

 无意识研究 2021-03-04




Lacan and the Subject of Language (RLE: Lacan)

Edited by Ellie Ragland-Sullivan, Mark Bracher


Jacques Lacan and the Logic of Structure: Lacanian Structures and Language in Psychoanalysis

by Ellie Ragland


  • Figuring Lacan (RLE: Lacan): Criticism and the Unconscious

  • by Juliet Flower MacCannell

  • Death and Desire (RLE: Lacan): Psychoanalytic Theory in Lacan's Return to Freud

  • by Richard Boothby

  • 【经典-难度较难,强烈推荐】

Four Lessons of Psychoanalysis

by Moustafa Safouan


The Title of the Letter  

作者: Jean-Luc Nancy / Philippe Lacoue-Labarthe 出版社: State University of New York Press

【难度:较难 有中文译本,拉康自己曾在S20中推荐,很不错的书,关于能指、字母,男女性,压抑的建构】

Lacan to the Letter: Reading Ecrits Closely

Author(s) : Bruce Fink


Antigone, in Her Unbearable Splendor: New Essays on Jacques Lacan's The Ethics of Psychoanalysis

by Charles Freeland

Reading Seminar XX: Lacan's Major Work on Love,Knowledge, and Feminin

Editor : Suzanne Barnard, Editor : Bruce Fink

【难度 较难 】

The Law of Desire: On Lacan's 'Kant with Sade'

Author(s) : Dany Nobus

【难度 尚可】

Jacques Lacan: A Critical Introduction

Author(s) : Martin Murray

The Works of Jacques Lacan: An Introduction

by Bice Benvenuto, Richard Kennedy

【难度 可 推荐】

Interpreting Lacan

by Joseph H. Smith, William J. Kerrigan

Beyond the psychoanalytic dyad: Developmental semiotics in Freud, Peirce and Lacan

by John Muller

【难度 可 推荐 精神病和自闭症与指号学的拉康】

Having a Life: Self Pathology After Lacan

by Lewis A. Kirshner

【难度 可 】

Eros and Ethics: Reading Jacques Lacan's Seminar VII

by Marc De Kesel

【难度 可 】

Lacan's Four Fundamental Concepts of Psychoanalysis: An Introduction

by Roberto Harari

【难度 可 推荐】

How James Joyce Made His Name: A Reading of the Final Lacan

by Roberto Harari

 【难度 极难】

Irrepressible Truth: On Lacan's 'the Freudian Thing'

by Adrian Johnston

Six Moments in Lacan: Communication and identification in psychology and psychoanalysis

by Derek Hook

Outside the Dream (RLE: Lacan): Lacan and French Styles of Psychoanalysis

by Martin Stanton


Working with Trauma: Lessons from Bion and Lacan

Author(s) : Marilyn Charles

Between Winnicott and Lacan: A Clinical Engagement

Edited by Lewis A. Kirshner

From Klein to Kristeva: Psychoanalytic Feminism and the Search for the 'Good Enough Mother'

by Janice Doane


Fundamentals of Psychoanalytic Technique: A Lacanian Approach for Practitioners

by Bruce Fink

【难度 可 推荐】

Jacques Lacan and the Freudian Practice of Psychoanalysis

by Dany Nobus

【难度 可 强烈推荐】

More Lacanian Coordinates: On Love, Psychoanalytic Clinic, and the Ends of Analysis

by Bogdan Wolf

Confessions from the Couch: Psychoanalytical Notions Illustrated with Extracts from Sessions

Author(s) : Valerie Blanco, Translator : Jane Hodgson-McCrohan


After Lacan: Clinical Practice and the Subject of the Unconscious

Edited by Willy Apollon, Lucie Cantin

【难度 可】

Lacan on Madness: Madness, Yes You Can't

Edited by Patricia Gherovici, Manya Steinkoler

【难度 可】


A Non-Oedipal Psychoanalysis? A Clinical Anthropology of Hysteria in the Work of Freud and Lacan

Author(s) : Philippe Van Haute, Author(s) : Tomas Geyskens

Psychoanalyzing: On the Order of the Unconscious and the Practice of the Letter (Hardback)

by Serge Leclaire

【难度 可 推荐】

The Clinical Lacan

by Joel Dor

【难度 可 推荐】


What is a Child?: Childhood, Psychoanalysis, and Discourse

Author(s) : Michael Gerard Plastow


Perversion and the Social Relation

by Mikel A. Rothenberg, Dennis A. Foster

Peversion Now!

