
校园日记04:I Had No Breakfast

 路易的小木屋 2021-05-12

Wednesday, February, 24.  Sunny


The weather today was perfect, but what I hate most is getting up early in the morning.  When I awoke, everybody was gone. I got out of my bed with my tired body and soul.  I squeezed the toothpaste onto my toothbrush and moved my toothbrush up and down and back and forth in my mouth. Damn it! I went to the classroom to start my new day without eating any breakfast!  

 Louie says:

As the saying goes, "Food is the most important thing for the people." Breakfast plays a significant role in the three meals of a day. So be sure to eat  breakfast every day. In the meantime, lacking of sleep is a normal phenomenon for high school students. You need to adjust your biological clock as soon as possible. There is also a saying on the Internet "I hope in the future, you will thank yourself for your hard work now." We all know that learning requires persistence and perseverance. Therefore, try to adapt to the new challenges in the new semester as quickly as possible. Have a nice day! 



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