
(2)迪斯尼放弃了其最受欢迎的游乐设施之一! 这就是为什么?

 主题公园设计 2021-07-12

So Imagineers had a brilliant idea. Whereas Disneyland’s ride had cast the vehicles as the star – as technological wonders of tomorrow – a sister attraction in Florida could recast the attraction as a fantasy adventure focused not on the underlying technology, but on the unbelievable voyage itself. And Disney had just the intellectual property to make it happen!

Located in Fantasyland instead of Tomorrowland, Magic Kingdom’s ride would open as 20,000 Leagues Under the Sea: Submarine Voyage.

因此,Imagineers有一个绝妙的主意。 虽然迪士尼乐园的车辆已经成为明星的明星 - 作为明天的技术奇迹 - 佛罗里达州的姐妹景点可以重新塑造这个景点,因为一场奇幻冒险不是关注底层技术,而是关注难以置信的航行本身。 而迪士尼只拥有知识产权才能实现这一目标!


George McGinnis worked off of Disneyland’s Cold War submarines and restylized them to resemble Harper Goff’s iconic fantasy subs from 20,000 Leagues Under the Sea. The stark, sleek interior of Disneyland’s would be improved, too. To match the Victorian “steampunk” style of the film, the interior of Magic Kingdom’s subs would be outfitted in rivets, cogs, red leather, and bronze portholes.

Magic Kingdom’s fleet would also best Disneyland’s, featuring 12 40-person subs in a 11.5 million galloon lagoon.

乔治·麦金尼斯(George McGinnis)在迪斯尼乐园的冷战潜艇上工作,并将它们重新设计成类似哈珀高夫(Harper Goff)的20,000海底联盟(Leagues Under the Sea)的标志性幻想潜水艇。 迪斯尼乐园的时尚内饰也将得到改善。 为配合电影中维多利亚时代的“蒸汽朋克”风格,神奇王国的潜艇的内饰将配备铆钉,嵌齿,红色皮革和青铜舷窗。


On board narration was recorded by Peter Renaday as Captain Nemo (impersonating James Mason) as new scenes were designed to compliment some of the Disneyland originals.

20,000 Leagues Under the Sea at Magic Kingdom opened just a few weeks after the park itself, on October 14, 1971.

Ready to head for the depths? On the next page, we'll take a look at the wonders of the ocean as seen through the portholes of 20,000 Leagues Under the Sea. Read on...



准备好迎接深度? 在下一页,我们将看看通过海底20,000联盟的舷窗看到的海洋奇观。 继续阅读......

Beneath the waves


Seated within the hulking metal frame of the docked Nautilus, boarding guests would get their first view of the watery world beyond the ride's copper portholes while the stirring and dramatic sounds of Nemo's organ play. It's a stunning introduction to the nautical world where barnacle-covered steel arms support the loading dock overhead. Pulling away from the landing, the subs pass through bubble curtains as Nemo and his crew call through the ship: "Dive! Dive!

As the bubbles dissipate and the ship steadies, Nemo introduces himself and his undersea realm as guests get their first glimpse of the ride's sea life: great green turtles, sea bass, giant clams, and schools of fish (all represented by animatronic creatures). "This is Captain Nemo speaking. Welcome aboard the Nautilus. We are proceeding on a course that will take us on a voyage 20,000 leagues under the sea.  En route, we will pass beneath the Polar Ice Cap and then probe depths seldom seen by man.

The ship would continue on past scientists studying the sea life and a memorable (for its absolutely inaccuracy) scene of an octopus battling a shark.

Pressing on, the sub's crew would warn of an upcoming storm, so Nemo would call on the ship to dive once more to safety. Passing through another bubble field, the remainder of the ride would now take place in the ride's showbuilding, setting the tone for the darker depths of the ocean. This time, the calming bubbles would reveal that the Nautilus had found itself within the Graveyard of Lost Ships. "Man-eating sharks" circled like vulture above the centuries-old splinters of grand ships.

Beyond, the sub would pass through the deepest waters of the polar ice caps, gliding effortlessly between the hypnotic, angular bottoms of massive floating icebergs. This scene was one of the ride's most gorgeous, as Nemo would point out that, even here, light from the Aurora borealis would refract through the ice above as the polar caps would radiate in orange, yellow, and green. 

A descent to the darkest depths brings the Nautilus near to its failure point, but not before eerie bioluminescent life forms swarm around the ship with their natural glows amid the pitch black darkness. At Nemo's command, the ship rises a bit as encounters an ancient lost city full of crumbled statues and... mermaids? Sea serpents? "Mr. Baxter, if you think you're seeing mermaids and sea monsters, you've been submerged too long!"

Before you can study the scene too much, volcanic activity signals that the underwater systems that buried this lost city are still very much alive. "That seething mountain still denies rest to the civilization it submerged thousands of generations ago.  Helmsman! Steer clear of the tottering columns!" 


