起来,建立一个合作交流的平台。

Katie Miller, AIA, from Rossetti’s Detroit office, presents JAMB Collective’s pitch for a networked approach for a future practice model. Image Courtesy of the AIA
Katie Miller, AIA, from Rossetti’s Detroit office, presents JAMB Collective’s pitch for a networked approach for a future practice model. Image Courtesy of the AIA


2. 大数据驱动盈利模式(Data to Drive Revenue)

Teresa Coates AIA, Stephen Parker AIA, Jeffrey Pastva AIA present Datalus’ idea for data’s role in evolving architectural practice in the future. Image Courtesy of the AIA
Teresa Coates AIA, Stephen Parker AIA, Jeffrey Pastva AIA present Datalus’ idea for data’s role in evolving architectural practice in the future. Image Courtesy of the AIA

若干个团队通过网络将建筑数据作为事务所盈利的资源。 团队Datalus希望成为现实世界的Google,他们通过整合建筑数据,从而影响建筑标准和政策,形成出色的设计。他们的设计和数据贯穿在整个建筑设计周期。


3. 问题探索模式(Solution Seekers)

Anthony Vanky AIA, Stephen Parker AIA, Jeffrey Pastva AIA present their team’s idea for evolving architectural practice in the future. Image Courtesy of the AIA
Anthony Vanky AIA, Stephen Parker AIA, Jeffrey Pastva AIA present their team’s idea for evolving architectural practice in the future. Image Courtesy of the AIA


4. 免费增值服务模式(Freemium Service Models)

Ashley Clark, Assoc. AIA, from LandDesign, Inc. in North Carolina shares Design on Demand’s pitch of integrating some gig economy into architectural practice. Image Courtesy of the AIA
Ashley Clark, Assoc. AIA, from LandDesign, Inc. in North Carolina shares Design on Demand’s pitch of integrating some gig economy into architectural practice. Image Courtesy of the AIA


5. 社会责任感模式(The Socially Responsible Practice)

几乎所有的队伍不仅仅关注于项目本身,也都将社会参与性作为工作目标之一,   比如参与高校建筑研讨会活动。团队Covalenc的目标是提高建筑师在当地社区中的作用。 他们建立了社区交流平台, 而不是仅仅将设计师的工作场所局限于办公室中。 类似的,团队Re\Thread的工作目标是通过他们的提供的工作空间,为每个社区提供交流平台。

The attendees of the Practice Innovation Lab, hosted by the Young Architects Forum in celebration of their 25th anniversary. Image Courtesy of the AIA
The attendees of the Practice Innovation Lab, hosted by the Young Architects Forum in celebration of their 25th anniversary. Image Courtesy of the AIA

结论: 我将继续支持建筑事务所在不断变化的经济浪潮中保持我们的专业性。如果我们的事务所不断的依赖于往复的建造产业,总有一天我们没有能力获益。事务所创新实验室的建立为从业者提供了对话机会,使我们有机会提前考虑下一步的方向,避免了在下一个经济下滑期使我们建筑从业者处于危机之中。我们的目的不是想让这项活动的参与者在事务所内立即做出改变,而是希望通过事务所创新实验室提供对话机会,并使传统建筑事务所在市场竞争中提高竞争能力。


Evelyn Lee, AIA, AIA青年建筑师论坛主席, 兼Newmark Knight Frank旧金山区域经理。 在从事商业经纪之前,Evelyn曾就职于商务策略公司MKThink,MKThink是一家专注于企业文化,员工表现和整合资源的综合公司。 

翻译: 徐宁

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