

 新用户8389DdzY 2021-10-31



在讲SLAB分配器之前先说两个概念: 内部碎片和外部碎片。


如果某进程现在需要向操作系统申请地址连续的32K内存空间,注意是地址连续,实际上系统中当前共有10K+23K=33K空闲内存,但是这些空闲内存并不连续,所以不能满足进程的请求。这就是所谓的外部碎片,造成外部碎片的原因主要是进程或者系统频繁的申请和释放不同大小的一组连续页框。Linux操作系统中为了尽量避免外部碎片而采用了伙伴系统(Buddy System)算法。


某进程向系统申请了3K内存空间,系统通过伙伴系统算法可能分配给进程4K(一个标准页面)内存空间,导致剩余1K内存空间无法被系统利用,造成了浪费。这是由于进程请求内存大小与系统分配给它的内存大小不匹配造成的。由于伙伴算法采用页框(Page Frame)作为基本内存区,适合于大块内存请求。在很多情况下,进程或者系统申请的内存都是4K(一个标准页面)的,依然采用伙伴算法必然会造成系统内存的极大浪费。为满足进程或者系统对小片内存的请求,对内存管理粒度更小的SLAB分配器就产生了。(注:Linux中的SLAB算法实际上是借鉴了Sun公司的Solaris操作系统中的SLAB模式)




注:下文说明的缓存指的并不是真正的缓存,真正的缓存指的是硬件缓存,也就是我们通常所说的L1 cache、L2 cache、L3 cache,硬件缓存是为了解决快速的CPU和速度较慢的内存之间速度不匹配的问题,CPU访问cache的速度要快于内存,如果将常用的数据放到硬件缓存中,使用时CPU直接访问cache而不用再访问内存,从而提升系统速度。下文中的缓存实际上是用软件在内存中预先开辟一块空间,使用时直接从这一块空间中去取,是SLAB分配器为了便于对小块内存的管理而建立的。


3.1 SLAB相关说明






           为了提升效率,SLAB分配器为每一个CPU都提供了每CPU数据结构struct array_cache,该结构指向被释放的对象。当CPU需要使用申请某一个对象的内存空间时,会先检查array_cache中是否有空闲的对象,如果有的话就直接使用。如果没有空闲对象,就像SLAB分配器进行申请。

3.2 SLAB相关数据结构



       在Linux内核中,SLAB高速缓存用struct kmem_cache表示,源代码网址,其定义如下:

