

 胡家田 2021-11-01



      《Shake It Off》是泰勒·斯威夫特的第二支冠军单曲,同时也宣告着泰勒从乡村歌手摇身成为流行天后。下面就让我们边唱边学,感受英语的魅力吧!

    I stay out too late

stay out 待在户外,不在家;(晚上)不回家

Got nothing in my brain

That’s what people say

That’s what people say

I go on too many dates


date n.约会

be going on (for) sth 接近某一时间

eg)It was going on midnight.快到半夜了

go on (with you) 去你的,我才不信呢

But I can’t make them stay

make sb do 让某人做某事,这里do做宾语补足语,省略了to(本应为make sb to do)


eg)Judy was made to laugh all the time.


At least that’s what people say

at least 至少

what people say做表语


That’s what people say

But I keep cruising

keep sb doing sth 使某人(一直)做某事

cruise v.乘船游览;轻而易举地赢得;寻觅伴侣

Can’t stop,won’t stop moving


eg)I was crying and couldn't fall asleep.(√)

I was crying.I couldn't fall asleep.(√)

I was crying,couldn't fall asleep.(×)

It’s like I’ve got this music

like conj.像······一样,如同;好像,仿佛

eg)She acts like she owns this place.



2)I've got=I have got是现在完成时的助动词的缩写,高中英语作文不建议使用

In my mind saying it’s gonna be alright


It’s like I’ve got this music in my mind saying it’s gonna be alright.

这里in my mind是介词短语,意指“在我脑海中的音乐”,saying```现在分词做music的后置定语

it's gonna be=it's going to be


alright=all right adv.高中英语不建议使用


Cause the players gonna play play play play play

And the haters gonna hate hate hate hate hate

Baby, I’m just gonna shake shake shake shake shake

Shake it off!Shake it off!

play——player n.运动员,参与者;播放机;演奏者;演员


hate——hater n.

shake v.摇动,抖动;摇头;握手;挥拳威胁;颤抖;使震惊,动摇;去除,摆脱

shake sth (off) 去除,摆脱

这里it代指不好的事物,shake it off即指甩掉一切烦恼

eg)I couldn't shake off the feeling that there was something wrong.


Heartbreakers gonna break break break break break

And the fakers gonna fake fake fake fake fake

Baby,I’m just gonna shake shake shake shake shake

Shake it off!Shake it off!

heartbreaker n.让人心碎的人

faker n.作假的人

fake adj.假的&n.假货,冒充者&v.伪造,冒充,假装

eg)She is not sick——she is just faking it.


I never miss a beat

I’m lightning on my feet

And that’s what they don’t see

That’s what they don’t see

miss v.错过,想念

lightning adj.闪电般的,飞快的,突然的&n.闪电


foot的复数是feet,但固定短语“步行”为on foot


I’ll make the moves up as I go

move n.行动,移动

make a move动身,开始行动

as I go做伴随状语,表示“随着我的移动”

And that’s what they don’t know
That’s what they don’t know
But I keep cruising

Can’t stop, won’t stop grooving

stop doing sth停止(正在做的)某事

It’s like I’ve got this music

In my mind
saying it’s gonna be alright

Cause the players gonna play play play play play
And the haters gonna hate hate hate hate hate
Baby, I’m just gonna shake shake shake shake shake
Shake it off!Shake it off!
Heartbreakers gonna break break break break break
And the fakers gonna fake fake fake fake fake
Baby, I’m just gonna shake shake shake shake shake
Shake it off!Shake it off!
Shake it off!I shake it off!I-I-I shake itoff!I shake it off!
I-I-I shake it off!I shake it off!I-I-Ishake it off!I shake it off!

Hey hey hey

Just think,
while you’ve been getting down and out
About the liars and the dirty dirty cheats of the world
You could've been getting down to This!Sick!Beat!


get sb down使悲伤,使沮丧

liar n.说谎者,撒谎者


dirty adj.肮脏的,下流的

cheat n.作弊者,骗子=cheater&n.欺骗手段,欺诈行为;作弊软件/程序

beat n.节奏,节拍(可数)

My ex-man brought his new girlfriend
She’s like “oh my god”

But I’m just gonna shake
And to the fella over there
With the hella good hair
Won’t you come on over baby
We can shake, shake, shake

ex- 前任

ex-wife n.前妻

fella n.伙计,小伙子;男朋友

come on上场

come over过来

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