
日课|美文:Why Did Dinosaurs Suddenly Die Out?

 YOU英语 2021-07-06



Why Did Dinosaurs Suddenly Die Out?

The most intriguing question about dinosaurs has always been "why did they die out?" There is no simple answer to this question, even though many hundreds of scientists are studying the problem. They are not studying the extinction of the dinosaurs alone, but the whole question of extinction. Many other plants and animals have died out in the past, and it is important to understand how and why this happened. Having this information could help save many species that are under threat in the modern world. Humans are causing extinctions now, because of pollution and other damage to the environment. Maybe the dinosaurs can tell us how to save the earth today, because of their extinction 65 million years ago! Some of the early dinosaur scientists, 100 years ago, thought the dinosaurs died out because the air changed, and they could not breathe. Others thought that the dinosaurs disappeared simply because they became too big. They were too heavy to move without falling over, and could not find enough food to survive. One theory is that a huge killer meteorite hit the earth. Some scientists hold that the extinction of dinosaurs was possibly due to a rapid cooling of the planet's climate. Perhaps huge amounts of lava poured out of volcanoes in India. This sent up vast clouds of dust that blacked out the sun, and made the earth icy cold.



  1. intriguing 非常有趣的;引人入胜的;神秘的

  2. die out 逐渐消亡;灭绝;绝种

  3. extinction 灭绝;绝种;消亡

  4. species 种;物种(pl. species

  5. under threat 受到威胁

  6. survive 生存;存活;继续存在

  7. meteorite 陨石 

  8. due to 由于;应付

  9. lava (火山喷出的)熔岩;岩浆

  10. volcano  火山

  11. black out 使一片漆黑;使停电

  12. icy cold 冰冷

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