随着气泡的消散和船舶的稳定,Nemo介绍了自己和他的海底领域,客人第一次看到了骑行的海洋生物:大绿海龟,鲈鱼,巨蛤和鱼群(都是由电子生物代表)。 “这是尼莫船长说话。欢迎登上鹦鹉螺号码。我们正在进行一项航线,将带我们在海底下航行2万个联盟。途中,我们将经过极地冰帽下方然后探测人类很少看到的深度“。


按下,潜水艇的工作人员将警告即将到来的风暴,因此Nemo会再次呼吁该船潜水到安全地点。通过另一个泡沫场,骑行的剩余部分现在将在骑行的展示中进行,为深海的深度设定基调。这一次,平静的气泡将揭示鹦鹉螺已经发现自己在失物军的墓地内。 “食人鲨鱼”像秃鹫一样盘旋在数百年历史的大船上。


在最黑暗的深度下降使得鹦鹉螺接近它的失败点,但是在怪异的生物发光生命形式围绕着它们在黑暗的黑暗中自然发光之前不会。在尼莫的指挥下,船遇到了一个古老的失落的城市,满是崩溃的雕像和美人鱼?海蛇? “巴克斯特先生,如果你认为你看到美人鱼和海怪,你已被淹没太久了!”

在您开始研究场景之前,火山活动表明埋藏这个失落城市的水下系统仍然非常活跃。 “那座沸腾的山仍然拒绝接受数千代以前淹没的文明。舵手!避开蹒跚的柱子!”

In the ride's memorable and outstanding finale, a red alert signals that an aggressive giant squid as captured another submarine ahead. "Good Lord!  It's one of ours.  It's hull has been crushed like an eggshell!" Indeed, a giant squid has ensnared another Nautilus, marked "XIII" (to represent the 13th in the ride's fleet). Then, another creature advances on the sub. Nemo initiates an electrical charge across the metallic surface of the sub, and as strobes flash, you can see the beast's tentacles clinging to the ride's portholes. This encounter with the squid remained the ride's signature and most beloved scene even to today... an outstanding example of Disney's earliest giant animatronics... and underwater, at that!

Having narrowly escaped the creature, the Nautilus initiates an emergency manuever. In another flash of bubbles, the sub begins to surface. When the bubbles cease, daylight once again streams down through the water. "Ladies and gentlemen, in just a few moments we will be docking at Vulcania, our home port.  It has been a pleasure having you aboard the Nautilus, on this memorable voyage that has taken us 20,000 leagues under the sea. Captain to bridge. Reduce speed and proceed to number four berth.  Stand by to dock."

As always, we'll end our look at the ride with a rare on-ride video to help memorialize the ride experience. Take a look and see if the video cements any memories of this ride that might otherwise have been lost to time. Then, read on to find out why 20,000 Leagues suspended sails, and what became of the incredible ride.

在这次骑行令人难忘和突出的结局中,一个红色警报标志着一只侵略性的巨型鱿鱼在前方捕获了另一艘潜艇。 “好主!这是我们的一个。它的船体像蛋壳一样被压碎!”事实上,一只巨大的鱿鱼已经陷入另一个鹦鹉螺,标记为“XIII”(代表该骑行舰队的第13位)。然后,另一个生物在潜艇上前进。 Nemo在潜水艇的金属表面上开始充电,当闪光灯闪光时,你可以看到野兽的触手紧贴着乘坐者的舷窗。与鱿鱼的相遇仍然是骑行的标志性和最受欢迎的场景,即使到今天......迪士尼最早的巨型电子动画......以及水下的杰出典范!

鹦鹉螺勉强逃脱了这个生物,发起了紧急救援。在另一波气泡中,潜艇开始浮出水面。当气泡停止时,日光再次从水中流下来。 “女士们,先生们,在短短几分钟内,我们将在我们的港口Vulcania停靠。很高兴你们乘坐鹦鹉螺号航行,这次令人难忘的航行让我们在海底下了2万个联盟。船长要搭桥。降低速度,进入四号泊位。待命停靠。“



Few would deny: both Submarine Voyage at Disneyland and Magic Kingdom's 20,000 Leagues Under the Sea were truly beasts to operate. There were a number of reasons.

1. LOADING: Because the submarines had guests seated below water level, loading and unloading was a lengthy process, though varied between coasts.

In California, the 38 passenger subs were accessed via a tightly wound spiral staircase with a low overhang. All 38 guests needed to exit before a new crew could board, leading to a long turnover between groups.


很少有人会否认:迪斯尼乐园的潜艇航行和神奇王国的20,000海底联赛都是真正的野兽。 有很多原因。


在加利福尼亚州,38个乘客潜水艇是通过紧凑缠绕的螺旋楼梯进入的。 所有38位客人需要在新员工登机前退出,导致团队之间的长期离职。

In Florida, the larger, 40 passenger subs (blueprint above) were accessed via a straight set of steps, and dual stairways on each end allowed one group to exit as another boarded. Even if Florida's more efficient system sped up the process, in both cases, the ride was relatively difficult to load and unload, and that lead to long waits right up until boarding. 

2. CAPACITY: Theoretical capacity for 20,000 Leagues (running 40 person vehicles) hovered around 200 people per submarine per hour. During peak times, up to nine subs could be on the circuit, giving the ride a realistic operating capacity of 1400 - 1500 guests per hour. But on a normal day, only six subs would be in use, yeilding a maximum hourly capacity of around 1200, and a realistic capacity of less – quite low for a ride operating at the most-attended theme park on Earth, and about on par with Test Track. In comparison, Splash and Space Mountain are both designed to handle about 2000 people per hour, with Haunted Mansion or Pirates of the Caribbean easily handling nearly 3000.

