

 新用户9912OVTE 2021-06-29


      When the bell rings at 9 o'clock,He Yue,18,and a group of other students from Jiangsu Xishan Senior High School,crowd into the student community.They quickly pt on their work uniforms and act as various workers.They could be a banker,a postman,a radio host or even a leader.


  This is part of a project to create a simulate city run by students. Since last year,He Yue has been serving as an office worker for the student bank named K-bank.Unlike other students,she has a busy "job"during the 40-minute break: help prepare for change,fill in forms and record every business. Sometimes, when a great deal of cash such as class funds and money from the student supermarket is "stored",she needs to count it carefully and report the deal result in time.


Besides that,they also offer students free-interest funds and provide safe money-stored boxes.If students want to start a business like designing bookmarks but have no money to buy materials,they can come here to loan."The number of business is nearly 20,000 yuan a year,"said He."With so much money,I've gradually learned to be more careful and thoughtful."


He is not the only one serving the school.Also,some students serve the food test center and other parts of the project including cultural and creative product community,radio stations,roasts... All of these come from real life experiences." Educators must realize that the top goal of education is not just about scoring good grades,but improving useful skills that would allow students to lead a good life,"said Tang Jiangpeng,headmaster of Jiangsu Xishan High School.



      A cloned black-footed ferret,Elizabeth Ann,born on Dec. 10, 2020,has become the first successful clone of an endangered animal in the US and has a new page in animal protection.


ferret /ˈferɪt/

   Black-footed ferrets are one of the most edangered animals

in North America,with fewer than 500 in the wild.But in the early 1900s,they were widespread throughout the American West. Later,the ferrets disappeared with their primary food source, prairie dogs dying out.


  Fortunately,thanks to the cloning technology,Elizabeth Ann came to the earth.She was cloned from Willa,a ferret who died in 1988.Willa's genes were saved for years since the cloning technology was not perfect enough at that time."The theory of genes showed the genetic value that Willa could bring to her babies,"Ryan Phelan,who was working in the project,told CNN."But it was a promise to see this type of ferret pass on that has led to the successful birth of Elizabeth Ann."If Elizabeth Ann can reproduce later on,the number of the ferrets may grow,which helps them stand stronger against natural risks,CBS news reported.However,the effects of cloning remain unclear,according to CNN.


 Elizabeth Ann will not be put into the wild and will stay in the lab where she was born so researchers can study her,according to BBC.The team is now working on producing more "Elizabeth Anns" in the coming months.Besides that,researchers also point out the importance of protection for ferrets'living places.


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