
Milky Chance《Colorado》

 E7音乐 2021-10-08


Everyday music







——John Suckling《为什么这样子苍白,憔悴,痴心汉


歌者Milky Chance

词曲Joacim Persson, Sebastian Arman, Philipp Dausch & Clemens Rehbein





I get high like Colorado

We had it all, but what do I know?

I try to push away the sorrow

But today it's too late, I'll try tomorrow

(yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah)

[Verse 1]

I think that you are kinda mean (Kinda mean, kinda mean)

You just replaced me in the scene (In the scene, in the scene)

I thought that we were evergreen (Evergreen, evergreen)

Like a never-ending dream


Never been on the TV

Scratched me off of your CV

Out of your mind, out of your mind

Never been so uneasy

Jealousy got me freaky

Out of my mind


So I get high like Colorado

We had it all, but what do I know?

I try to push away the sorrow

But today it's too late, I'll try tomorrow

(yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah)

[Verse 2]

I'm losing sleep all by myself

I'm wide awake, and I just wonder how

You put my heart back on the shelf (Back on the shelf)

Well, I'ma be a loner now


Never been on the TV

Scratched me off of your CV

Out of your mind, out of your mind

Never been so uneasy

Jealousy got me freaky

Out of my mind


So I get high like Colorado

We had it all, but what do I know?

I try to push away the sorrow

But today it's too late, I'll try tomorrow

(yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah)


Drownin' in my sofa with my blood shot red eyes

Ridin' rollercoaster 'til I see the sunrise


I get high like Colorado (I get high like, I get high)

We had it all, but what do I know?

I try to push away the sorrow (I get high like, I get high)

But today it's too late, I'll try tomorrow

(yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah)


I get high like Colorado

(Colorado, Colorado, Colorado)

I get high like Colorado

(Colorado, Colorado, Colorado)



今天分享一首Milky Chance(银河机遇乐队)的《Colorado》。

今天来首德国摇滚乐队Milky Chance的新歌,结合了雷鬼和电音等元素,2021年6月19日发布,估计后面会有专辑,这是专辑前的单曲。这是他们在自己的厂牌Muggelig Records下发行的歌曲。有自己的厂牌是很爽的,乐队贝斯手phillip Dausch说:“经营自己的厂牌让我们能够在向人们传播音乐方面发挥创意,就像我们制作音乐一样。”


谈到这首歌的创作时,吉他手兼歌手Clemens Rehbein和贝斯手phillip Dausch说:“一开始,我们有吉他的riff段落,然后我们开始胡乱的嘀咕,寻找旋律等等。在对着它嘀咕时,第一个脱颖而出的单词是'Colorado’我们非常喜欢这首歌,因为它的发音以及它与旋律非常契合。我们开始进一步思考,可能一秒钟后就写了第一句,I get high like Colorado。”这首歌有很好听的riff,整体有雷鬼有电音,听起来很像trap音乐的感觉,但还稍有不同,是个很有趣的创作。看下歌手。

Milky Chance是一支起源于卡塞尔的德国摇滚乐队。它由歌手和吉他手 Clemens Rehbein、贝斯手和打击乐手 Philipp Dausch 以及吉他手 Antonio Greger 组成。他们的第一首单曲《Stolen Dance》于 2013 年 4 月发行,在多个国家的排行榜上名列前茅。在美国公告牌200强的前20名,还获得了 1Live Krone 电台最佳单曲奖。他们的歌曲大多数都只有三分钟左右的长度。Rehbein说这样它可以有能力把我们推到最好的一个状态。在谈到平日的创作方式时Rehbein说:“首先,你要毫无畏惧地跳入水中,你要放手,让自己漂走。然后你学会了游泳,如果你游到对岸,那创作就完成了。

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