  1. /*SLAB分配器高速缓存*/
  2. struct kmem_cache {
  3. /*每CPU高速缓存指针,每一个CPU都会有一个该结构,其中存放了空闲对象*/
  4. struct array_cache __percpu *cpu_cache;
  5. /* 1) Cache tunables. Protected by slab_mutex */
  6. /*要转移进本地高速缓存或者从本地高速缓存中转移出去的对象的数量*/
  7. unsigned int batchcount;
  8. /*本地高速缓存中空闲对象的最大数目*/
  9. unsigned int limit;
  10. /*是否存在CPU共享的高速缓存*/
  11. unsigned int shared;
  12. /*对象对齐之后所占字节,也就是对象本身大小+为对齐对象而填充的字节*/
  13. unsigned int size;
  14. /*size的倒数*/
  15. struct reciprocal_value reciprocal_buffer_size;
  16. /* 2) touched by every alloc & free from the backend */
  17. /*描述高速缓存永久属性的一组标志*/
  18. unsigned int flags;/* constant flags */
  19. /*每一个SLAB中包含的对象的个数*/
  20. unsigned int num;/* # of objs per slab */
  21. /* 3) cache_grow/shrink */
  22. /*一个单独SLAB中包含的连续页框数目的对数 order of pgs per slab (2^n) */
  23. unsigned int gfporder;
  24. /* 分配页框时传递给伙伴系统的一组标识*/
  25. gfp_t allocflags;
  26. /*SLAB使用的颜色的数量*/
  27. size_t colour;
  28. /*SLAB中基本对齐偏移,当新SLAB着色时,偏移量的值需要乘上这个基本对齐偏移量,理解就是1个偏移量等于多少个B大小的值*/
  29. unsigned int colour_off;
  30. /* 空闲对象链表放在外部时使用,其指向的SLAB高速缓存来存储空闲对象链表 */
  31. struct kmem_cache *freelist_cache;
  32. /* 空闲对象链表的大小 */
  33. unsigned int freelist_size;
  34. /* SLAB中存放的对象的构造函数*/
  35. void (*ctor)(void *obj);
  36. /* 4) cache creation/removal */
  37. /*高速缓存的名称*/
  38. const char *name;
  39. /*高速缓存描述符的双向链表指针*/
  40. struct list_head list;
  41. int refcount;
  42. /*SLAB中存放的对象的大小*/
  43. int object_size;
  44. int align;
  45. /* 5) statistics */
  46. #ifdef CONFIG_DEBUG_SLAB
  47. unsigned long num_active;
  48. unsigned long num_allocations;
  49. unsigned long high_mark;
  50. unsigned long grown;
  51. unsigned long reaped;
  52. unsigned long errors;
  53. unsigned long max_freeable;
  54. unsigned long node_allocs;
  55. unsigned long node_frees;
  56. unsigned long node_overflow;
  57. atomic_t allochit;
  58. atomic_t allocmiss;
  59. atomic_t freehit;
  60. atomic_t freemiss;
  62. atomic_t store_user_clean;
  63. #endif
  64. /*对象间的偏移*/
  65. int obj_offset;
  66. #endif /* CONFIG_DEBUG_SLAB */
  67. #ifdef CONFIG_MEMCG
  68. struct memcg_cache_params memcg_params;
  69. #endif
  70. #ifdef CONFIG_KASAN
  71. struct kasan_cache kasan_info;
  72. #endif
  74. void *random_seq;
  75. #endif
  76. /*一个节点高速缓存的指针数组,数组中的每一个元素指向每一个NUMA节点的高速缓存*/
  77. struct kmem_cache_node *node[MAX_NUMNODES];
  78. };

在struct kmem_cache结构体中,struct array_cache __percpu *cpu_cache和struct kmem_cache_node  *node[MAX_NUMNODES]这两个属性比较重要。array_cache针对的是每一个CPU的SLAB高速缓存,kmem_cache_node是针对每一个NUMA节点的SLAB高速缓存。其中,struct kmem_cache_node结构体定义如下:源代码网址

  1. /*NUMA节点高速缓存*/
  2. struct kmem_cache_node {
  3. /*自旋锁*/
  4. spinlock_t list_lock;
  5. #ifdef CONFIG_SLAB
  6. /*包含空闲对象和非空闲对象的SLAB描述符双向循环链表*/
  7. struct list_head slabs_partial;
  8. /*不包含空闲对象的SLAB描述符双向循环链表*/
  9. struct list_head slabs_full;
  10. /*只包含空闲对象的SLAB描述符的双向循环链表*/
  11. struct list_head slabs_free;
  12. unsigned long free_objects;
  13. unsigned int free_limit;
  14. /*下一个被分配的SLAB的颜色*/
  15. unsigned int colour_next;
  16. /*本NUMA节点内被多个CPU所共享的本地高速缓存指针*/
  17. struct array_cache *shared;
  18. struct alien_cache **alien;/* on other nodes */
  19. /*两次缓存收缩时的间隔*/
  20. unsigned long next_reap;/* updated without locking */
  21. int free_touched;/* updated without locking */
  22. #endif
  23. #ifdef CONFIG_SLUB
  24. unsigned long nr_partial;
  25. struct list_head partial;
  26. #ifdef CONFIG_SLUB_DEBUG
  27. atomic_long_t nr_slabs;
  28. atomic_long_t total_objects;
  29. struct list_head full;
  30. #endif
  31. #endif
  32. };

 在struct kmem_cache_node结构体中,有三个比较重要的属性:slabs_partial、slabs_full、slabs_free,其中slabs_partial指向只有部分对象被使用的slab的描述符的链表,slabs_full指向所有对象都被使用的slab的描述符的链表,slabs_free指向所有对象都没有被使用的slab的描述符的链表。

