

 无逐 2022-01-19

Is that really me?The ugly truth about beauty filters


Popping a beautifying filter on the TikTok video she was filming seemed harmless to Mia. It made it look as though she had done her makeup,took away the hint of a double chin, and gently altered her bone structure to make her just that bit closer to perfect.

对于米娅来说,在她录制的 TikTok 视频中快速加上一款滤镜似乎并无害处。这款滤镜让她看上去化了妆、没了双下巴,脸型也有所微调,这让她看起来更接近完美一点点。

Live, augmented reality filters on social media platforms including TikTok and Instagram aren't new but they have evolved from silly hats and puppy dog ears to more subtle beautifying effects that may not be immediately obvious to other users.

TikTok 和 Instagram 等社交媒体上的动态增强现实滤镜并非什么新鲜玩意儿;但是,它们已经从傻乎乎的帽子、狗狗的耳朵升级为更为细微的美颜特效,而社交媒体上的其他用户可能无法立刻发现(别人用了)这些特效。

"It's promoting a beauty ideal that's not attainable for you,"says Dr Jasmine Fardouly, a body image expert from the University of New South Wales. "It's not attainable for anyone, really, because no body looks like that.


There's a strong relationship between negative body image and the use of photo editing but Fardouly says it's less clear which direction this correlation flows. "Body dissatisfaction is an important predictor for eating disorders,and is a predictor for depression and low self-esteem… There is also a link to increased interest in cosmetic surgery."


Fardouly says there are no simple solutions — but there are things that social media platforms can do to mitigate potential harm. "I think that the algorithms could be updated to make it so more diversity is being recommended and shown to people."


Instagram and its parent company Meta, formerly known as Facebook, have made some moves to limit the use of what they call "face-altering" effects. "Effects that directly promote cosmetic surgery are not allowed on Instagram," a Facebook spokesman says.

Instagram 和它的母公司 Meta(之前叫作 Facebook)已经采取了一些行动,对其称之为“改变脸型”的美颜特效进行限制。Facebook 的一位发言人表示:“Instagram 禁止那些直接宣传整形手术的特效。”


filter/ˈfɪl.tɚ/n. 滤镜;过滤器

搭配短语:an air filter

搭配短语:coffee filter papers

词性拓展:filter(v. 过滤;(信息)筛除)

例句:This command filters the search results by location.

pop/pɑːp/v. 迅速、突然地做(放置)……;(使)啪地一声爆开

相关词汇:popcorn(n. 爆米花)

例句:The cork poped and champagne spilled all over the floor.

例句:Pop your hat on here.

alter/ˈɑːl.tɚ/v. 改变,变更


英文释义:to change something, usually slightly

例句: Our appearance alters as we get older.

augment/ɑːɡˈment/v. 增强,提高,扩大

例句:She augments her income by doing part-time jobs.

文化补充:增强现实技术(Augmented Reality)是一种将虚拟信息与真实世界巧妙融合的技术,广泛运用了多媒体、三维建模、实时跟踪、智能交互、传感等多种技术手段,将计算机生成的文字、图像、视频等虚拟信息模拟仿真后,应用到真实世界中。两种信息互为补充,从而实现对真实世界的增强、扩增。

evolve/ɪˈvɑːlv/v. 逐渐发展;(生物)进化,演化

例句:Humans evolved from apes.

例句:Bilibili has evolved into a diversified entertainment group.

subtle/ˈsʌt̬.əl/adj. 不易察觉的,微妙的

英文释义:not very noticeable or obvious

例句:delightfully subtle scents

promote/prəˈmoʊt/v. 宣扬,提倡;宣传,推广

搭配短语:to promote a new book

attainable/əˈteɪ.nə.bəl/adj. 可以获得的,可以达到的

相关词汇:attain(v. 获得,得到)

搭配短语:to attain one's goal / objective

搭配短语:attainable standards

correlation/ˌkɔːr.əˈleɪ.ʃən/n. 联系,关联

例句:There's a high correlation between smoking and lung cancer.

相关词汇:correlate(v. 相互关联影响,相互依赖)

例句:Smoking correlates with a greater risk of lung cancer.

predictor/prɪˈdɪk.tɚ/n. 预测因素,预测指标

相关词汇:predict(v. 预测,预言)

例句:Stock market returns are a pretty good predictor of economic growth.

self-esteem/ˌself.ɪˈstiːm/n. 自信,自我认同;自尊

相关词汇:esteem(n. 尊重,敬重)

英文释义:confidence in one's own worth or abilities

搭配短语:low / high self-esteem

cosmetic surgery/kɑːzˌmet̬.ɪk ˈsɝː.dʒɚ.i/n. 整形手术,整容手术

相关词汇:cosmetic(adj. 整形的)

词性拓展:cosmetic(n. 化妆品)

近义词:plastic surgery

mitigate/ˈmɪt̬.ə.ɡeɪt/v. 减轻,缓解

英文释义:to make something less harmful, serious, etc.

例句:Government will have to take some sort of measures to mitigate extreme poverty.

近义词:alleviate(v. 减轻,缓和)

搭配短语:to alleviate poverty

词义辨析:mitigate, alleviate

alleviate 更强调程度上的缓和,常与压力、痛苦这类词搭配使用,如 to alleviate stress(缓解压力),to alleviate pain(缓解痛苦)。

mitigate 更侧重于部分解决某个问题、减轻某个问题的影响。如 to mitigate global warming / heating(缓解全球变暖 / 高温问题),to mitigate environmental damage(缓解对环境的破坏)。

algorithm/ˈæl.ɡə.rɪ.ðəm/n. 算法

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