
雅思口语 Part3 高频主题 Sports

 Sharon黄文琪 2021-06-29

1 Do boys enjoy sport more than girls?

It's quite hard to generalize,but on the whole I think it's probably fair to say that yeah, boys do tend to enjoy sport more. And as for why, well I guess it's simply in the genes that boys prefer doing more physical stuff like sport. 

2 Why do some people engage in dangerous sports?

Well I can't say I'm totally sure, since I've never actually done any myself, and it does seem quite silly to me, but I guess one reason might have something to do with the fact that doing dangerous stuff kind of gives you a thrill, probably because it gives you an experience which is so different to what you're normally used to. 

3 What are the benefits of swimming?

Well, I guess the first thing to say would be that it's good exercise, and it's also relatively easy on the body, at least compared with some other kinds of exercise, because when you swim, your body's moving in quite a smooth motion, whereas in things like basketball and football, you often have to make sudden movements, which can lead to injuries if you're not careful! So that would be one thing(承上启下), and I guess another good thing about swimming is that it's usually quite refreshing 让人神清气爽的, especially when the weather's hot, and it can even be quite relaxing, as long as the pool's not too crowded of course!

4 Do Chinese people like doing outdoor activities? 

On the whole, I guess I would say they do, yeah, because a lot of people basically see it as a way of socializing. So for example, I often see people dancing and chatting with each other in the gardens of my apartment complex 公寓大楼, especially the middle-aged and the elderly. 

5 Do you think athletes receive too much money from doing commercials?

In some cases, yeah, because I mean, there are sports stars who earn more money from shooting one commercial than most of us do in a lifetime. And one example that comes to mind is David Beckham, who I think was paid something like 40 million pounds for doing a series of commercials for Gillette, which, to me, is a ridiculous amount of money!

注意连接词的变换:one example that comes to mind is

另外 数字尽量加上模糊性的语言something like 40 million pounds 而不是 40 million pounds

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