
骷髅岛热映 影评英语乐学

 Albert说英闻 2021-03-07

背景音乐:Bruno Mars - That's What I Like


Rotten Tomatoes/烂番茄影评网

Audience Review/观众影评:

Frank Z

These 2 hours felt like 30 minutes for me. The pacing is perfect in this one.

Jason M

Best Kong movie made imo. Wasn't your typical King Kong movie where he's caught and brought to NY and dies falling off the Empire State Building. You'll love this version of King Kong.

Jason V

Anyone looking to unleash their inner 12-year-old self will be completely satisfied with this adventure movie.

Geekgirl O

I wasn't as impressed with the movie as much as I wanted to be, but at least it wasn't horrible.


James Berardinelli 

If the ultimate point of this movie is to get Kong into the ring with Godzilla, this isn't a bad appetizer.

Peter Howell 
Toronto Star

This is a real Kong show, the one demanded by popcorn peddlers and munchers alike.

Calvin Wilson 
St. Louis Post-Dispatch

If you're looking for a film that offers pure escapism, "Kong: Skull Island" should definitely meet expectations.

Mara Reinstein 
Us Weekly

This ferocious beast is the reason CGI was created!

Matthew Lickona 
San Diego Reader

It's fun to watch the monsters in action, but on the human side, the film is clumsily written, over-cast and underacted, with only frustrated soldier Samuel L. Jackson striking the right tone of crazy amid the chaos.

pacing 节奏

imo (网络缩写) in my opinion 在我看来

Empire State Building 帝国大厦

unleash 释放

ring 擂台

Godzilla 哥斯拉

peddler 小贩;商贩

muncher 大声咀嚼的人

escapism 逃避现实

ferocious 凶残的

CGI 计算机成像技术;电脑特效

clumsily 笨拙地

over-cast 演员过多的

underacted 表演不足的

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