

 石雷鹏 2021-04-02



Write an essay based on the following chart. In your writing, you should

(1)interpret the chart, and

(2)give your comment.

You should write about 150 words on the ANSWER SHEET.






Given is a pie chart which clearly illustrates the striking contrasts in the expense of residents during Spring Festival in a certain city of China. The expense on new-year gifts are the largest proportion, which accounts for 40%, followed by transportation and gathering dinners, with the same 20%, and finally come the total of other expenses, at 20%.

Such a scenario can be naturally associated with the importance of Spring Festival in China. Then, what results in the differences above? For one thing, traditional Spring Festival celebrations are best characterized by the fact that it is an occasion for family members, relatives and friends to send gifts for each other and express wishes, which enables gifts to be the largest part of expense. A case in point is that a host of parents will give lucky money, as gifts, to kids. For another, compared with before, more youngsters do not work or study in their hometowns, but they will go back home to celebrate Spring Festival with parents and friends; therefore, a sum of money is spent on transport and dinners.

Accordingly, I deem that it is significant for Chinese to preserve traditional ways of celebrating this festival, like giving presents or gatherings. Whether the proportion of each section is rational or not, it is essential for people to enjoy the joyful atmosphere of New Year.



这样的场景能自然联系到春节在中国的重要性。那么,什么导致了上文的差异。一方面,传统的新春庆祝典型特点在于它是一个家人、亲戚和朋友之间相互赠送礼物表达祝福的时刻。这使得礼物成为最大的花费板块。典型例子是很多家长给孩子准备压岁钱。此外,与以前相比,更多年轻人不在家乡求学或工作,但是他们回家跟父母和朋友一起过年。因此, 一部分钱花在交通和餐费上。


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