
What's the volume of average human?

 remi94w577yaxn 2021-06-01

First I would like to tell you of my first hand experiences with people having high fevers and then I will answer your question.

My kids would often get fevers of 104° to 105° when they were not feeling good and teething at the same time. The hospital would reduce their fevers due to regular medicine such as tylenol and motrin not lowering it. I would also give them tepid baths and still the fever remained. This only happened 3 times between my 2 boys.

As a certified nursing assistant the highest fever I had ever seen in a patient was originally 106.4° and we initially thought it was a malfunction of the thermometer. We retrieved another one and measured it at 106.9° we immediately grabbed the nurse. She measured the core temp., rectal temp., and he was already over 108°. We attempted to bring it even though the nurse said he would probably die due to the fever. We used ice packs and called for an ambulance but by the time they arrived he had already passed away. The nurse knew I was interested in nursing and possibly getting into emergency medicine so she told me a very interesting fact, occasionally when a person gets older (usually over 80 years old) the part of the brain that keeps our temperature in normal range can go haywire and spike their temperature. She went on to say that even after death the temperature of the body will continue to rise when they die from this strange occurance. I thought she was pulling my leg but then we got up and went down to the man's body, still wet from the ice bath and wet cloths, took his temperature orally and it was over 110° despite the ice bath we had attempted. She then explained that the chance of us saving him was virtually 0% but that she still wanted to try for the patient and his family.

So to answer your question typically when the body passes 107° the body starts having severe issues and at 108° organs shut down and cells start dying. Oddly enough I did google if anyone had survived a temperature over 108° and was shocked to find that it has occurred. A woman in 1980 suffered a heat stroke and had a temperature of 115° (she holds the world record for the highest body temp. ever recorded) but she did require an extended hospital stay to recover. I have attached an article that talks about the extremes and how the body responds.

You Might Be Surprised When You Take Your Temperature

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