有关slab的描述符,其定义是在struct page中,相关代码如下:源代码网址

  1. struct page {
  2. /* First double word block */
  3. /*页描述符相关字段,与页框有关的一组标志*/
  4. unsigned long flags;
  5. union {
  6. /*页描述符相关字段*/
  7. struct address_space *mapping;
  8. /*与SLAB描述符有关,指向SLAB中第一个对象的地址*/
  9. void *s_mem;/* slab first object */
  10. atomic_t compound_mapcount;/* first tail page */
  11. /* page_deferred_list().next -- second tail page */
  12. };
  13. /* Second double word */
  14. struct {
  15. union {
  16. pgoff_t index;/* Our offset within mapping. */
  17. /*与SLAB描述符相关,指向SLAB中空闲对象链表*/
  18. void *freelist;/* sl[aou]b first free object */
  19. /* page_deferred_list().prev-- second tail page */
  20. };
  21. union {
  22. #if defined(CONFIG_HAVE_CMPXCHG_DOUBLE) && \
  24. /* Used for cmpxchg_double in slub */
  25. unsigned long counters;
  26. #else
  27. unsigned counters;
  28. #endif
  29. struct {
  30. union {
  31. atomic_t _mapcount;
  32. struct { /* SLUB */
  33. unsigned inuse:16;
  34. unsigned objects:15;
  35. unsigned frozen:1;
  36. };
  37. int units;/* SLOB */
  38. };
  39. /*
  40. * Usage count, *USE WRAPPER FUNCTION*
  41. * when manual accounting. See page_ref.h
  42. */
  43. atomic_t _refcount;
  44. };
  45. unsigned int active;/* SLAB */
  46. };
  47. };
  48. /*
  49. * Third double word block
  50. *
  51. * WARNING: bit 0 of the first word encode PageTail(). That means
  52. * the rest users of the storage space MUST NOT use the bit to
  53. * avoid collision and false-positive PageTail().
  54. */
  55. union {
  56. /*有多重用途,在SLAB中表示加入到kmem_cache中的SLAB描述符链表中*/
  57. struct list_head lru;
  58. struct dev_pagemap *pgmap;
  59. struct {/* slub per cpu partial pages */
  60. struct page *next;/* Next partial slab */
  61. #ifdef CONFIG_64BIT
  62. int pages;/* Nr of partial slabs left */
  63. int pobjects;/* Approximate # of objects */
  64. #else
  65. short int pages;
  66. short int pobjects;
  67. #endif
  68. };
  69. struct rcu_head rcu_head;/* Used by SLAB
  70. * when destroying via RCU
  71. */
  72. /* Tail pages of compound page */
  73. struct {
  74. unsigned long compound_head; /* If bit zero is set */
  75. /* First tail page only */
  76. #ifdef CONFIG_64BIT
  77. unsigned int compound_dtor;
  78. unsigned int compound_order;
  79. #else
  80. unsigned short int compound_dtor;
  81. unsigned short int compound_order;
  82. #endif
  83. };
  85. struct {
  86. unsigned long __pad;
  87. pgtable_t pmd_huge_pte; /* protected by page->ptl */
  88. };
  89. #endif
  90. };
  91. /* Remainder is not double word aligned */
  92. union {
  93. unsigned long private;
  96. spinlock_t *ptl;
  97. #else
  98. spinlock_t ptl;
  99. #endif
  100. #endif
  101. struct kmem_cache *slab_cache;/* SL[AU]B: Pointer to slab */
  102. };
  103. #ifdef CONFIG_MEMCG
  104. struct mem_cgroup *mem_cgroup;
  105. #endif
  106. #if defined(WANT_PAGE_VIRTUAL)
  107. void *virtual;/* Kernel virtual address (NULL if
  108. not kmapped, ie. highmem) */
  109. #endif /* WANT_PAGE_VIRTUAL */
  110. #ifdef CONFIG_KMEMCHECK
  111. /*
  112. * kmemcheck wants to track the status of each byte in a page; this
  113. * is a pointer to such a status block. NULL if not tracked.
  114. */
  115. void *shadow;
  116. #endif
  118. int _last_cpupid;
  119. #endif
  120. }

