

 四方斋文坊 2021-08-29

My Parents living habit

  Let me tellyou my parents living habits.

  My mother hasmany healthy habits. She gets up at 5:45.It’s very early. Then she brushes herteeth at 6:00 and eats breakfast. She goes to work by bus. She begins to workat 6:30. After that, she eats lunch at 11:00.In the evening she goes home. Shealways eats more fruits after dinner.
After that, she goes to bed at 21:30.This is my mother. But my father doesn’t have many healthy habits. He gets uplate at weekends. He eats breakfast very quickly. Because he doesn’t have muchtime for lunch. He usually eats less junk food. He knows it’s not good for him.But it tastes good! In the evening he always plays badminton or takes a walk.After that he usually plays computer games.At11:00 he go to bed.

  These are myparents’ what about yours? Tell me please

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