
今天学一个实用英语:product placement(广告植入)

 昵称77686253 2021-11-12

今天学一个实用英语:product placement(广告植入)

对一般英语学习者来说,学习英语product placement,or advertising placement(广告植入:不是implantation)有两大“难点”:

难点1:他们就算现在“死记硬背”product placement,可实际上,到真正“运用”时,绝大多数人还是无法“想起”product placement,尤其是placement这个词。



难点2:究竟如何用英语表达product placement,or advertising placement

这是我们今后可以“摆脱”死记硬背单词product placement,or advertising placement而仍然可以用英语表达product placement,or advertising placement的关键能力。


When a company will pay a fee to have their product used, displayed, or significantly featured in a movie or show,that's what we call a product placementthey place their products in the movies,or TV shows.For example,they have the leading role driving a Toyota car,or using an Apple smartphone.

其中的英语pay a fee to have their product used, displayed, or significantly featured in a movie or show,that's what we call a product placement就是我们不必使用product placement这个“难词”依然可以“表达”product placement,或广告植入的关键英语词,也是我们可以“练”英语口语的地方。

2.“绕开”英语product placement说英语product placement

Well,you know many companies pay lots of money to a movie so that can have their products appeared in the movie,or used by the leading people in the film.

“练就”了这样说“广告植入”的口语能力,为什么还非得用product placement来表达老是“记不住”的product placement呢?

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