

 东方文捷 2021-05-22





   1、灵魂如果没有确定的目标,它就会丧失自己,因为俗语说得好,到处在等于无处在,四处为家的人无处为家。   If the soul has no definite goal, it will lose itself, because as the saying goes, everywhere is equal to nowhere, everywhere for home, everywhere for home. 

  2、你自己要先笑,才能引起别人脸上的笑容。同样你自己得哭,才能在别人脸上引起哭的反应。   Laugh yourself before you can cause a smile on someone's face. You also have to cry yourself before you can cry on other people's faces.

   3、时间能使隐匿的东西显露,也能使灿烂夺目的东西黯然无光。   Time reveals the hidden things and makes the glittering things dim. 

  4、享尽了生活的福乐,人就该毅然决然地告别人生,像一个酒足饭饱的宾客辞宴离去一样。   Having enjoyed the happiness of life, one should resolutely tell others about life, just like a well-fed guest leaving for a banquet.  英语你知多少? 广告 华尔街英语全新惊喜活动,VIP学习套餐免费体验 查看详情 >  名言大全  希望对您有帮助,谢谢

   5、时间年复一年地每天都要盗走我们一些东西,它们最终将我们从我们自己身上也一起盗走。   Every day, year after year, we steal something that eventually stole us from ourselves.

   6、财产可能为你服务,但也可能把你奴役。   The property may serve you, but it may enslave you. 

  7、一个人只要有耐心进行文化方面的修养,就绝不致于蛮横得不可教化。   As long as one has patience to carry out cultural accomplishment, one must never be too rude to be civilized. 

  8、逆境使天才脱颖而出,顺境会埋没天才。   Adversity leads genius to the fore, and prosperity conceals genius.

   9、由于热切地想要躲避过错,我们却常常更易陷入荒谬。   Because of the eagerness to avoid mistakes, we are often more prone to absurdity. 

  10、干起来,要勇敢些,在冒险中增长智慧。   When you work, be brave and grow wiser in adventure.

   11、施展暴力又无理由,只会自食其果。   Violence and reason alone will only take its toll. 

  12、有一千人,就会有一千种观点。   If there are one thousand people, there will be one  数码-京东数码潮货来袭 广告 数码达人就上「京东」,正品低价,潮货"惠购"不停! 查看详情 > 名言大全  希望对您有帮助,谢谢 thousand views. 

  13、乡巴佬等候着,要等到河水流干;而河水却流啊,流啊,永远流个没完。   The Hicks waited and waited until the river drained away, but the river was running, ah, flowing, and never ending.

   14、金钱不是做奴隶就是做主人,二者必一,别无其他。   Money is not a slave or a master. There must be no difference between the two. 

  15、一言既出,无法收回。   A word is out and cannot be recalled. 

  16、把本性用叉叉走,它还是照样回来。   With nature's fork, it still comes back.

   17、我不如起个磨刀石的作用,能使钢刀锋利,虽然它自己切不动什么。   I would rather play the role of sharpening stone, make steel knife sharp, though it can not cut anything. 

  18、没有财富,地位和勇敢连海草都不如。   No wealth, status and bravery even worse than seaweed. 

  19、财富就像海水:你喝得越多,你就越感到渴。   Wealth is like sea water: the more you drink, the more you feel thirsty.



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