3. ADA ACCESSIBILITY: While neither sub ride was required to provide access to individuals with mobility impairments (having been constructed before ADA accessibility laws), Disney has always tried to assure accessibility as much as possible. In the subs’ case, any guest in a wheelchair who wished to experience the attraction would be required by necessity to transfer out of their wheelchair and find a way down the stairs – not an easy task, even with friends and family to help. And there was no way Disney could change that. 


2.容量:20,000个联赛(运行40人车辆)的理论容量每小时每艘潜艇徘徊在200人左右。在高峰时段,赛道上可以有多达9个潜艇,使得该赛车的实际运行能力达到每小时1400-1500位客人。但是在正常的一天,只有六个潜水艇正在使用,最大每小时容量大约1200,并且现实容量更小 - 在地球上参加人数最多的主题公园的乘坐中相当低,并且大约相同与测试轨道。相比之下,Splash和太空山的设计每小时可处理约2000人,其中鬼屋或加勒比海盗很容易处理近3000人。

3. ADA可达性:虽然不需要乘坐副驾驶来接触行动不便的人(在ADA无障碍法律之前建造),但迪士尼一直尽力确保可达性。在潜水员的情况下,任何想要体验吸引力的轮椅上的客人都需要转出轮椅并找到下楼的路 - 不是一件容易的事,即使有朋友和家人帮忙。迪士尼无法改变这一点。

4. WEAR AND TEAR: Put simply, it’s not easy to service rides that spend their lives submerged in water. Even simple fixes to animatronics or scenery would require the complete draining of the submarine lagoons, so refurbishments were few and far between particularly at Magic Kingdom. There, the attraction is known to have gone through three major refurbishments over its 23-year lifetime. That’s a lot of years to be completely submerged in water for those animatronics. And fittingly, Disney staff spent hundreds of hours scraping scum, repairing animatronics, repainting coral, plugging holes, and more.

5. EXPENSE AND SCALE: At the end of the day, Disney balances budgets. They want the most “bang for their buck” out of every square foot of the Florida resort. 20,000 Leagues Under the Sea took up 25% of Fantasyland’s footprint (which we'll see below) and, in return, had a relatively low hourly capacity, a comparatively enormous operational budget, huge maintenance requirements, and an ecologically questionable ride system comprised of sputtering diesel engines guzzling massive amounts of fuel.



Setting sail


In 1992, Disneyland Paris opened. And sank. The resort was the most elaborate and built-out Disney had ever constructed, packed with details and stories. The park is often described as the perfect blend of Disneyland and Magic Kingdom, with the former's intamacy and the latter's scale. But the French wanted none of it. The park’s finances crumbled and at once, then-CEO Michael Eisner became infamously wary of any large-scale expansion at the parks, vowing to never repeat the mistakes of Disneyland Paris. At once, budgets were slashed and “pencil-pusher” executives were brought in to toe the line and cut costs wherever possible.

On September 5, 1994 – twenty-three years after its debut – Magic Kingdom’s 20,000 Leagues Under the Sea closed for an unexpected and unannounced "temporary refurbishment." Allegedly, Disney intended to use this time to locate a corporate sponsor for the attraction (at a time when sponsors were dropping like flies at Epcot), no doubt hoping to recoup some of the loss of the expensive-to-operate-and-maintain ride.

Apparently, they couldn’t find one. In early 1996, Disney announced that the closure a year and a half prior would remain permanent. It was a different time for Disney Parks, when budgets mattered more than guest experience and when social media didn't exist. The complex issues with 20,000 Leagues mentioned above had become too much for a budget-conscious Disney Parks, and it was simply the most obvious attraction to cut. Guests didn’t have a last ride, or a chance to say goodbye. Instead, they went a year and a half assuming the worst, and were proved right.

1992年,巴黎迪士尼乐园开幕。沉了下去度假村是迪士尼有史以来最精心设计的建筑,充满了细节和故事。该公园经常被描述为迪斯尼乐园和神奇王国的完美融合,前者的吸引力和后者的规模。但是法国人不想要它。公园的财务状况崩溃了,当时的首席执行官迈克尔·艾斯纳(Michael Eisner)对公园的任何大规模扩张都非常警惕,并发誓要永远不要重复巴黎迪斯尼乐园的错误。同时,预算被削减,“铅笔推销”管理人员被引入该行,并尽可能削减成本。

1994年9月5日 - 首次亮相二十三年后 - 神奇王国的海底下的两万个联盟因意外和未经宣布的“临时翻新”而关闭。据称,迪士尼打算利用这段时间找到吸引力的企业赞助商(在赞助商像Epcot的苍蝇一样下降的时候),毫无疑问希望能够弥补一些昂贵的操作和维护的损失。

显然,他们找不到一个。 1996年初,迪士尼宣布一年半前的关闭仍然是永久性的。对于迪斯尼公园而言,这是一个不同的时期,因为预算比客户体验更重要,而社交媒体不存在。上面提到的20,000个联赛的复杂问题对于预算有限的迪士尼乐园而言已经变得太过分了,而这只是最明显的吸引力。客人没有最后一次乘车,也没有机会说再见。相反,他们花了一年半的时间假设最坏的情况,并且被证明是正确的。

After sitting idly in the lagoon for years, the submarines were pulled from the water and moved backstage at Walt Disney World. There, their portholes were popped out and sold at the Disney Store for $125 a piece.

Two of the subs were sent to Castaway Cay, the private island Disney stops at along its Disney Cruise routes. There, the Nautiluses were sunk in a snorkeling lagoon and covered with rope so that oceanic organisms and creatures could grow along its exterior.

