
Pippo Learns a Lesson 皮坡受到教训 - 英语故事听读说0003

 昵称70926123 2022-01-03


Mimi the Selfish Kitten 自私的小猫咪咪 - 英语故事听读说0002


Pippo, a naughty boy, learns his lesson when a frightening dinasour dream makes him understand why he should be kind to people and animals.


Time Life

A Child's First library of Values

Pippo Learns a Lesson

In the woods, it is very green, and everything is quiet, and still. The birds and the butterflies fly around peacefully. Suddenly, the laughter of a naughty little boy comes ringing through the woods. The woods are Pippo’s playground.

“I wonder what sorts of tricks I can play today,” says Pippo.

“Hello,little lizards,” says Pippo. He picks up the biggest lizard. It rigors in fright, but he won't let it go. Pippo puts the lizard into his school bag.

“I can give my sister a good scare with this.” He says to himself. Pippo sneaks up quietly behind his sister. She is lying on the grass, reading a book. She doesn't hear him coming.

“Look out. Here is a slimy lizard.” He yells suddenly and drops it onto his sister. “Aaaa----------------” At first, she's scared. Then she sees across Pippo’s unkind trick. “You mean thing.” she cries. Pippo turns and runs off into the woods. He knows she can't catch him. Pippo runs for a long time, laughing to himself. “That was fun,” he thinks.

Finally, he stops at a peaceful spot and lies down on the grass. All that running has made him feel quite tired. The breeze is blowing and the grass smells good and fresh. Pippo yawns, and closes his eyes. He soon falls asleep. 

Suddenly, Pippo feels the earth shaking, and he wakes up with a start. He sees an amazing sight. There are flames and smoke coming out of the top of three tall volcanoes. The trees around him have disappeared. In their place are lots of huge dinosaurs.

Without knowing how, Pippo finds himself sitting on the back of one of the dinosaurs. It's running very fast. “No,” says the frightened Pippo. “What's happening? What am I going to do?” He holds on as tightly as he can. When the enormous dinosaur comes to a halt at last a bird like dinosaur swoops down from the sky. “Right! That looks tasty,” it cries and it grabs Pippo in its beak and flies high up into the sky again.

“Help!” yells Pippo. “I'm going to be eaten alive.”

The dinosaur flies out over the sea. Just then, another flying dinosaur decides it is hungry too.

“Give me that tasty snack,” it crooks. The two dinosaurs begin to swoop and fight in the sky. In the fight, Pippo falls out of the dinosaurs’ beak, and drops towards the sea.

“Thank goodness,” thinks Pippo, “what an escape!” Splash! Pippo falls head first into the sea. The undersea world is also full of scary dinosaurs. Pippo sees a fierce dinosaur with sharp teeth swimming towards him. It's just about to swallow him alive.

“Help! I'm going to die,” thinks Pippo. But then something pulls him from the dinosaurs’ jaws. 

It's a towering tyrannosaurus with even bigger teeth and rarely mean eyes. The tyrannosaurus holds people in its claws. “I could give my sister a good scare with this,” it says. Pippo feels strange when he hears this.

“Haven't I heard those words somewhere before?” He thinks.

The tyrannosaurus picks Pippo up by his hair and holds him over its sister.

 “You mean thing!” She says. The voice sounds familiar. Papa opens his eyes and finds his sister pulling his hair.

“Yeah, what a frightening dream!” says Pippo.

He opens his bag and sets the lizard free.

“Sorry, little lizard,” he says, “now I know how scared you feel. I'll be kind to animals from now on.”

Pippo apologizes to his sister too. 

“Sorry. I won't do that again. It was a mean thing to do.” And from then on, Pippo and his sister always play happily together.


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