
Journey to the West 007西游记英文版视频带英文字幕带word文档词汇背诵单(108集全)

 英语俱乐部 2022-01-19

Journey to the West 7

The Land of Darkness 阴曹地府

Sun Wukong put his hand on the iron pillar. He felt it move.

“Hmm,” he thought. “This piece of iron really is magical. I bet it will do whatever I want it to do.”

“Smaller!” commanded Wukong.

The pillar shrank! Soon it was just a little taller than Wukong. He picked it up and swung it around.

“This is a perfect weapon for me,” he said.

“I can’t believe he can lift it!” said the Dragon Queen.

Wukong made the bar even smaller. Soon it was no bigger than a pin. He placed it inside his ear.

“I’ve got what I want,” said Wukong. “Good-bye.” He turned around and left.

“He was very rude,” said the Dragon Queen.

The Dragon King clenched his fists. “I’m going to report him to the Jade Emperor!”

Back home, the others were amazed by Wukong’s new weapon.

“Nobody will ever attack us again!” declared Wukong.

The monkeys and apes cheered. They held a big feast that lasted until late at night.

Wukong went to bed happy. But as he fell asleep, two spirits grabbed him.

“What are you doing?” asked Wukong. “Let go of me!”

He kicked and struggled as the spirits dragged him out of his cave. They walked toward a dark and creepy city. A sign on the entrance gate said “Land of Darkness.”

darkness  英 ['dɑːknəs]  美 ['dɑːrknəs] n.黑暗

bet 英 [bet]  美 [bet] v.打赌;确信无疑 n.赌注;确信

command 英 [kə'mɑːnd]  美 [kə'mænd] n.命令;指挥;掌握;[计算机] DOS命令 : 引用辅助命令处理器 v.命令;指挥;掌握;博得

shrank 英 [ʃræŋk]  美 [ʃræŋk] 动词shrink的过去式

shrink 英 [ʃrɪŋk]  美 [ʃrɪŋk] vi.收缩;退缩;萎缩;畏惧,害怕 vt.使收缩 n.收缩;萎缩 n.精神科医生

swung 英 [swʌŋ]  美 [swʌŋ] v.摇摆;旋转;动摇(动词swing的过去式和过去分词)

swing 英 [swɪŋ]  美 [swɪŋ] n.摇摆;改变;冲力;秋千 v.摇摆;旋转;动摇

pin 英 [pɪn]  美 [pɪn] n.别针(大头针);徽章;脚 v.钉住;别住;固定住

clench 英 [klentʃ]  美 [klentʃ] v.紧握;紧咬;牢牢地抓住;确定 n.牢牢抓住;钉紧

fist 英 [fɪst]  美 [fɪst] n.拳头 vt.紧握;用拳头打

amaze 英 [ə'meɪz]  美 [ə'meɪz] vt.使吃惊;使惊异 vi.惊讶 n.吃惊;好奇

declare 英 [dɪ'kleə(r)]  美 [dɪ'kler] v.宣布(声明);申报;声明

last 英 [lɑːst]  美 [læst] v.持续;维持 adj.最近的;上一个的;末尾的;最后的 adv.最后;最近一次 n.最后来的人(或发生的事);鞋楦(做鞋的模型)

spirit 英 ['spɪrɪt]  美 ['spɪrɪt] n.精神;心灵;幽灵;精灵 (复)spirits:精力;情绪;烈酒. v.使精神振作;偷偷带走

grab 英 [ɡræb]  美 [ɡræb] v.抓住 n.抓取物;抓

struggle 英 ['strʌɡl]  美 ['strʌɡl] vi.努力;奋斗;斗争;挣扎 n.斗争;竞争;奋斗

creepy 英 ['kriːpi]  美 ['kriːpi] adj.(使人)毛骨悚然的;怪异的

sign 英 [saɪn]  美 [saɪn] n.手势;招牌;符号;迹象;正负号 v.签;签名;做手势;做标记

“The Land of Darkness?” cried Wukong. “That’s where people go when they die. I’m supposed to live forever!”

He yanked his arms free. “Grow!” he cried.

His iron bar quickly grew. Whap! He knocked out the first spirit. Crack! He knocked out the second spirit.

Wukong stomped into the Land of Darkness. He headed toward the Palace of Darkness. As he went, he swung his iron bar back and forth. Demons and ghosts fled.

