

 昵称77686253 2021-11-12



说到“堵车”,我们第一个英语用词,就是a traffic jam,那么,a traffic jam的英语又是什么,就不是人人都会“换个说法”表达的了。


1) “读”英语:

1. traffic jam

A traffic jam is a long line of cars that cannot move forward because there is too much traffic. A traffic jam is also called a traffic hold-up.

2. bumper to bumper(车子保险杠顶着保险杠)

Cars are very close together. A traffic that is moving very slowly or not at all.

读了这么多traffic jam的英语,我们可以直接用不同的英语表达traffic jam了。没必要非得翻译成中文才能理解traffic jam的。

2) “说”英语traffic jam

1. Okay.We have many ways to say traffic jam in English.

2. For example.A traffic jam means there are so many cars on the road,or there is such a heavy traffic on the road that cars cannot move at all,or can only move very slowly.

3. When we say a traffic jam,we can also say traffic hold-up.We can also say bumper to bumper.

For example. We can say

The cars on the highway are bumper to bumper right nowthere's no way we'll get there on time.

现在,你可以用hold-up,bumper to bumper理解traffic jam了,没必要非得用中文“堵车”不可。

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