
荷兰汉学 || 荷兰汉学名家、原哈佛大学中国文学教授伊维德(Wilt. L. Idema)的部分著译作品

 李伟荣 2021-05-14



伊维德(Wilt L. Idema, 1944)部分著译作品目录

《形成期的中国白话小说》(Chinese Vernacular Fiction, the Formative Period, 1974)

《朱有燉戏剧作品》(The Dramatic Oeuvre of Chu Yu-tun [1379-1439], 1985)

与美国汉学家、亚利桑那大学教授奚如谷(Stephen H. West, 1944)编译

11001450年中国戏曲资料》(Chinese Theatre 1100-1450, A Source Book, 1982)

《西厢记》(The Moon and the Zither: The Story of the Western Wing, 1992)

《和尚、土匪、恋人和神仙:十一部早期中国戏剧》(Monks, Bandits, Lovers and Immortals: Eleven Early Chinese Plays, 2010)

《战争、背叛和兄弟情:关于<三国>的早期中国戏剧》(Battles, Betrayals, and Brotherhood: Early Chinese Plays on the Three Kingdoms, 2012)

《赵氏孤儿与其他元杂剧》(The Orphan of Zhao and Other Yuan Plays, 2015)

《三国志平话》(Records of the Three Kingdoms in Plain Languages, 2016)

四部早期杨家将戏曲》(The Generals of the Yang Family: Four Early Plays, 2019)


《中国文学指南》(A Guideto Chinese Literature, 1997)

与华盛顿大学圣路易士分校管佩达(Beata Grant)教授编译

《彤管:中华帝国时代的女性书写》(The Red Brush: Writing Women of Imperial China, 2004)

《脱离血海地狱:目连故事和<黄氏女宝卷>(Escape from Blood Pond Hell: The Tales of Mulian and Woman Huang, 2011)

与方秀洁(Grace Fong)女士合编


与布林莫尔学院(Bryn Mawr College)助理教授Shiamin Kwa编译

《木兰经典传说的五个版本及相关文本》(Mulan: Five Versions of a Classic Chinese Legend, with Related Texts, 2010)


《中国文学中的猫鼠故事与评论》(Mouse vs. Cat in Chinese Literature: Tales and Commentary, 2019)


《孟姜女哭长城传说的十个版本》(Meng Jiangnü Brings Down the Great Wall: Ten Versions of a Chinese Legend, 2008)

《个人救赎与孝道:观音及其侍者的两种宝卷》(Personal Salvation and Filial Piety: Two Precious Scroll Narratives of Guanyin and Her Acolytes, 2008)

《白蛇传》(The White Snake and Her Son: A Translation of the Precious Scroll of Thunder Peak, with Related Texts,2009)

《孝道及其神恩:董永与织女传说及相关文献》(Filial Piety and Its Divine Rewards: The Legend of Dong Yong and Weaving Maiden with Related Texts, 2009)

《化蝶:梁山伯与祝英台传说的四个版本和相关文本》(The Butterfly Lovers: The Legend of Liang Shanbo and Zhu Yingtai: Four Versions, with Related Texts, 2010)

《包公和法治:12501450年间词话八种》(Judge Baoand the Rule of Law: Eight Ballad-Stories from the Period 1250-1450, 2010)

《复活的骷髅:从庄子到鲁迅》(The Resurrected Skeleton: FromZhuangzi to Lu Xun, 2014)

《激情、贫困和旅行:客家山歌和民谣传统》(Passion, Poverty and Travel: Traditional Hakka Songs and Ballads, 2015)

《天仙配》(The Metamorphosis of Tianxian Pei: Local Opera Under the Revolution [1949-1956], 2015)

《甘肃河西<平天仙姑宝卷>及其他宝卷五种》(The Immortal Maiden Equal to Heaven and Other Precious Scrolls from Western Gansu, 2015)

《十八、十九世纪满族女性诗人选集》(Two Centuries of Manchu Women Poets: An Anthology, 2017)

《中国文学昆虫文选及其研究》(Insects in Chinese Literature: A Study and Anthology, 2019)

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