

 自由人_蒋 2022-01-14






  1. Private Sub hb()
  2. Dim hb As Object, kOne As Boolean, tabcolor As Long
  3. Set hb = Workbooks.Add
  4. Application.DisplayAlerts = False
  5. For i = hb.Sheets.Count To 2 Step -1
  6. hb.Sheets(i).Delete
  7. Next
  8. Dim FileName As String, FilePath As String
  9. Dim iFolder As Object, rwk As Object, Sh As Object
  10. Set iFolder = CreateObject('shell.application').BrowseForFolder(0, '请选择要合并的文件夹', 0, '')
  11. If iFolder Is Nothing Then Exit Sub
  12. FilePath = iFolder.Items.Item.Path
  13. FilePath = IIf(Right(FilePath, 1) = '\', FilePath, FilePath & '\')
  14. FileName = Dir(FilePath & '*.xls*')
  15. Do Until Len(FileName) = 0
  16. If UCase(FilePath & FileName) <> UCase(ThisWorkbook.Path & '\' & ThisWorkbook.Name) Then
  17. Set rwk = Workbooks.Open(FileName:=FilePath & FileName)
  18. tabcolor = Int(Rnd * 56) + 1
  19. With rwk
  20. For Each Sh In .Worksheets
  21. Sh.Copy After:=hb.Sheets(hb.Sheets.Count)
  22. hb.Sheets(hb.Sheets.Count).Name = FileName & '-' & Sh.Name
  23. hb.Sheets(hb.Sheets.Count).Tab.ColorIndex = tabcolor
  24. If Not kOne Then hb.Sheets(1).Delete: kOne = True
  25. Next
  26. .Close True
  27. End With
  28. End If
  29. Set rwk = Nothing
  30. FileName = Dir
  31. Loop
  32. Application.DisplayAlerts = True
  33. End Sub





  1. sub 合并当前目录下所有工作簿的全部工作表()
  2. dim mypath, myname, awbname
  3. dim wb as workbook, wbn as string
  4. dim g as long
  5. dim num as long
  6. dim box as string
  7. application.screenupdating = false
  8. mypath = activeworkbook.path
  9. myname = dir(mypath & '\' & '*.xls')
  10. awbname = activeworkbook.name
  11. num = 0
  12. do while myname <> ''
  13. if myname <> awbname then
  14. set wb = workbooks.open(mypath & '\' & myname)
  15. num = num + 1
  16. with workbooks(1).activesheet
  17. .cells(.range('a65536').end(xlup).row + 2, 1) = left(myname, len(myname) - 4)
  18. for g = 1 to sheets.count
  19. wb.sheets(g).usedrange.copy .cells(.range('a65536').end(xlup).row + 1, 1)
  20. next
  21. wbn = wbn & chr(13) & wb.name
  22. wb.close false
  23. end with
  24. end if
  25. myname = dir
  26. loop
  27. range('a1').select
  28. application.screenupdating = true
  29. msgbox '共合并了' & num & '个工作薄下的全部工作表。如下:' & chr(13) & wbn, vbinformation, '提示'
  30. end sub


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