
高考英语阅读理解完型填空600高频单词 (基础练 拔高练)7

 江湖留传说 2021-12-22
一、 图片背一背

1. persuade[pə'sweid] v.说服

2. pollution[pə'lu:ʃən] n.污染

3. predict[pri'dikt] v.预言,预测

4. positive['pɔzitiv] adj.积极的,正的

5. permit[pə'mit] v.允许

6. possess[pə'zes] v.拥有

7. profit['prɔfit] n.利润,利益;v.获利

8. plastic['plæstik] n.塑料;adj.可塑的

9. primary['praiməri] adj.主要的,首要的,


10. prison['prizn] n.监狱

11. purchase['pə:tʃəs]v.购买;n.购买行为,购买物

12. pause[pɔ:z] v.停顿;n.暂停

13. previous['pri:vjəs] adj.以前的,前面的

14. political[pə'litikəl] adj.政治的

15. poison['pɔizən] v.毒害;n.毒药

16. poverty['pɔvəti] n.贫困

17. precise[pri'sais] adj.精确的

18. participate[pɑ:’tisipeit]v.参加,参与(in)

19. precious['preʃəs] adj.珍贵的

20. pile[pail] n.堆,大量

21. psychology[sai’kɔlədʒi]n.心理,心理学

22. preserve[pri'zə:v] v.保护,保存

23. pedestrian[pi’destriən]n.行人,步行者


24. principle['prinsəpl] n.原则,行为准则,原理

25. payment['peimənt] n.支付,报酬,报偿

26. procedure[prə’si:dʒə]n.程序,手续

27. permanent['pə:mənənt] adj.永久的

28. pure[pjƱər] adj.纯的,纯粹的

29. portable['pɔ:təl] adj.手提式的,便携的

30. pavement['peivmənt] n.人行道

二、  写一写

1. persuade v._____________

2. pollution n._____________

3. predict v._____________

4. positive adj._____________

5. permit v._____________

6. possess v._____________

7. profit n._____________v._____________

8. plastic      n._____________adj._____________

9. primary adj._____________

10. prison n._____________

11. purchase v._____________n._____________

12. pause v._____________n._____________

13. previous adj._____________

14. political adj._____________

15. poison v._____________n._____________

16. poverty n._____________

17. precise adj._____________

18. participate   v._____________(in)

19. precious adj._____________

20. pile n._____________

21. psychology    n._____________

22. preserve v._____________

23. pedestrian  n________adj._____________

24. principle n._____________

25. payment n._____________

26. procedure    n._____________

27. permanent adj._____________

28. pure adj._____________

29. portable adj._____________

30. pavement n._____________

三、  单词拼写

1. She may just need a little ___________(劝说).

2. In 1969,the  ___________(污染) was terrible along the Cuyahoga River Cleveland, Ohio.

3. Scientists find from their studies that plants can  ___________(预测) natural disasters.

4. Recent studies have found  ___________(积极的) effects.

5. The government has already  ___________(允许) the company to use special materials to make it easier for the vehicle to fly. 

6. Remove the skin and place them in  ___________(塑料) bags or containers and freeze.

7. One afternoon when I was in  ___________(初级的) school, I was walking by the school playground.

8. I encourage readers to go to their local library when they can’t afford to  ___________(购买) a book.

9. The underlined word “stumbles” in Paragraph 2 refer to improper  ___________(停顿).

10. Dozens of new theme cafes appear to change the situation. Cafes focused around  ___________(心理学), history, and engineering are catching on, filling tables well into the evening.

11. As the Kennedy Center’s artistic adviser for jazz, Moran hopes to widen the audience for jazz, make the music more accessible, and  ___________(保存) its history and culture.

12. As a matter of fact, we can see this ___________(原则) at work in people of all  ages .

13. Finally you climb into an arctic-like zone with    ___________(永久的 ) snow and the glaciers that may soon disappear.

答案:1. persuading   2. pollution  3. predict   4. positive   

5. permitted   6.  plastic  7.  primary   8.   purchase

 9. pauses   10. psychology   11.  preserve  12. principle  

13. permanent

四、 单句语法填空

1. It took years of work________(reduce ) the industrial pollution and clean the water.

2. While there are __________(amaze) stories of instant transformation, for most of us the__________(change) are gradual and require a lot of effort and work, like cleaning up a polluted river.

3. In  ___________(analyze) his and other research, Dr. Prinstein came to another conclusion: Not only is likability related to positive life outcomes, _______  it is also responsible for those outcomes, too.

