

 Jessica97448lc 2021-05-14

27-year-old Chinese-Australian fashion influencer Margaret Zhang has been appointed as editor-in-chief of Vogue China, becoming the youngest person to hold the position at any of the magazine’s international editions.

27岁的澳大利亚华裔时尚界红人章凝(Margaret Zhang)近日被任命为《Vogue 服饰与美容》主编,成为该杂志国际版担任该职位中最年轻的一位。

Sydney-born Zhang – an instantly recognizable figure on front rows around the world thanks to her vividly dyed hair – has never edited a magazine before but has a number of other achievements under her belt.


Having started the successful fashion blog “Shine by Three” at the age of 16, she now boasts more than 1.2 billion followers on Instagram. She is also the co-founder of global consultancy company Background, where she principally works with brands seeking to enter the Chinese market, having previously collaborated with British lifestyle label Mulberry and Airbnb. 

她16岁时开通了时尚博客“Shine by Three”,该博客很受欢迎,如今在Instagram上拥有超过12亿粉丝。她还是全球性的咨询公司Background的联合创始人,在那里她主要负责与寻求进入中国市场的西方品牌进行沟通,此前曾与Mulberry和Airbnb有过合作。

In 2016, Zhang produced two digital covers for the launch issue of youth-focused Vogue Me China and appeared on both herself. According to Vogue, she has also worked as a creative director, photographer, stylist, writer, model and even film director.

在2016年,章凝为面向青少年的《Vogue Me》创刊号制作了两期数字封面,并亲自出镜。据Vogue介绍,她还曾担任过创意总监,摄影师,造型师,作家,模特甚至电影导演。

“I am so delighted that Margaret is our new editor in chief of Vogue China,” commented Vogue editor-in-chief and global editorial director Anna Wintour. “Her international experience, exceptional multiplatform digital expertise, and wide-ranging interests are the perfect combination to lead Vogue China into the future.”

 “我非常高兴章凝加入《Vogue服饰与美容》,”《Vogue》主编兼全球编辑总监、 康泰纳仕全球首席内容官安娜·温图尔评论道,“她的国际化成长背景,出色的跨平台数字媒体专业知识以及广泛的兴趣能引领《Vogue服饰与美容》走向更好的未来。”

Having spent the last five years or so between New York and China, the newly appointed editor-in-chief currently lives in her hometown of Sydney but plans to move to Beijing as soon as possible.


In her new role, she succeeds Angelica Cheung, who has been editor-in-chief at Vogue China since the magazine launched in the country 16 years ago. Her appointment signals a generational shift at the publication, where she is expected to employ her digital savvy to attract younger readers.

自16年前该杂志在中国发行以来,张宇一直是中国版《VOGUE》的主编。凝接替张宇的职位,成为她的继任者此次任命 ,标志着该出版一个新时代的开启。章凝将运用自己的数字媒体的经验吸引年轻的读者

Of her own plans for the magazine, Zhang commented, “there’s a lot of context about China that is lost; often it’s looked at as this one monolithic entity, as opposed to a country of individuals and innovations. I think Vogue China has an immense platform to communicate about those individuals not only to the world but to its own citizens.”


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