在struct page结构体中,与SLAB有关的比较重要的两个属性:s_mem和freelist,其中s_mem指向slab中的第一个对象的地址(或者已经被分配或者空闲)。freelist指向空闲对象链表。

在struct kmem_cache结构体中有一个属性cpu_cache,cpu_cache是一个指向数组的指针,每个数组项都对应系统中的一个CPU,每个数组项都包含了一个指向struct array_cache的指针,其定义如下:源代码网址

  1. struct array_cache {
  2. /*保存了per-CPU缓存中可使用对象的指针的个数*/
  3. unsigned int avail;
  4. /*保存的对象的最大的数量*/
  5. unsigned int limit;
  6. /*如果per-CPU列表中保存的最大对象的数目超过limit值,内核会将batchcount个对象返回到slab*/
  7. unsigned int batchcount;
  8. /*从per—CPU缓存中移除一个对象时,此值将被设置为1,缓存收缩时,此时被设置为0.这使得内核能够确认在缓存上一次
  9. 收缩之后是否被访问过,也是缓存重要性的一个标志*/
  10. unsigned int touched;
  11. /*一个伪指针数组,指向per-CPU缓存的对象*/
  12. void *entry[];
  13. };



3.3 SLAB与分区页框分配器


  1. alloc_pages(gfp_mask,order):请求2^order个连续的页框,他返回第一个所分配页框的描述符的地址。分配失败则返回NULL。
  2. __get_free_pages(gfp_mask,order):与函数alloc_pages(gfp_mask,orser)类似,但是此函数返回第一个所分配页的线性地址。
  3. __free_pages(page,order):该函数先检查page指向的页描述符,如果该页框未被保留(PG_reserved标志位为
  4. 0),就把描述符的count字段值减1。如果count字段的值变为0,就假定从与page对应的页框开始的2^order个连续的页框不再被使用。在这种情况下该函数释放页框。
  5. free_pages(addr,order):类似于__free_pages(),但是它接收的参数为要释放的第一个页框的线性地址addr。


static struct page *kmem_getpages(struct kmem_cache *cachep, gfp_t flags,int nodeid)


static void kmem_freepages(struct kmem_cache *cachep, struct page *page)

3.4 SLAB与高速缓存


  1. /*
  2. * kmem_cache_create - Create a cache.
  3. * @name: A string which is used in /proc/slabinfo to identify this cache.
  4. * @size: The size of objects to be created in this cache.
  5. * @align: The required alignment for the objects.
  6. * @flags: SLAB flags
  7. * @ctor: A constructor for the objects.
  8. *
  9. * Returns a ptr to the cache on success, NULL on failure.
  10. * Cannot be called within a interrupt, but can be interrupted.
  11. * The @ctor is run when new pages are allocated by the cache.
  12. *
  13. * The flags are
  14. *
  15. * %SLAB_POISON - Poison the slab with a known test pattern (a5a5a5a5)
  16. * to catch references to uninitialised memory.
  17. *
  18. * %SLAB_RED_ZONE - Insert `Red' zones around the allocated memory to check
  19. * for buffer overruns.
  20. *
  21. * %SLAB_HWCACHE_ALIGN - Align the objects in this cache to a hardware
  22. * cacheline. This can be beneficial if you're counting cycles as closely
  23. * as davem.
  24. */
  25. struct kmem_cache *kmem_cache_create(const char *name, size_t size, size_t align,
  26. unsigned long flags, void (*ctor)(void *));



  1. void kmem_cache_destroy(struct kmem_cache *s)
  2. {
  3. LIST_HEAD(release);
  4. bool need_rcu_barrier = false;
  5. int err;
  6. if (unlikely(!s))
  7. return;
  8. get_online_cpus();
  9. get_online_mems();
  10. kasan_cache_destroy(s);
  11. mutex_lock(&slab_mutex);
  12. s->refcount--;
  13. if (s->refcount)
  14. goto out_unlock;
  15. err = shutdown_memcg_caches(s, &release, &need_rcu_barrier);
  16. if (!err)
  17. err = shutdown_cache(s, &release, &need_rcu_barrier);
  18. if (err) {
  19. pr_err("kmem_cache_destroy %s: Slab cache still has objects\n",
  20. s->name);
  21. dump_stack();
  22. }
  23. out_unlock:
  24. mutex_unlock(&slab_mutex);
  25. put_online_mems();
  26. put_online_cpus();
  27. release_caches(&release, need_rcu_barrier);
  28. }
  29. EXPORT_SYMBOL(kmem_cache_destroy);



