

 Excel实用知识 2022-01-16



2.利用VBA编写一段代码 通过eval(A1)来计算出结果,但此方法需我们加载Access库.


Option Explicit
Private ExpArray() As String

Private Function CustomCalculate(x As String)
ExpressionArray (x)
Call RemoveSign("*", "/")
Call RemoveSign("+", "-")
Dim i As Variant
For Each i In ExpArray
If i <> "&" Then CustomCalculate = Val(i)
Next i
End Function

Private Function ExpressionArray(Expn As String)
Dim length_x As Integer
Dim i As Integer
Dim ExpArray_bound As Integer
Dim indexp As Integer
Erase ExpArray
length_x = Len(Expn)
ExpArray_bound = 0
indexp = 1
For i = 1 To length_x
        If Asc(Mid(Expn, i, 1)) >= 48 Or Asc(Mid(Expn, i, 1)) = 46 Then '数字和小数点
            If indexp = 2 Then
               indexp = 1
               ExpArray_bound = ExpArray_bound + 1
            End If
            ReDim Preserve ExpArray(ExpArray_bound)
            ExpArray(ExpArray_bound) = ExpArray(ExpArray_bound) & Mid(Expn, i, 1)
            ExpArray_bound = ExpArray_bound + 1
            ReDim Preserve ExpArray(ExpArray_bound)
            ExpArray(ExpArray_bound) = Mid(Expn, i, 1)
            indexp = 2
        End If
Next i
End Function

Private Function RemoveSign(Sign1 As String, Sign2 As String)
Dim MarkPoint As Integer
Dim LeftPoint As Integer
Dim LeftVar As String
Dim RightPoint As Integer
Dim RightVar As String
Dim Length_Array As Integer
Dim i As Integer
MarkPoint = 0
LeftPoint = MarkPoint
RightPoint = MarkPoint
Length_Array = UBound(ExpArray)
  For i = 0 To Length_Array
    If ExpArray(i) = Sign1 Or ExpArray(i) = Sign2 Then
       MarkPoint = i
       LeftPoint = MarkPoint - 1
       RightPoint = MarkPoint + 1
            Do While ExpArray(LeftPoint) = "&"
                LeftPoint = LeftPoint - 1
            LeftVar = ExpArray(LeftPoint)
            Do While ExpArray(RightPoint) = "&"
                RightPoint = RightPoint + 1
            RightVar = ExpArray(RightPoint)
            ExpArray(MarkPoint) = Str(Evaluate(Trim(LeftVar & ExpArray(MarkPoint) & RightVar)))
            ExpArray(LeftPoint) = "&"
            ExpArray(RightPoint) = "&"
    End If
  Next i
End Function

Function AdvanceJS1(x As String)   '主程序入口
Dim CachBound As Integer
Dim cach() As Integer
Dim i As Integer
Dim tmp As String
Dim ExpresionTemp As String
CachBound = 0
    For i = 1 To Len(x)
        If Mid(x, i, 1) = "(" Then
         ReDim Preserve cach(CachBound)
         cach(CachBound) = i
         CachBound = CachBound + 1
        End If
        If Mid(x, i, 1) = ")" Then
        ExpresionTemp = Mid(x, cach(CachBound - 1) + 1, i - cach(CachBound - 1) - 1)
        tmp = Trim(Str(CustomCalculate(ExpresionTemp)))
        x = Left(x, cach(CachBound - 1) - 1) & tmp & Right(x, Len(x) - i)
        i = cach(CachBound - 1)
        CachBound = CachBound - 1
        ReDim Preserve cach(CachBound)
        End If
    Next i
AdvanceJS1 = CustomCalculate(x)
End Function

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