

 雨雨的一隅之地 2021-07-25


1.   There is a number list with a mean of 20, and standard deviation of o.

Quantity A

range of the number list

Quantity B


2.   x<y-4, where x and y are integers.

Quantity A

number of even integers between x and y

Quantity B

number of odd integers between x and y



the average degrees of all interior angles in a trapezoid

Quantity B

the average degrees of all interior angles in a pentagon

4.   In anumber set of A and B, the probability that the number in A which are greater than 50 is equal to the probability that the number in B which are greater than 55.

Quantity A

the average of set A

Quantity B

the average of set B

5.   The polygon is made of a square and a triangle, what is the area of the polygon?


7.   比较两个多边形的内角和(难道这名同学没有回忆错嘛?竟然出现了凹多边形)


Quantity A


Quantity B


9. A circle is inscribed in a big square, the area of the square of ABOC is 5/π, what is the area of the circle?


11. In a box of 10 electrical parts, 2 are defective, what is the probability thatneither of the parts selected will be defective?(数字填空题,分子分母的形式)

(官方指南的某道题:Of the 20 lightbulbs in a box, 2 are defective. An inspector will select 2 lightbulbs simultaneously and at random from the box. What is the probability that neither of the lightbulbs selected will be defective?)


Ⅰ. W+Z=X+Y

Ⅱ. X+W=Y+Z

13. n is an integer made of some consecutive odd numbers from 1, like n=13579111315..., what is the units digit of n if it has only 41 digits?

(原文,n=1357111315...,问第41位的units digit是多少)

14.The profit that a merchant got when selling apples equals to the retail price minus the purchase price, if he sold n apples with a retail price of s and a profit of p each, what is the purchase price of each apple?

(原文:有个人买啥东西,profit=retail price – purchase price,他卖了n个,每个retail price 为s,profit是p,求每个的purchase price?)


15. n=11 was the sum of three positive integers, which two of following statements if true, can confirm three numbers?


Ⅰ. There is no 1 among three numbers.

Ⅱ. There is no 2 among three numbers.

Ⅲ. There is no 7 among three numbers.

Ⅳ. There is no 8 among three numbers.

16. A printer can print 10-15 pages for every minutes, person A printed for 3′12″,person B printed for 4′48″, which of following must be true?

Ⅰ. A had printed at least 32 pages

Ⅱ. B had printed at least 48 pages

Ⅲ. B had printed more pages than A

17. A word with 3 letters which two of them must be the same was chose from 33-letters alphabet, how many words are possible?

(原文:三个字母组成的单词在33-letters alphabet 中选,其中有两个letters要是一样的,问有多少different ways,答案从1000多到6000多)


19. What is the value of z?

20. If p=r^n, r is a prime number, and n is a positive integer, then define p=pn, for example, 25=5^2, then 25=25*2=50. what is value of 32?

(本人在6.17考到了非常类似的题目:If p=r^n, r is a prime number, and n is a positive integer, then define p=rn, for example, 25=5^2, then 25=5*2=10. what is value of 32?)

21.The radii of two concentric circles are r and R, what is the ratio of minor arc ACB to minor arc DEF?

22. Which of following number is in 1.021~1.029g/cm³ ?

A.  100.25mg/cm³

B.   1.08kg/m³

C.  1.029*10³kg/L

D.  ......



25.据学员反馈,考试还考到Venn 图,下面给一到OG的题目大家可以练练手(P295)


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