  1. #define KSM_KMEM_CACHE(__struct, __flags) kmem_cache_create("ksm_"#__struct,\
  2. sizeof(struct __struct), __alignof__(struct __struct),\
  3. (__flags), NULL)
  4. static int __init ksm_slab_init(void)
  5. {
  6. rmap_item_cache = KSM_KMEM_CACHE(rmap_item, 0);
  7. if (!rmap_item_cache)
  8. goto out;
  9. stable_node_cache = KSM_KMEM_CACHE(stable_node, 0);
  10. if (!stable_node_cache)
  11. goto out_free1;
  12. mm_slot_cache = KSM_KMEM_CACHE(mm_slot, 0);
  13. if (!mm_slot_cache)
  14. goto out_free2;
  15. return 0;
  16. out_free2:
  17. kmem_cache_destroy(stable_node_cache);
  18. out_free1:
  19. kmem_cache_destroy(rmap_item_cache);
  20. out:
  21. return -ENOMEM;
  22. }
  23. static void __init ksm_slab_free(void)
  24. {
  25. kmem_cache_destroy(mm_slot_cache);
  26. kmem_cache_destroy(stable_node_cache);
  27. kmem_cache_destroy(rmap_item_cache);
  28. mm_slot_cache = NULL;
  29. }


3.5 SLAB与SLAB的对象


  1. /**
  2. * kmem_cache_alloc - Allocate an object
  3. * @cachep: The cache to allocate from.
  4. * @flags: See kmalloc().
  5. *
  6. * Allocate an object from this cache. The flags are only relevant
  7. * if the cache has no available objects.
  8. */
  9. void *kmem_cache_alloc(struct kmem_cache *cachep, gfp_t flags)
  10. {
  11. void *ret = slab_alloc(cachep, flags, _RET_IP_);
  12. kasan_slab_alloc(cachep, ret, flags);
  13. trace_kmem_cache_alloc(_RET_IP_, ret,
  14. cachep->object_size, cachep->size, flags);
  15. return ret;
  16. }
  17. EXPORT_SYMBOL(kmem_cache_alloc);




cache_alloc_refill()——>尝试从被一个NUMA节点所有CPU共享的缓冲中获取空闲对象(源代码注释中写道:See if we can refill from the shared array),如果有则返回可用对象,refill结束——>从kmem_cache_node中的slab中获取空闲对象,有则返回,没有就执行下一步——>kmem_getpages()


  1. /**
  2. * kmem_cache_free - Deallocate an object
  3. * @cachep: The cache the allocation was from.
  4. * @objp: The previously allocated object.
  5. *
  6. * Free an object which was previously allocated from this
  7. * cache.
  8. */
  9. void kmem_cache_free(struct kmem_cache *cachep, void *objp)
  10. {
  11. unsigned long flags;
  12. cachep = cache_from_obj(cachep, objp);
  13. if (!cachep)
  14. return;
  15. local_irq_save(flags);
  16. debug_check_no_locks_freed(objp, cachep->object_size);
  17. if (!(cachep->flags & SLAB_DEBUG_OBJECTS))
  18. debug_check_no_obj_freed(objp, cachep->object_size);
  19. __cache_free(cachep, objp, _RET_IP_);
  20. local_irq_restore(flags);
  21. trace_kmem_cache_free(_RET_IP_, objp);
  22. }
  23. EXPORT_SYMBOL(kmem_cache_free);