在泻湖闲置多年之后,这些潜水艇被从水中拉出并在沃尔特迪斯尼世界的后台移动。 在那里,他们的舷窗被挤出并在迪士尼商店出售,每件125美元。

其中两个潜水艇被送往Castaway Cay,私人岛屿迪士尼沿着迪士尼游轮路线停靠。 在那里,Nautiluses沉没在一个浮潜的泻湖中,并用绳索覆盖,以便海洋生物和生物可以沿着它的外部生长。

One of the subs is still there, so any guest visiting Castaway Cay on a Disney Cruise can snorkel out to it and examine just how massive the 40-person ride vehicle is. (But be warned: the enormous sub is located quite a ways off the shore in a distant corner of the acres-large snorkeling area, so it’s an exhausting trip to see it.)

Most of the subs were auctioned off to a scrap yard, which picked the Jules Verne ornamentation off to the fiberglass shells and reportedly crushed and buried the remnants in a landfill.

其中一个潜艇仍在那里,因此任何访问迪士尼游轮上的Castaway Cay的客人都可以浮潜,并检查40人乘坐车的重量。 (但请注意:这个巨大的潜水艇位于陆地上一个很远的地方,位于占地面积很大的浮潜区域的一个遥远的角落,所以看到它是一次令人疲惫的旅程。)


Replacing a classic取代经典

Most sadly, the lagoon in Fantasyland remained for years as a stark reminder of what once was. The 20,000 Leagues loading dock became a character greeting location with large crates disguising the ride’s landing.

Then, a purple-rocked cavern with a cascading waterfall was built at the lagoon’s western edge, housing a meet and greet for Ariel from The Little Mermaid. As part of Ariel’s Grotto, a bronze statue of King Triton took up residence in the lagoon, his trident spraying water toward his daughter’s meet-and-greet. But it was a sad state for the massive lagoon, with the coral still visible beneath the crystal clear waves.

In July 2004, the lagoon got the same treatment as the subs: it was buried. The coral, caverns, animatronics, and expansive sets from the ride were demolished in shocking photos preserved on 20kride.com. The remaining rubble was filled in with dirt, and then concrete, with hundreds of trees planted on the empty parcel of land.

最令人遗憾的是,幻想世界中的泻湖多年来一直保持着曾经的状态。 20,000英里的装卸码头变成了一个角色问候地点,大型板条箱掩盖了乘坐的着陆。

然后,在泻湖的西边建造了一个带有瀑布瀑布的紫色岩石洞穴,与小美人鱼的Ariel见面并迎接。 作为Ariel's Grotto的一部分,Triton国王的青铜雕像在泻湖中居住,他的三叉戟向女儿的见面喷水。 但对于这个巨大的泻湖来说,这是一个悲伤的状态,珊瑚在清澈的海浪下仍然可见。

2004年7月,泻湖获得了与潜艇相同的待遇:它被埋葬了。 在20kride.com上保存的令人震惊的照片中拆除了骑行中的珊瑚,洞穴,电子动画和广泛的装置。 剩下的碎石里面堆满了泥土,然后是混凝土,在空地上种了数百棵树。

In 2005, a very small portion of the land was re-used as a playground called Pooh’s Playful Spot, meant as a companion to the Winnie the Pooh dark ride across the way (itself occupying the spot formerly held by another Lost Legend Mr. Toad’s Wild Ride.)

In 2010, Pooh’s Playful Spot closed, as well. Rather than leaving the large plot of land filled with trees, Disney decided to move forward on a massive reimagining of the park’s Fantasyland, replacing much of the original Medieval fair / tournament tent style with detailed, Wizarding World style sub-areas dedicated to Beauty and the Beast, Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs, The Little Mermaid, and classic Disney shorts.

2005年,一小部分土地被重新用作一个叫做维尼玩耍地点的游乐场,意味着作为小熊维尼黑暗骑行的伴侣(本身占据了另一个失落的传说先生蟾蜍先生所拥有的地方) 狂野骑行。)

2010年,维尼的Playful Spot也关闭了。 迪士尼决定继续对公园的幻想世界进行大规模的重新构想,取代原有的中世纪公平/锦标赛帐篷风格,而不是留下充满树木的大片土地,而是将详细的,巫师世界风格的子区域用于美容和 野兽,白雪公主和七个小矮人,小美人鱼和经典的迪士尼短裤。

New Fantasyland – including a Little Mermaid dark ride, Beauty and the Beastrestaurant and walkthrough, and Snow White roller coaster all now occupy the enormous footprint of the 20,000 Leagues lagoon, showbuilding, and dry dock, which goes to show just how massive the ride really was. Is the land better used as New Fantasyland? Objectively, probably so. But that doesn't help those who grew up with the ride and were mesmerized by its imagination. 

By the way, 20,000 Leagues Under the Sea did get a little "cameo" appearance in New Fantasyland. The intricate rockwork meant to evoke the seaside caverns beneath Prince Eric's castle contain a very unique natural formation hinting at another ship that met its end here. And as the comparison photo above shows, the showbuilding for Under the Sea: Journey of the Little Mermaid is almost exactly in the same position as 20,000 Leagues', and in the same shape, too.