4. But my connection with pandas goes back _____ my days on a TV show in the mid-1980s, _______ I was the first Western TV reporter________ (permit) to film a special unit caring for pandas rescued from starvation in the wild.

5. All customers travelling on TransLink services must be in ________(possess) of a valid ticket before boarding.

6. Data shows that kids and teens ____  do read frequently, compared to infrequent readers, have more books in the home, more books _________(purchase) for them, parents who read more often, and parents who set aside time for them to read.

7. This smart keyboard _________(precise) measures the cadence (节奏)with which one types and the pressure fingers apply to each key.

8. It is difficult to figure out a global population of polar bears as much of the range has been      _______(poor) studied; however, ________(biologist) calculate that there are about 20,000-25,000 polar bears worldwide.

答案:1.  to reduce  2. amazing ;changing  3. analyzing; but  4.  to ; when; permitted   5.  possession   6.  purchased   7.  precisely   8.  poorly; biologists

专题14--高考英语阅读理解完型填空600高频单词 (基础练+拔高练)

一、 图片背一背

1. prejudice['predʒudis] n.偏见

2. pregnant['pregnənt] adj.怀孕的

3. persist[pə'sist] v.坚持(in)

4. private['praivit] adj.私人的,秘密的

5. quality['kwɔliti]   n.质量,品质,素质,资格

6. quit[kwit] v.停止,放弃,退出

7. realise['riəlaiz] v.意识到,实现(梦想)

8. require[ri'kwaiə] v.要求,命令

9. respect[ri'spekt] v.尊敬,尊重;n.方面

10. raise[reiz] v.举起,筹集,提出,养育

11. refer[ri'fə:] v.涉及,提到,查阅(to)

12. relate[ri'leit] v.有关联(to),陈述

13. remind[ri'maind] v.提醒(of)

14. range[reindʒ] n.范围;v.涉及(from...to...)

15. reward[ri'wɔ:d] v.奖赏;n.报酬

16. review[ri'vju:] v.复习;n.复习,评论

17. replace[ri'pleis] v.取代

18. recover[ri'kʌvə] v.恢复健康,重新获得

19. repeat[ri'pi:t] v.重复

20. regret[ri'gret] v.后悔;n.后悔

21. recommend[rekə'mend] v.推荐,建议

22. remove[ri'mu:v] v.移除

23. risk[risk]v.冒...的危险(of);n.危险,风险

24. rarely['reəli] adv.很少

25. reflect[ri'flekt] v.反射,反映,体现

26. rapid['ræpid] adj.迅速的

27. reaction[ri'ækʃən] n.反应(to)

28. represent[ˌrepri'zent]  v.代表,表现,描绘

29. response[ri'spɔns] n.反应,响应(to)

30. regardless[ri'ga:dlis] adv.不理会地,不关心地

二、 写一写

1. prejudice n._____________

2. pregnant adj._____________

3. persist v._____________(in)

4. private adj._____________

5. quality       n._____________

6. quit v._____________

7. realise v._____________

8. require v._____________

9. respect v._____________n._____________

10. raise v._____________

11. refer v._____________(to)

12. relate v._____________(to),

13. remind v._____________(of)

14. range       n.____ ___v._____ ___(from...to...)

15. reward v._____________n._____________

16. review v._____________n._____________

17. replace v._____________

18. recover v._____________

19. repeat v._____________

20. regret v.________ __;n._____________

21. recommend  v._____________

22. remove v._____________

23. risk      v.______ ____(of);n.________ _

24. rarely adv._____________

25. reflect v._____________

26. rapid adj._____________

27. reaction n._____________(to)

28. represent v._____________

29. response n._____________(to)

30. regardless adv._____________

三、 单词拼写

1. Secret codes (密码)keep messages __________(私密的).

2. According to recent studies, the answer is a big YES,if the air __________(质量) in your camping area is good.

3. I didn’t __________(意识到) how right my parents are until I entered high school.

4. But the sport’s rules __________(要求) that a race walker’s knees stay straight through most of the leg swing and one foot remain in contact (接触) with the ground at all times.

5. In still another use, persons in Asian cultures may view silence as a sign of __________(尊重), particularly to an elder or a person in authority. 

6. Whaley got the idea of this second-grade presidential campaign project when he asked the children one day to __________(举起) their hands if they thought they could never be a president.

7. What does the word “contributions” in the last paragraph __________(提到) to?

8. In analyzing his and other research, Dr. Prinstein came to another conclusion: Not only is likability __________(相关联的) to positive life outcomes, but it is also responsible for those outcomes, too.