3.6 SLAB着色

同一硬件高速缓存行可以映射RAM中很多不同的内存块。相同大小的对象倾向于存放在硬件高速缓存内相同的偏移量处。在不同的SLAB内具有相同偏移量的度下行最终很有可能映射在同一硬件高速缓存行中。高速缓存的硬件可能因此而花费内存周期在同一高速缓存行与RAM内存单元之间来来往往传送这两个对象,而其他的硬件高速缓存行并未充分使用(以上语句出自《深入理解Linux内核》第三版第334页)。SLAB分配器为了降低硬件高速缓存的这种行为,采用了SLAB着色(slab  coloring)的策略。所谓着色,简单来说就是给各个slab增加不同的偏移量,设置偏移量的过程就是着色的过程。通过着色尽量使得不同的对象对应到硬件不同的高速缓存行上,以最大限度的利用硬件高速缓存,提升系统效率。

3.7 普通与专用高速缓存


  1. /*
  2. * Initialisation. Called after the page allocator have been initialised and
  3. * before smp_init().
  4. */
  5. void __init kmem_cache_init(void)
  6. {
  7. int i;
  8. BUILD_BUG_ON(sizeof(((struct page *)NULL)->lru) <
  9. sizeof(struct rcu_head));
  10. kmem_cache = &kmem_cache_boot;
  11. if (!IS_ENABLED(CONFIG_NUMA) || num_possible_nodes() == 1)
  12. use_alien_caches = 0;
  13. for (i = 0; i < NUM_INIT_LISTS; i++)
  14. kmem_cache_node_init(&init_kmem_cache_node[i]);
  15. /*
  16. * Fragmentation resistance on low memory - only use bigger
  17. * page orders on machines with more than 32MB of memory if
  18. * not overridden on the command line.
  19. */
  20. if (!slab_max_order_set && totalram_pages > (32 << 20) >> PAGE_SHIFT)
  21. slab_max_order = SLAB_MAX_ORDER_HI;
  22. /* Bootstrap is tricky, because several objects are allocated
  23. * from caches that do not exist yet:
  24. * 1) initialize the kmem_cache cache: it contains the struct
  25. * kmem_cache structures of all caches, except kmem_cache itself:
  26. * kmem_cache is statically allocated.
  27. * Initially an __init data area is used for the head array and the
  28. * kmem_cache_node structures, it's replaced with a kmalloc allocated
  29. * array at the end of the bootstrap.
  30. * 2) Create the first kmalloc cache.
  31. * The struct kmem_cache for the new cache is allocated normally.
  32. * An __init data area is used for the head array.
  33. * 3) Create the remaining kmalloc caches, with minimally sized
  34. * head arrays.
  35. * 4) Replace the __init data head arrays for kmem_cache and the first
  36. * kmalloc cache with kmalloc allocated arrays.
  37. * 5) Replace the __init data for kmem_cache_node for kmem_cache and
  38. * the other cache's with kmalloc allocated memory.
  39. * 6) Resize the head arrays of the kmalloc caches to their final sizes.
  40. */
  41. /* 1) create the kmem_cache */
  42. /*
  43. * struct kmem_cache size depends on nr_node_ids & nr_cpu_ids
  44. */
  45. create_boot_cache(kmem_cache, "kmem_cache",
  46. offsetof(struct kmem_cache, node) +
  47. nr_node_ids * sizeof(struct kmem_cache_node *),
  49. list_add(&kmem_cache->list, &slab_caches);
  50. slab_state = PARTIAL;
  51. /*
  52. * Initialize the caches that provide memory for the kmem_cache_node
  53. * structures first. Without this, further allocations will bug.
  54. */
  55. kmalloc_caches[INDEX_NODE] = create_kmalloc_cache("kmalloc-node",
  56. kmalloc_size(INDEX_NODE), ARCH_KMALLOC_FLAGS);
  57. slab_state = PARTIAL_NODE;
  58. setup_kmalloc_cache_index_table();
  59. slab_early_init = 0;
  60. /* 5) Replace the bootstrap kmem_cache_node */
  61. {
  62. int nid;
  63. for_each_online_node(nid) {
  64. init_list(kmem_cache, &init_kmem_cache_node[CACHE_CACHE + nid], nid);
  65. init_list(kmalloc_caches[INDEX_NODE],
  66. &init_kmem_cache_node[SIZE_NODE + nid], nid);
  67. }
  68. }
  69. create_kmalloc_caches(ARCH_KMALLOC_FLAGS);
  70. }