New Fantasyland - 包括Little Mermaid黑暗骑行,Beauty and the Beast餐厅和演练以及Snow White过山车现在占据了20,000 Leagues泻湖,展示和干船坞的巨大足迹,这显示了骑行的巨大规模 真的是。 土地是否更好地用作新幻想世界? 客观地,可能是这样。 但这并没有帮助那些在骑行中长大并且被其想象力迷住的人。

顺便说一句,在海洋下的20,000个联盟确实在New Fantasyland获得了一些“客串”。 错综复杂的岩石意味着唤起埃里克王子城堡下方的海滨洞穴,其中包含一个非常独特的自然形态,暗示着另一艘船在这里结束。 正如上面的比较照片所示,Under the Sea:小美人鱼的旅程几乎与20,000联盟的位置完全相同,并且也是相同的形状。

Floating on

You’ve no doubt heard it said, “good ideas never die at Disney.” That’s probably true, because despite the closure of 20,000 Leagues Under the Sea, its ingredients and elements live on. On the last page, we’ll discuss where you can get your 20,000 Leagues fix today and where the stories continue.


你毫无疑问地听到它说,“好主意永远不会死在迪士尼。”这可能是真的,因为尽管关闭了20,000海底联赛,其成分和元素依然存在。 在最后一页,我们将讨论您今天可以在哪里获得20,000联盟的修复以及故事的继续。

Magic Kingdom’s 20,000 Leagues: Submarine Voyage closed unexpectedly in 1994 – most likely an indirect victim of Disneyland Paris’ financial collapse. But Disney executives at the time would no doubt explain that the ride was expensive to maintain, aging poorly, and with a very low hourly capacity unsuited for the number one most visited theme park on Earth.

Still, the ideas behind this adventure through liquid space continue. Here are just a few examples.

神奇王国的20,000个联赛:潜艇航行于1994年意外关闭 - 很可能是巴黎迪斯尼乐园金融崩溃的间接受害者。 但当时的迪斯尼高管无疑会解释说,维修费用昂贵,老化不佳,而且每小时的能力非常低,不适合地球上最受欢迎的头号主题公园。

尽管如此,通过液体空间进行这次冒险的想法仍在继续 这里只是几个例子。

Finding Nemo Submarine Voyage

Where? Disneyland Park
When? Debuted June 11, 2007

What ever came of Disneyland’s Submarine Voyage – the Tomorrowland ride that inspired the Magic Kingdom version?

Well, its fate began on a similar track. In 1998, Disneyland opened a very poorly received low-budget New Tomorrowland that saw the closure of another Lost Legend: The Peoplemover and the fall of Walt's Tomorrowland. To make matters worse, cost-cutting executives at the time then turned around and closed the Submarine Voyage – another Walt Disney original. What a way to celebrate a "New" Tomorrowland.

哪里? 迪士尼乐园

什么时候? 2007年6月11日发布

什么是迪斯尼乐园的潜艇之旅 - 明日世界骑行启发了神奇王国的版本?

好吧,它的命运始于类似的轨道。 1998年,迪斯尼乐园开辟了一个非常糟糕的低预算新明日世界,看到另一个失落的传说:人民移民和沃尔特的明日世界的倒闭。 更糟糕的是,当时削减成本的管理人员转过身来关闭了Submarine Voyage--另一部华特迪士尼原版。 什么方式来庆祝“新”明日世界。

就像神奇王国一样,高管们承诺迪斯尼乐园的潜艇航行将在几年后进行翻新,更新并重新开放。 不同的是,迪士尼确实有加州骑行的计划。 不幸的是,他们围绕着2001年的电影“亚特兰蒂斯:失落的帝国”,迪斯尼的第一部动画科幻冒险电影。

潜艇航行:亚特兰蒂斯探险队将把客人从电影中放入(鹦鹉螺启发的)尤利西斯潜艇中,毫无疑问,它将包括城市下方古老的涝渍隧道,保护性生物发光石,以及与可怕的守护者利维坦相遇。 亚特兰蒂斯是一部华丽的风格和独特的电影,将朱尔斯凡尔纳风格的冒险完美地转化为迪士尼的风格。

But Atlantis failed to make an impression for critics or at the box office and left practically no fingerprints in pop culture, so the ride was canceled before it had even begun. Without a worthwhile intellectual property to float on, the submarines appeared sunk.

Fast forward to 2003 when Disney and Pixar’s Finding Nemo made nearly a billion dollars, won an Academy Award, and (most importantly) became a tremendous fan favorite. Under the leadership of a new Resort president (Matt Ouimet, now CEO of Cedar Fair), Disneyland set out to undo the cost-cutting of the past, and the Submarine Voyage was brought out of the mothballs as the Finding Nemo Submarine Voyage - a triumphant return from a decade-long closure of a Disney classic.

但亚特兰蒂斯未能给评论家或票房留下印象,并且几乎没有留下流行文化中的指纹,所以在它开始之前就已经取消了。 如果没有值得拥有的知识产权,潜艇就会沉没。

快到2003年迪士尼和皮克斯的海底总动员获得了近10亿美元,获得了奥斯卡奖,并且(最重要的是)成为了粉丝的最爱。 在一位新的度假村总裁(Matt Ouimet,现为雪松博览会首席执行官)的领导下,迪斯尼乐园开始撤销过去的成本削减,而潜水艇之旅则被作为海底总动员潜水艇航行的樟脑球带出 - 迪士尼经典十年封闭的胜利回归。

While the Finding Nemo overlay has practically no scenes in common with its predecessor, at least the ride sees the continued preservation of a ride system Walt pioneered and so loved for a new generation. The subs were even redesigned to run on electricity instead of diesel (upping their capacity from 38 to 40). To solve that pesky ADA accessibility problem, they even constructed a virtual recreation available for guests unable to access the subs.

