

 处女座的程序猿 2021-09-28








# flake8: noqa

import warnings
import sys

__version__ = '0.37.0'

# check python version
if (sys.version_info < (3, 0)):
    warnings.warn("As of version 0.29.0 shap only supports Python 3 (not 2)!")

from ._explanation import Explanation, Cohorts

# explainers
from .explainers._explainer import Explainer
from .explainers._kernel import Kernel as KernelExplainer
from .explainers._sampling import Sampling as SamplingExplainer
from .explainers._tree import Tree as TreeExplainer
from .explainers._deep import Deep as DeepExplainer
from .explainers._gradient import Gradient as GradientExplainer
from .explainers._linear import Linear as LinearExplainer
from .explainers._partition import Partition as PartitionExplainer
from .explainers._permutation import Permutation as PermutationExplainer
from .explainers._additive import Additive as AdditiveExplainer
from .explainers import other

# plotting (only loaded if matplotlib is present)
def unsupported(*args, **kwargs):
    warnings.warn("matplotlib is not installed so plotting is not available! Run `pip install matplotlib` to fix this.")

    import matplotlib
    have_matplotlib = True
except ImportError:
    have_matplotlib = False
if have_matplotlib:
    from .plots._beeswarm import summary_legacy as summary_plot
    from .plots._decision import decision as decision_plot, multioutput_decision as multioutput_decision_plot
    from .plots._scatter import dependence_legacy as dependence_plot
    from .plots._force import force as force_plot, initjs, save_html, getjs
    from .plots._image import image as image_plot
    from .plots._monitoring import monitoring as monitoring_plot
    from .plots._embedding import embedding as embedding_plot
    from .plots._partial_dependence import partial_dependence as partial_dependence_plot
    from .plots._bar import bar_legacy as bar_plot
    from .plots._waterfall import waterfall as waterfall_plot
    from .plots._group_difference import group_difference as group_difference_plot
    from .plots._text import text as text_plot
    summary_plot = unsupported
    decision_plot = unsupported
    multioutput_decision_plot = unsupported
    dependence_plot = unsupported
    force_plot = unsupported
    initjs = unsupported
    save_html = unsupported
    image_plot = unsupported
    monitoring_plot = unsupported
    embedding_plot = unsupported
    partial_dependence_plot = unsupported
    bar_plot = unsupported
    waterfall_plot = unsupported
    text_plot = unsupported

# other stuff :)
from . import datasets
from . import utils
from . import links

#from . import benchmark

from .utils._legacy import kmeans
from .utils import sample, approximate_interactions

# TODO: Add support for hclustering based explanations where we sort the leaf order by magnitude and then show the dendrogram to the left
def summary_legacy(shap_values, features=None, feature_names=None, max_display=None, plot_type=None,
                 color=None, axis_color="#333333", title=None, alpha=1, show=True, sort=True,
                 color_bar=True, plot_size="auto", layered_violin_max_num_bins=20, class_names=None,
                 # depreciated
    """Create a SHAP beeswarm plot, colored by feature values when they are provided.

    shap_values : numpy.array
        For single output explanations this is a matrix of SHAP values (# samples x # features).
        For multi-output explanations this is a list of such matrices of SHAP values.

    features : numpy.array or pandas.DataFrame or list
        Matrix of feature values (# samples x # features) or a feature_names list as shorthand

    feature_names : list
        Names of the features (length # features)

    max_display : int
        How many top features to include in the plot (default is 20, or 7 for interaction plots)

    plot_type : "dot" (default for single output), "bar" (default for multi-output), "violin",
        or "compact_dot".
        What type of summary plot to produce. Note that "compact_dot" is only used for
        SHAP interaction values.

    plot_size : "auto" (default), float, (float, float), or None
        What size to make the plot. By default the size is auto-scaled based on the number of
        features that are being displayed. Passing a single float will cause each row to be that 
        many inches high. Passing a pair of floats will scale the plot by that
        number of inches. If None is passed then the size of the current figure will be left

    # support passing an explanation object
    if str(type(shap_values)).endswith("Explanation'>"):
        shap_exp = shap_values
        base_value = shap_exp.base_value
        shap_values = shap_exp.values
        if features is None:
            features = shap_exp.data
        if feature_names is None:
            feature_names = shap_exp.feature_names
        # if out_names is None: # TODO: waiting for slicer support of this
        #     out_names = shap_exp.output_names

    # deprecation warnings
    if auto_size_plot is not None:
        warnings.warn("auto_size_plot=False is deprecated and is now ignored! Use plot_size=None instead.")

    multi_class = False
    if isinstance(shap_values, list):
        multi_class = True
        if plot_type is None:
            plot_type = "bar" # default for multi-output explanations
        assert plot_type == "bar", "Only plot_type = 'bar' is supported for multi-output explanations!"
        if plot_type is None:
            plot_type = "dot" # default for single output explanations
        assert len(shap_values.shape) != 1, "Summary plots need a matrix of shap_values, not a vector."

    # default color:
    if color is None:
        if plot_type == 'layered_violin':
            color = "coolwarm"
        elif multi_class:
            color = lambda i: colors.red_blue_circle(i/len(shap_values))
            color = colors.blue_rgb

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