在Linux中使用 sudo  cat  /proc/slabinfo就可以得到上面的信息,每一列的含义如下:


  1. /**
  2. * kmalloc - allocate memory
  3. * @size: how many bytes of memory are required.
  4. * @flags: the type of memory to allocate.
  5. *
  6. * kmalloc is the normal method of allocating memory
  7. * for objects smaller than page size in the kernel.
  8. *
  9. * The @flags argument may be one of:
  10. *
  11. * %GFP_USER - Allocate memory on behalf of user. May sleep.
  12. *
  13. * %GFP_KERNEL - Allocate normal kernel ram. May sleep.
  14. *
  15. * %GFP_ATOMIC - Allocation will not sleep. May use emergency pools.
  16. * For example, use this inside interrupt handlers.
  17. *
  18. * %GFP_HIGHUSER - Allocate pages from high memory.
  19. *
  20. * %GFP_NOIO - Do not do any I/O at all while trying to get memory.
  21. *
  22. * %GFP_NOFS - Do not make any fs calls while trying to get memory.
  23. *
  24. * %GFP_NOWAIT - Allocation will not sleep.
  25. *
  26. * %__GFP_THISNODE - Allocate node-local memory only.
  27. *
  28. * %GFP_DMA - Allocation suitable for DMA.
  29. * Should only be used for kmalloc() caches. Otherwise, use a
  30. * slab created with SLAB_DMA.
  31. *
  32. * Also it is possible to set different flags by OR'ing
  33. * in one or more of the following additional @flags:
  34. *
  35. * %__GFP_COLD - Request cache-cold pages instead of
  36. * trying to return cache-warm pages.
  37. *
  38. * %__GFP_HIGH - This allocation has high priority and may use emergency pools.
  39. *
  40. * %__GFP_NOFAIL - Indicate that this allocation is in no way allowed to fail
  41. * (think twice before using).
  42. *
  43. * %__GFP_NORETRY - If memory is not immediately available,
  44. * then give up at once.
  45. *
  46. * %__GFP_NOWARN - If allocation fails, don't issue any warnings.
  47. *
  48. * %__GFP_REPEAT - If allocation fails initially, try once more before failing.
  49. *
  50. * There are other flags available as well, but these are not intended
  51. * for general use, and so are not documented here. For a full list of
  52. * potential flags, always refer to linux/gfp.h.
  53. */
  54. static __always_inline void *kmalloc(size_t size, gfp_t flags)
  55. {
  56. if (__builtin_constant_p(size)) {
  57. if (size > KMALLOC_MAX_CACHE_SIZE)
  58. return kmalloc_large(size, flags);
  59. #ifndef CONFIG_SLOB
  60. if (!(flags & GFP_DMA)) {
  61. int index = kmalloc_index(size);
  62. if (!index)
  63. return ZERO_SIZE_PTR;
  64. return kmem_cache_alloc_trace(kmalloc_caches[index],
  65. flags, size);
  66. }
  67. #endif
  68. }
  69. return __kmalloc(size, flags);
  70. }



  1. /**
  2. * kfree - free previously allocated memory
  3. * @objp: pointer returned by kmalloc.
  4. *
  5. * If @objp is NULL, no operation is performed.
  6. *
  7. * Don't free memory not originally allocated by kmalloc()
  8. * or you will run into trouble.
  9. */
  10. void kfree(const void *objp)
  11. {
  12. struct kmem_cache *c;
  13. unsigned long flags;
  14. trace_kfree(_RET_IP_, objp);
  15. if (unlikely(ZERO_OR_NULL_PTR(objp)))
  16. return;
  17. local_irq_save(flags);
  18. kfree_debugcheck(objp);
  19. c = virt_to_cache(objp);
  20. debug_check_no_locks_freed(objp, c->object_size);
  21. debug_check_no_obj_freed(objp, c->object_size);
  22. __cache_free(c, (void *)objp, _RET_IP_);
  23. local_irq_restore(flags);
  24. }
  25. EXPORT_SYMBOL(kfree);


3.8 SLAB分配器体现的改进思想:







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