

 风吟楼 2021-04-16



Camel owners in Saudi Arabia are thankful for the brand new Salaam veterinary hospital. The camel hospital is a blessing from god. We suffered not having one here and had to travel for hours, but Salaam is providing really good services. It is very big and right now we have few problems because it s so close to us. This hospital opened in Brida in July. The capital city of the north central region of Qasim, Brida is home to the world s largest camel market. Before Salaam, veterinary Campbell trader Abdulaziz al-saloon says, he used to travel almost 700 kilometers for a vet to see his animals.
Camel owner Omar Al-Khattani is pleased with the quality of care at this new facility. Thank god we are relieved. We found enough medication of different kinds for our camels here. I found medicine for my camels here I could not find anywhere else. Staff here also perform X-rays and CAT scans. CEO Fahad al-Fahad says the project is the result of a 36.5 million dollar investment. It happened because of the importance of the camel precious to us and to our grandfathers. And that didn t get its share of developments in veterinary medicine and research. Our goal is to raise awareness about this creatures importance to us. Salaam veterinary hospital spans 70,000 square meters, and can reportedly house as many as 4,000 camels at a time. Arash Arabasadi voa news Washington



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