

 外语行天下 2021-04-18


一、在大部分的单音节形容词后面分别加 -er 和 -est 来构成比较级和最高级

The company was formed by merging three smaller firms. 公司是由三家小公司合并组成的。

Mercury is the smallest planet in the solar system.水星是太阳系中最小的行星。

二、以 e 结尾的单音节形容词后面分别加 -r 和 -st 构成比较级和最高级

The bathroom would look much nicer if the pipes were boxed in.如果把这些管子嵌入墙内,浴室就要好看得多了。

Jane is the nicest person in the office.简是办公室里最好的人。

三、以辅音字母+重读闭音节+辅音字母构成的单音节形容词的比较级和最高级是双写该辅音字母,然后分别加 -er 和 -est

Competition is getting hotter day by day. 竞争日趋白热化。

Spain is the hottest country in Europe.西班牙是欧洲最热的国家。

四、以-y 结尾,但 -y 前是辅音字母的形容词的比较级和最高级是把 -y 去掉,加上 -ier 和 -iest 构成

The traffic was busier than usual and there were more people on the bus. 交通比平时更繁忙,公共汽车上的人也更多了。

Saturday is the busiest day of the week for shopping.星期六是一周中购物最忙的一天。

五、大部分双音节和多音节形容词的比较级和最高级用 more 和 most 加在形容词前面来构成

He could not imagine a more peaceful scene.他想象不出比这更祥和的景象。

This is the most peaceful view that I have ever seen.这是我见过的最宁静的景色。


Cigarette smoking used to be commoner among affluent people. 吸烟曾经在富人中间更为普遍。

This type of weather is apt to be more common in winter. 这种天气在冬季往往更为常见。


1. 形容词比较级用来表示变化或作比较,例如:

This car is certainly better, but it's much more expensive.这辆车当然更好,但要贵得多。

I'm feeling happier now.我现在感觉更快乐了。

We need a bigger garden.我们需要一个更大的花园。

2. 当我们想把一件事和另一件事进行比较时,用 than 引出另外一个事物,例如:

She is two years older than me.她比我大两岁。

New York is much bigger than Boston.纽约比波士顿大得多。

He is a better player than Ronaldo.他是一个比罗纳尔多更好的球员。

France is a bigger country than Britain.法国比英国大。

3. 当我们想描述某事或某人如何变化时,我们可以用 and 连接两个比较级,例如:

The balloon got bigger and bigger.气球越来越大了。

Everything is getting more and more expensive.一切都越来越贵了。

Grandfather is looking older and older.爷爷看起来越来越老了。

4. 形容词比较级常与 the 连用,用来表示一件事依赖于另一件事,例如:

The faster you drive, the more dangerous it is.你开得越快,就越危险。

The higher they climbed, the colder it got.他们爬得越高,天气就越冷。


1. one of + the + 形容词最高级 + 名词的复数形式

Great Britain is one of the richest countries in the world.英国是世界上最富有的国家之一。


2. some of + the + 形容词最高级 + 名词的复数形式

New York, London and Tokyo are some of the most expensive cities in the world.纽约、伦敦和东京是世界上消费最贵的城市中的几个。

3. 我们也可以用序数词修饰形容词最高级,序数词告诉我们一组事物的顺序,例如:

Mark is the tallest person in the family.马克是家里最高的人。

David is the second tallest person in the family.大卫是家里个子第二高的人。

Jane is the third tallest person in the family.简是家里第三高的人。

4. 形容词性物主代词 + 最高级

Physics is her hardest exam.物理是她最难的考试。

Jane is my best friend.简是我最好的朋友。

Maths is Mark’s hardest exam.数学是马克最难的考试。

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