But faced with many of the same complex problems (low capacity, high expense, and occupying a huge parcel of land), the subs always feel endangered. As recently as 2015, the ride closed for a lengthy refurbishment that many fans believed was a permanent closure in disguise, just as Magic Kingdom's had endured. But, the ride re-opened as scheduled with refreshed scenes. As for the future? We'll see how long the ride – and the precious land it occupies – can survive.

虽然Finding Nemo叠加层几乎没有与其前身相同的场景,但至少骑行看到了Walt开创并为新一代所喜爱的骑行系统的持续保存。 这些潜艇甚至被重新设计为以电力而非柴油运行(将其容量从38增加到40)。 为了解决这个讨厌的ADA可访问性问题,他们甚至为无法访问潜艇的客人构建了虚拟娱乐。

但是面对许多相同的复杂问题(容量低,费用高,占用一块巨大的土地),潜艇总是感到濒临灭绝。 就在2015年,这场比赛已经结束,经过漫长的整修,许多球迷认为这是一种伪装的永久封闭,正如神奇王国所经历的那样。 但是,这次骑行如期重新开放,场面更新。 至于未来? 我们将看到这次骑行 - 以及它占据的宝贵土地 - 可以存活多久。

Where? Disneyland
When? Never built.

Remember Tony Baxter, the young, upstart production designer plucked right some school and plopped down to work on 20,000 Leagues Under the Sea? Tony obviously went on to be a Disney Imagineering legend, responsible for the original Star Tours, Indiana Jones Adventure, Journey into Imagination, and many other beloved Lost Legends.

However, his first major project on his own was Big Thunder Mountain Railroad. And if Tony had had his way, the wildest ride in the wilderness would’ve been only one part of a brand new land at Disneyland, meant to bridge the gap between Frontierland and Fantasyland. Called Discovery Bay, the land Tony Baxter envisioned and designed was a steampunk, Victorian San Francisco filled with submarines, lighthouses, inventors, hot air balloons, airships, and countless elements of Jules Verne lore.


什么时候? 从未建成。

还记得那位年轻的新贵制作设计师托尼·巴克斯特(Tony Baxter)在一些学校上学,并在海底的20,000个联盟中工作吗? Tony显然是迪士尼幻想工程的传奇人物,负责原创的星际之旅,印第安纳琼斯冒险,想象之旅以及其他许多心爱的失落传奇。

然而,他自己的第一个重大项目是Big Thunder Mountain Railroad。 如果Tony有他的方式,在荒野中最疯狂的骑行将只是迪斯尼乐园的一块全新的土地的一部分,旨在弥合Frontierland和Fantasyland之间的差距。 被称为探索湾的托尼·巴克斯特设想和设计的土地是一个蒸汽朋克,维多利亚时代的旧金山,充满了潜水艇,灯塔,发明家,热气球,飞艇和儒勒凡尔纳传说的无数元素。

At one time, a simulator attraction (using the technology later applied to Star Tours) was planned for Discovery Bay, all themed to 20,000 Leagues Under the Sea. So just a few years after Magic Kingdom’s, Disneyland would’ve received its own 20,000 Leagues, but in a very different format. Also planned was an "underwater" Grand Salon restaurant set inside of a Nautilus docked in the Rivers of America (above).

Unfortunately, Discovery Bay was never built. The plot of land set aside for this Frontierland / Fantasyland hybrid remained empty until today, when it's now earmarked to become a Star Wars land. You can check out the full story in our must-read Possibilityland: Discovery Bay feature to learn all about the massive and stunning steampunk attractions planned for this land and the reasons it never came to Disneyland. But they say good ideas never die at Disney, which brings us to our next evolution of 20,000 Leagues' DNA... 

有一段时间,计划在Discovery Bay使用模拟器吸引力(使用后来应用于Star Tours的技术),所有这些都以20,000海底联赛为主题。 因此,在神奇王国之后的几年,迪士尼乐园将获得自己的20,000个联赛,但形式却截然不同。 还计划在美国河流(上图)停靠的鹦鹉螺内的“水下”大沙龙餐厅。

不幸的是,愉景湾从未建成。 为这个Frontierland / Fantasyland混合动力预留的土地直到今天仍然是空的,现在它被指定成为星球大战的土地。 您可以在我们必读的Possibilityland:Discovery Bay功能中查看完整的故事,了解这片土地上规划的巨大而令人惊叹的蒸汽朋克景点以及它从未来到迪士尼乐园的原因。 但是他们说好的想法永远不会在迪斯尼死去,这让我们接下来要发展到20,000个联盟的DNA ...

Where? Disneyland Paris
When? Debuted 1992 

When Disney decided to build a new resort in Europe, they knew that the Parisian park would need a little something extra – something to warm European guests to Disney's very American brand. So instead of cloning the very mid-century Americana elements of Disneyland, Disney sought out (you guessed it) Tony Baxter to take over as executive producer and designer of the French park.

