
人文湖南 | 慢品社区老房子 · 韩敏旧居记忆 淮海中路1326号

 滴水斋主 2021-10-24




















韩敏 (邬海佳画)▲ 


HAN Min (1929-) has his ancestral family from Hangzhou in Zhejiang province and is known as a comic artist and artist of Chinese painting. When he was young, he studied Chinese traditional painting techniques after his father and got the essence of his teachings. After the founding of the People’s Republic of China, he entered the Long March Press, Shanghai New Fine Arts Publishing House and Shanghai People’s Fine Arts Publishing House to serve as creator of comic pictures. In 1958, he once shifted  to draw New Year paintings.

After the reform and opening up, he finished successively quite a number of comic books and turned to the creation of Chinese paintings. He had a unique style of painting and made accomplishments in such fields as figures, landscapes, flowers and birds and Chinese calligraphy. Now he is president of Shanghai Academy of Painting and Calligraphy and librarian of Shanghai Research Institute of Culture and History.

His representative comic works include The White-Haired Girl, ZHENG Banqiao, The Lin Family Shop, JIAO Yulu, SU Wu and others. His ink comic painting Happy Childhood won the second prize for painting of the Shanghai First Comic Book Award; his single-line sketch comic painting XIE Yaohuan won the second prize of the National Art Award; and his picture poster Chairman MAO Closely Linked with Our Hearts won the first prize at the National New Year Picture Poster Exhibition.

From Life and Higher than Life

Born in a scholarly family, HAN Min learned traditional Chinese painting with his father HAN Xiaomei in his childhood and laid a solid foundation. He believed that, though painting techniques were important, creation of artistic works full of vitality could not be separated from life.

In his childhood, he moved with his parents from Hangzhou at the West Lake to Tai’an Road in Shanghai. At that time, this place was a joint point of the urban and rural areas where there were green fields, gurgling rivers and fence walls of small farm courtyard covered with morning glories. This pastoral area was a paradise for his childhood, where he snapped at grasshoppers,searched bird nests, caught crickets and stuck cicadas. Now over 60 years passed, but he still retained the innocence from is childhood and reproduced his memories the flowers, birds and insects in his works. The work Painting Collection of Flowers, Birds, Grass and Insects by HAN Min (published by Shanghai Painting and Calligraphy Press) filled with a strong flavor of life represents his unique understanding of nature and life.

In his paintings of flowers and birds, the most common theme is ink painting of bamboo. He is good at painting bamboo because he lived in an area of bamboo since his childhood so that his ink paintings of bamboo are not from painting copybooks,  but  from life. Therefore his  paintings have unique features as  if they contain wind and dew. Sometimes bamboo paintings are dominated by bamboo with birds shuttling, or chanting and singing, or keeping quiet. Sometimes bamboos are used as the background, which form a pleasing contrast with the figures. Either literati and excellent scholars, or ancient ladies and beauties, enable artistic effect of ink bamboo to leap on the paper of painting.

He has a profound understanding of the idea that paintings are from life and higher than life. In his young age, he formed the good habit of immerging deep in life to observe and experience. In the 1970s, for the creation of the comic for the ballet The White- Haired Girl, he went to the ballet troupe to watch its rehearsal and studied over 30 movements reflected in the dance. In the end he remembered each movement and posture. He made a comment, saying, “If you know nothing about dance itself and do not have in- depth practice, it is impossible to paint only by imagination.”

His habit of making meticulous observations of things has remained until today without the slightest change. He has inherited the essence of traditional painting and also adhered to the contemporary basis, indulgence into real life and turning to life for advice. Now over 80 years old, he is still like many young people and often watches life variety show programs such as “You Are the One”. Besides entertainment, he has an additional thinking and reference about painting in comparison with others. “I am an artist painting ancient ladies. On the stage are standing just 24 girls. A study of the relationship between their origins, experiences, characters and faces serves to accumulate materials for my creation.”He reached s conclusion,“If I did not know the aesthetic outlook of modern people, my painting would be outdated in spite of their quality.”

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