
约翰·威廉·沃特豪斯油画作品A Mermaid赏析

 洁洁赢 2021-11-29

赏析约翰·威廉·沃特豪斯(John William Waterhouse)油画作品A Mermaid(美人鱼)


沃特豪斯的画作经常描绘文学或希腊神话中的人物。这部作品的灵感可能来自阿尔弗雷德·丁尼生勋爵 1830 年的诗《美人鱼》,其中包括以下几行:

Who would be|A mermaid fair,|Singing alone,|Combing her hair


Waterhouse’s paintings often depicted figures from literature or Greek mythology. It’s possible that this work was inspired by Alfred Lord Tennyson's 1830 poem The Mermaid, which includes the lines:

中英|约翰·威廉·沃特豪斯油画作品A Mermaid赏析

日本人画中的人鱼The Japanese ningyo


The poem goes on to describe the mermaid seeking and finding love among the mermen. Waterhouse was also interested, however, in the darker mythology of the mermaid as an enchantress. Mermaids traditionally were sirens who lured sailors to their death through their captivating song. They were also tragic figures; they couldn’t survive in the yearned-for human world and men could not exist in their watery realm, so any relationship was doomed. There are no sailors in Waterhouse's painting; despite being a siren, the mermaid is depicted as a rather lonely figure. Beside her is a shell filled with pearls, which some believed to be formed from the tears of dead sailors.


中英|约翰·威廉·沃特豪斯油画作品A Mermaid赏析

约翰·威廉·沃特豪斯 (John William Waterhouse) 是一位以拉斐尔前派风格作品而闻名的英国画家。不仅借鉴了早期拉斐尔前派的风格影响,还借鉴了他同时代的印象派画家,他的作品以描绘古希腊神话和亚瑟王传奇中的女性而闻名。

John William Waterhouse was an English painter known for working in the Pre-Raphaelite style. Borrowing stylistic influences not only from the earlier Pre-Raphaelites but also from his contemporaries, the Impressionists, his artworks were known for their depictions of women from both ancient Greek mythology and Arthurian legend.

中英|约翰·威廉·沃特豪斯油画作品A Mermaid赏析


约翰·威廉·沃特豪斯 (John William Waterhouse) 出生在意大利,父母都是画家,且都是英国人,后来搬到伦敦,在那里他就读于皇家艺术学院。他很快开始在他们的年度夏季展览中展出,专注于创作描绘古希腊日常生活和神话场景的大型帆布作品。在他职业生涯的后期,他开始接受拉斐尔前派的绘画风格,尽管这种画风在几十年前在英国艺术界已经过时了。尽管不像但丁·加布里埃尔·罗塞蒂、约翰·埃弗里特·米莱斯和威廉·霍尔曼·亨特等早期的拉斐尔前派艺术家那样出名,但沃特豪斯的作品目前在英国几家主要艺术画廊展出,皇家艺术学院于2009 年组织了他的作品大型回顾展。

Born in Italy to English parents who were both painters, he later moved to London, where he enrolled in the Royal Academy of Art. He soon began exhibiting at their annual summer exhibitions, focusing on the creation of large canvas works depicting scenes from the daily life and mythology of ancient Greece. Later on in his career he came to embrace the Pre-Raphaelite style of painting despite the fact that it had gone out of fashion in the British art scene several decades before. Although not as well known as earlier Pre-Raphaelite artists such as Dante Gabriel Rossetti, John Everett Millais and William Holman Hunt, Waterhouse's work is currently displayed at several major British art galleries, and the Royal Academy of Art organised a major retrospective of his work in 2009.

中英|约翰·威廉·沃特豪斯油画作品A Mermaid赏析

沃特豪斯作品:Dolce Far Niente

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