Tony and the Imagineers dove in, creating what’s often regarded as the most beautiful, detailed, and romantic Disney Park on Earth. In Baxter’s Disneyland Paris, most every tried-and-true attraction from the original Disney Parks was recast through a romanticized, story-centric lens. Pirates of the Caribbean, Haunted Mansion, and Space Mountain are all radically different at Disneyland Paris, developed as completely new versions of Disney classics!

The same is true of Tomorrowland. In fact, Disneyland Paris doesn’t have a Tomorrowland at all! Instead, the land was replaced with “Discoveryland.” Instead of the sleek, modern, futuristic Tomorrowlands, Discoveryland is meant to be a retro-futuristic land. In other words, it’s a view of the future rooted in the past; the kind of future great European thinkers like H.G. Wells, Leonardo da Vinci, or Jules Verne might’ve envisioned.


什么时候? 1992年宣布

当迪斯尼决定在欧洲建造一个新的度假村时,他们知道巴黎公园需要一些额外的东西 - 这可以让欧洲客人感受到迪斯尼非常美国品牌的热情。因此,迪士尼没有克服迪士尼乐园本世纪中期的美国元素,而是寻求(你猜对了)Tony Baxter接任法国公园的执行制片人和设计师。


明日世界也是如此。事实上,巴黎迪斯尼乐园根本没有明日世界!相反,土地被“Discoveryland”所取代。而不是时尚,现代,未来主义的Tomorrowlands,Discoveryland意味着一个复古未来主义的土地。换句话说,它是对过去根植的未来的看法;像H.G. Wells,Leonardo da Vinci或Jules Verne这样的未来伟大的欧洲思想家可能已经设想过了。

Instead of the Space Age architecture, silver, white, blue, and purple that fills Tomorrowland, Discoveryland is cast in gold, bronze, sea foam, and copper. It’s filled with rivets, bolts, panels, organic towers, red rocks, bubbling lagoons, and plants that evoke the "steampunk" Victorian style. It’s a view of the future that’s one with nature rather than being opposed to it like Magic Kingdom’s.

Among the land’s most unique attractions is a walkthrough called Mysteries of the Nautilus (including a very cool encounter with a giant squid in one of the sub's galleries) and a completely original version of Space Mountain designed to be based on the Jules Verne novel From The Earth to the Moon

Discoveryland采用金,青铜,海泡沫和铜铸造,而不是太空时代的建筑,银色,白色,蓝色和紫色填充明日世界。 它充满了铆钉,螺栓,面板,有机塔,红色岩石,冒泡的泻湖,以及唤起“蒸汽朋克”维多利亚风格的植物。 这是对未来的看法,它与大自然有关,而不是像魔法王国那样反对它。

在这片土地上最独特的景点之一是一个名为“鹦鹉螺之谜”的演练(包括在其中一个画廊中与巨型鱿鱼的非常酷的相遇)和一个完全原创版本的太空山,其设计基于儒勒·凡尔纳小说From The The 地球到月球。

Mysterious Island


The epitome of Jules Verne’s literary world brought to life exists at none other than Tokyo DisneySea. The park – often cited as the best theme park on Earth, and certainly a Mecca for Disney Parks fans the world over – features themed “ports” situated around a 200-foot-tall volcanic park icon.

By the way, one of the park’s themed lands is located inside that volcano, in a collapsed caldera. Mysterious Island (based on the Jules Verne novel of the same name) is Captain Nemo’s hidden base situated deep within Mount Prometheus. The land is a wonder; perhaps the only Disney Parks land to exceed Cars Land in scale and scope. Guests are relegated to iron and copper catwalks that circle the interior of the caldera, with bubbling water and steaming geysers below.

儒勒凡尔纳的文学世界的缩影存在于东京迪士尼海洋中。 该公园 - 通常被称为地球上最好的主题公园,当然也是世界各地迪斯尼公园迷的麦加 - 以200英尺高的火山公园图标为主题的主题“港口”。

顺便说一句,公园的一个主题土地位于火山内,在一个倒塌的火山口。 神秘岛(基于同名的朱尔斯凡尔纳小说)是尼莫船长的隐藏基地,位于普罗米修斯山的深处。 这片土地是一个奇迹; 也许唯一的迪士尼乐园的规模和范围超过了汽车之地。 客人将被降级为围绕火山口内部的铁和铜走道,下方有冒泡的水和热气腾腾的间歇泉。

The land’s two attractions are both standouts. Perhaps the most popular attraction at the park (as well as its  signature ride and a bucket-list goal for most Disney Parks fans who cite it as Imagineering's best creation ever) earned it own in-depth entry in Lost Legends' sister series, Modern Marvels: Journey to the Center of the Earth. It's worth noting that the mysterious, mythical creature lying in wait deep inside Mount Prometheus topped our must-read Countdown of the Most Incredible Audio Animatronics on Earth.这片土地的两个景点都很出色。 也许公园里最受欢迎的景点(以及它的标志性骑行和大多数迪斯尼公园球迷的斗式列表目标,他们都将其称为Imagineering的最佳创作)赢得了自己在Lost Legends的妹妹系列中的深入入门 奇迹:地球中心之旅。 值得注意的是,在普罗米修斯山深处等待的神秘神秘生物突破了我们必须阅读的地球上最令人难以置信的音频电子动画倒计时。

But Mysterious Island’s second attraction is... 20,000 Leagues Under the Sea! Japan’s version of the ride is not a submerged boat ride at all. Rather, it’s a suspended dark ride (think of Peter Pan’s Flight, and see image above) wherein guests are situated in six person subs – two looking out of a right porthole, two front, and two left.