Edited by Diana Caine, Colin Wright


The Constitution of the Psychoanalytic Clinic: A History of its Structure and Power

by Christian Dunker

Evolving Lacanian Perspectives for Clinical Psychoanalysis: On Narcissism, Sexuation, and the Phases of Analysis in Contemporary Culture

by Raul Moncayo

【难度 可 推荐 有拉康派的抑郁症阐释】

A Psychoanalyst on the Couch

by Juan-David Nasio


Psychology After the Unconscious: From Freud to Lacan

by Ian Parker

Psychology After Lacan: Connecting the Clinic and Research

by Ian Parker


The Trainings of the Psychoanalyst

by Annie Tardits


The Structures of Love: Art and Politics beyond the Transference

by James Penney

Lacan, Discourse, Event: New Psychoanalytic Approaches to Textual Indeterminacy

Edited by Ian Parker, David Pavon Cuellar

An Introduction to Electronic Art Through the Teaching of Jacques Lacan: Strangest Thing

by David Schwarz

Psychoanalysis is An Antiphilosophy

by Justin Clemens

The Singularity of Being: Lacan and the Immortal Within

by Mari Ruti

Psychoanalytic Reflections on Politics: Fatherlands in Mothers' Hands

by Eszter Salgo

The Weary Sons of Freud

by Catherine Clement

Jacques Lacan: Between Psychoanalysis and Politics

Edited by Samo Tomsic, Andreja Zevnik

Joyce and Lacan: Reading, Writing and Psychoanalysis

by Daniel Bristow

Death and Mastery: Psychoanalytic Drive Theory and the Subject of Late Capitalism

by Benjamin Y. Fong

Lacan's Return to Antiquity: Between Nature and the Gods

by Oliver Harris

The Subject of Liberation: Zizek, Politics, Psychoanalysis

by Charles Wells

Apropos of Nothing: Deconstruction, Psychoanalysis, and the Coen Brothers

by Clark Buckner

Between Levinas and Lacan: Self, Other, Ethics

by Mari Ruti

The Trouble with Pleasure: Deleuze and Psychoanalysis

by Aaron Schuster

The Not-Two: Logic and God in Lacan

by Lorenzo Chiesa

Lacan, Psychoanalysis and Comedy

Edited by Patricia Gherovici, Manya Steinkoler

Reading Alice Munro with Jacques Lacan

by Jennifer Murray

Feminine Sexuality

Edited by Juliet Mitchell, Jacqueline Rose

【难度 难】

Knowing Nothing, Staying Stupid: Elements for a Psychoanalytic Epistemology

by Dany Nobus, Malcolm Quinn

【难度 可 】

The Book of Love and Pain: Thinking at the Limit with Freud and Lacan

by Juan-David Nasio

The Law of Kinship: Anthropology, Psychoanalysis, and the Family in France

by Camille Robcis

Art, Death and Lacanian Psychoanalysis

by Shirley Sharon-Zisser

Luce Irigaray: Key Writings

by Luce Irigaray

The Logic of Sexuation: From Aristotle to Lacan

by Ellie Ragland

【难度 可 】

Jacques Lacan and Feminist Epistemology

by Kirsten Campbell

Lacan in the German-Speaking World

Edited by Elizabeth Stewart, Richard Feldstein

Elemental Passions

by Luce Irigaray

What Lacan Said About Women: A Psychoanalytic Study

by Colette Soler

【难度 可 推荐】

What Is Sex?

by Alenka Zupancic

The Way of Love

by Luce Irigaray

Lacan Today: Psychoanalysis, Science, Religion

by Alexandre Leupin

Psychoanalytic Film Theory and the Rules of the Game

by Todd McGowan

Lacan's Ethics and Nietzsche's Critique of Platonism

by Tim Themi

Read My Desire: Lacan Against the Historicists

by Joan Copjec

【难度 难 不推荐】

The Tenderness of Terrorists: And Other Letters written by Jacques-Alain Miller to an Enlightened Public

by Jacques-Alain Miller, Josefina Ayerza

Trauma and the Ontology of the Modern Subject: Historical Studies in Philosophy, Psychology, and Psychoanalysis

Author(s) : John L. Roberts

The End of Dissatisfaction? Jacques Lacan and the Emerging Society of Enjoyment

Author(s) : Todd McGowan

Stop Making Sense: Music from the Perspective of the Real

Author(s) : Scott Wilson

Pink Herrings: Fantasy, Object Choice, and Sexuation

Author(s) : Damien W. Riggs

Lost in Cognition: Psychoanalysis and the Cognitive Sciences

Author(s) : Eric Laurent, Translator : Adrian Price

【难度 可】

The Pathology of Democracy: A Letter to Bernard Accoyer and to Enlightened Opinion - JLS Supplement (Ex-tensions)

Lacan and Contemporary Film

by Todd McGowan

Without Ground: Lacanian Ethics and the Assumption of Subjectivity

by Calum Neill

Lacan and Religion

by Aron Dunlap

Jacques Lacan and Cinema: Imaginary, Gaze, Formalisation

by Pietro Bianchi

Lacan: In Spite of Everything

by Elisabeth Roudinesco

The Failed Assassination of Psychoanalysis: The Rise and Fall of Cognitivism

by Agnes Aflalo


Jacques Lacan: Outline of a Life, History of a System of Thought

by Elisabeth Roudinesco

Jacques Lacan (Volume II) (RLE: Lacan): An Annotated Bibliography: Volume I

by Michael P. Clark

Jacques Lacan (Volume I) (RLE: Lacan): An Annotated Bibliography: Volume I

by Michael P. Clark

Jacques Lacan, Past and Present: A Dialogue

by Alain Badiou, Elisabeth Roudinesco

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