
雅思口语 Part1话题: Film

 Sharon黄文琪 2021-06-29

1 movie connoisseur /,kɒnə'sɜː/ 电影行家

What kind of movies do you like?

Well, I'm actually a movie connoisseur!I’m into all kinds of film, from avante-garde flicks to multiplex blockbusters! 我是个电影行家,我沉迷于各种各样的电影,从前卫派到多元化大片通通笑纳!

film noir 黑色影片

(a film that shows strong feelings of fear or evil and whose characters are often immoral, or these films in general)

  • ·'The Big Sleep’ is a classic Hollywood film noir. 《夜长梦多》是一部好莱坞经典黑色影片。

documentary 纪录片

(a film that gives detailed information and facts about a particular subject)

  • ·a documentary on the rain forest 一部关于雨林的纪录片

4 draw well 叫座

The film draws well. 这部电影很叫座。

5 document 记录v.

The film documented the development of our country during the 50 years.这部电影纪实性地描述了我国50年中的发展过程。

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