The ride sends guests deep into the ocean with each pair equipped with an adjustable flashlight for exploring the depths. The ride’s big secret? You’re not really in water at all. Instead, the portholes are double paned with water between the two panes of glass. Whenever the ride needs to “dive,” that thin layer of water is overcome with rising bubbles that give the impression of diving. The effect – like so many of Disney's best – is unimaginably simple, but incredibly believable. 

但神秘岛的第二个景点是......海底的20,000联盟! 日本的乘坐版本根本不是潜水船。 相反,它是一个悬浮的黑暗骑行(想想彼得潘的飞行,并看到上面的图像),其中客人位于六人潜艇 - 两个看向右舷窗,两个正面,两个左。

乘客将客人深入海洋,每对配备可调节的手电筒,以探索深度。 骑行的秘诀是什么? 你根本不是真正的水。 相反,舷窗在两块玻璃之间用水双层铺设。 每当乘车需要“潜水”时,那层薄薄的水就会被上升的气泡所克服,从而产生潜水的印象。 这种效果 - 就像许多迪斯尼最好的一样 - 是难以想象的简单,但令人难以置信的可信。

The ride includes magnificent and stunning scenes including a sunken city (made all the more interesting by your ability to “choose” what to look at with your flashlight), a coral reef, a shipwreck, and (of course!) an electrifying a stunning encounter with a massive giant squid. The ride’s finale is equally show-stopping, with a deep-sea Atlantean race granting you a magical return to the world above.

Among DisneySea’s massive line-up of world-class, E-Ticket attractions, 20,000 Leagues Under the Sea feels like a C-Ticket diversion for families. But if the same ride were duplicated in any other Disney Park, it would be a headlining dark ride in its own right. Videos of the ride are practically impossible to capture, but our friends at Attractions 360 used their astounding low-light camera to capture what may be the only accurate account of the awesome ride.

骑行包括壮观和令人惊叹的场景,包括沉没的城市(通过你的手电筒“选择”看什么更有趣),珊瑚礁,沉船,(当然!)令人惊叹的令人惊叹 遇到巨大的巨型鱿鱼。 骑行的结局同样显示停止,深海亚特兰蒂斯种族给你一个神奇的回归上面的世界。

在迪士尼海洋世界级的电子票务景点的大规模阵容中,20,000海底联盟感觉就像家庭的C-Ticket转移。 但如果在任何其他迪士尼乐园中重复相同的骑行,那么它本身就是一个标题性的黑暗骑行。 骑行的视频几乎无法捕捉,但我们在景点360的朋友们使用他们令人惊叹的低光照相机来捕捉可能是唯一准确描述的令人敬畏的骑行。

Sailing for the horizon

20,000 Leagues Under the Sea was a classic – a stunning dark ride equipped with groundbreaking technology and outstanding storytelling.

Magic Kingdom may never play host to a Jules Verne ride again. But we can’t help but be hopeful that more of the engaging and literary stories like 20,000 Leagues Under the Sea find their way to Disney Parks. Even if the submarine ride itself is gone, elements of it live on in the plans for Discovery Bay, and the paths of Discoveryland and Mysterious Island. The lesson? Disney's international parks are altogether willing to tell the adventurous stories from Jules Verne's world, whereas the U.S. Disney Parks won't seem to greenlight anything unless it's tied to Frozen, Marvel, Pixar, or a box office boom.


20,000海底联赛是一个经典之作 - 一个令人惊叹的黑暗骑行,配备了突破性的技术和出色的讲故事。

神奇王国可能永远不会再次接待Jules Verne。 但是,我们不禁希望更多像海底20,000联盟这样引人入胜的文学故事能够找到迪士尼公园。 即使潜水艇本身已经消失,它的元素仍然存在于Discovery Bay的计划中,以及Discoveryland和Mysterious Island的路径上。 课程? 迪士尼的国际公园完全愿意讲述朱尔斯凡尔纳世界的冒险故事,而美国迪斯尼公园似乎不会绿化任何东西,除非它与冰雪奇缘,奇迹,皮克斯或票房热潮有关。

Which is a shame. If 20,000 Leagues (and its international cousins) proves anything, it's that these stories do fit among Disney classics. They're timeless, engaging tales set in fantasy environments that only Disney can bring to life. And we'd love to see that happen again.

For now, help us immortalize the experience of 20,000 Leagues Under the Sea. Share your thoughts and memories in the comments section to preserve this ride for a new generation of Disney Parks fans who never got the chance to become part of Nemo's crew. Then, visit our In-Depth Features Library page to set course for your next Lost Legend.

And until then, thank you for sailing with us.

这是一种耻辱。 如果有20,000个联盟(及其国际表兄弟)证明了这一点,那就是这些故事适合迪斯尼经典之作。 它们是永恒的,在幻想环境中设置的故事,只有迪士尼才能生动。 而且我们希望看到这种情况再次发生。

现在,帮助我们将20,000海底联赛的经历永生。 在评论部分分享您的想法和回忆,为新一代迪士尼乐园的粉丝保留这种乐趣,他们从未有机会成为Nemo团队的一员。 然后,访问我们的深入功能库页面,为您的下一个失落的传奇设置路线。


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