9. In any given office, employees can __________(范围) from age 22 to 70 and beyond, and finding common ground in communication style can be a challenge.

10. However, if others benefit in the process, and I get some __________(报酬) too, does it really matter where my motivation lies?

11. According to a __________(评论) of evidence in a medical journal, runners live three years longer than non-runners.

12. "We’re thinking about how we can engineer plants to __________(取代) functions of the things that we use every day,"explained Michael Strano, a professor of chemical engineering at MIT.

13. Hospital patients who see tree branches out their window are likely to __________(恢复) at a faster rate than patients who see buildings or sky instead.

14. The instructor kept __________(重复) the word, “Speed up!” “Slow down!” “Turn left!”

15. I __________(推荐) that you find your way in style.

16. Sometimes this technique would not work, and I had to pick up the set and shake it to __________(移除) the sound.

17. I ran the __________(风险) of losing those students who had a different style of thinking.

18. In an effort to prevent language loss, scholars from a number of organizations --UNESCO and National Geographic among them—have for many years been documenting dying languages and the cultures they __________(反映). In Asia, messaging platforms are growing __________(快速地), with users in the hundreds of millions, both at work and play.

19. What was the__________(反应) of the public to Mrs. Robinson’s decision?

20. You might __________(代表)each letter with a number.

21. Rather than getting caught up in how you could have done better, why not offer yourself a compassionate (有同情心) __________(回应)?

答案: 1. private   2. quality  3. realize   4. require  5. respect    6. raise  7. refer  8. related   9. range  10. reward   11. review  12. replace   13. recover   14. repeating  15. recommend   16. remove  17.  risk  18.  reflect   19. rapidly  20. reaction  21. represent  22.  response

四、 单句语法填空

1. “Boasting about yourself, and your best __________(quality),” Whaley says, “is very difficult for a child who came into the classroom not feeling confident.”

2. We now realize ______ important family is and how important  to be near them, ________(especial) when you’re raising children.

3. They require a __________(big) commitment than smaller ones, and they have a more powerful effect on the feeling of a space. 

4. It starts with looking inside yourself and __________(understand) who you are with respect to the natural world and how you approach the gardening process.

5. Her popular 1962 book Silent Spring raised __________(aware) of the dangers of pollution and the harmful effects of chemicals on humans and on the world’s  lakes and oceans.

6. Color _________(choose) in this range are a step up from the small ones in two major ways.

7. While running  regularly can't make you live forever, the review says it             (be) more effective at lengthening life             walking, cycling or swimming.

8. 'The living-room television __________(replace) and gets planted in the kids' room, and suddenly one day, you have a TV in every room of the house,' said one researcher.

9. In these places patients can go to be near nature during their __________(recover).

10. I should just accept __________(repeated)  having to say, "No. We can’t go outside now."

11. The Chinese Ministry of Agriculture finds that between 2005—when the government          (start) a soil-testing program            gives specific fertilizer recommendations to farmers - and 2011, fertilizer use dropped by 7.7 million tons.

12. When fat and salt               (remove) from food, the food tastes as if is missing something.

13. Those who were highest in status in high school, as well as those least liked in elementary school, are “most likely _________( engage) in dangerous and risky behavior. ”

14. You may drink, smoke,be overweight and still reduce your risk of            (die) early by running.

15. Two of the authors of the review also made a study published in 2014           showed a mere five to 10 minutes A day of running reduced the risk of heart disease and early deaths from all           (cause).

16. It's a chance for self-reflection, You return to work  ________(recharge) and with a plan.

17. As more and more people speak the global languages of English, Chinese, Spanish, and Arabic, other languages are _________(rapid) disappearing.

18. They represent the earth  ______  (come) back to life and best wishes for new beginnings.

19. Scientists have responded by            (note) that hungry bears may be congregating (聚集) around human settlements, leading to the illusion (错觉) that populations are             (high) than they actually are.

20. Thus, the keyboard can determine people’s identities, and by extension, whether they should be given access to the computer it’s connected to — regardless ____ whether someone gets the password right.

答案: 1. qualities  2. how ;especially   3. bigger  4. understanding   5.  awareness  6. choices 7. is; than   8. is replaced   9. recovery  10. repeatedly  11. started; which/that 12. are removed  13. to engage  14. dying  15. which/ that; causes  16. recharged  17. rapidly  18. coming 19. noting; higher 20. of  --来源网络,侵删





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