A tall spirit stepped out of the palace. “What’s going on out here?” the spirit asked.

“Who are you?” asked Wukong.

“I am the Judge of the Dead,” said the spirit. “Why are you causing all this trouble?”

“I want to know why I was brought here,” said Wukong. “Tell me now!”

The judge held up his hands. “If you were brought here, it means your time on Earth is over.”

Nonsense!” yelled Wukong. “I’m going to live forever!”

The judge looked nervous. “Let’s check the Directory,” he said. “The Directory contains the name and age of every creature on Earth. It says when each creature will die.”

Inside the palace the judge opened a large book. “What is your name?” he asked.

Wukong told him. The judge flipped through the pages.

“Here it is,” said the judge. “It says 'Sun Wukong. Born from a stone three hundred years ago. Died today.’”

Wukong shook his head. “No. I’m going to live forever.”

“The Directory isn’t wrong,” said the judge. “You’ll have to stay here now.”

Wukong raised his iron bar and glared at the judge. “Give me that book!”

The judge hesitated. “I can’t give it to —” “Now!” said Wukong.

Shaking, the judge handed the book to Wukong.

Wukong plucked two of his hairs and blew on them. They turned into a brush and a jar of ink. He drew a line through his name.

“You can’t do that!” said the judge.

“Yes, I can,” said Wukong.

Next, Wukong found the names of all the other monkeys and apes. He crossed out their names too.

“Now I really will live forever,” said Wukong. “And so will all of my subjects!

yank 英 [jæŋk]  美 [jæŋk] v.猛拉;猛拔

whap 英 [wɒp]  美 [wɒp] vt.(轻易)击败;痛打 n.猛击;毒打 =whop.

crack 英 [kræk]  美 [kræk] v.破裂;砸开;发出爆裂声;撞击;破解;变嘶哑;崩溃;制裁;开玩笑 n.裂缝;裂痕;爆裂声;猛击;尝试;俏皮话 adj.训练有素的

back and forth 英 [bæk ænd fɔːθ]  美 [bæk ənd fɔːrθ] 反复地,来回地

fled 英 [fled]  美 [fled] 动词flee的过去式和过去分词

flee 英 [fliː]  美 [fliː] vi.逃走;消失;逃避;(时间)飞逝 vt.逃离

nonsense 英 ['nɒnsns]  美 ['nɑːnsens] n.废话;胡说;荒唐

yell 英 [jel]  美 [jel] v.大叫 n.大喊

directory 英 [də'rektəri]  美 [də'rektəri] n.目录;通讯录;工商名录;指南 adj.给予指导的

the Directory (生死簿)

contain 英 [kən'teɪn]  美 [kən'teɪn] vt.容纳;包含;抑制;克制 vi.自制

creature 英 ['kriːtʃə(r)]  美 ['kriːtʃər] n.生物;动物;人

flip 英 [flɪp]  美 [flɪp] vt.掷;轻击;弹 vi.翻转 n.(跳水或体操动作中的)空翻;轻弹;浏览 adj.无礼的;冒失的;轻率的

glare 英 [ɡleə(r)]  美 [ɡler] n.闪耀光;刺眼 v.发眩光;怒目而视

hesitate 英 ['hezɪteɪt]  美 ['hezɪteɪt] vi.犹豫;不情愿;口吃

shake 英 [ʃeɪk]  美 [ʃeɪk] v.摇动;震动;握手 n.片刻;摇晃;奶昔

pluck 英 [plʌk]  美 [plʌk] v.摘;猛拉;拔;拨弹(乐器) n.猛拉;勇气;动物内脏

brush 英 [brʌʃ]  美 [brʌʃ] n.刷子;画笔;毛笔 n.灌木丛 n.小冲突;争吵 vt.刷;掠过;轻触;擦;掸 vi.轻擦;拂拭

jar 英 [dʒɑː(r)]  美 [dʒɑːr] n.广口瓶;坛子;刺耳声;震动 vi.发刺耳声;不协调;震荡;冲突 vt.扰乱;震动

ink 英 [ɪŋk]  美 [ɪŋk] n.墨水;墨汁

cross out 英 [krɒs aʊt]  美 [krɔːs aʊt] 删去,注销

the Land of Darkness 阴曹地府

turn around 转过身

let go of 放开,放手,松开

be supposed to 应当(should)

knock out 击倒

back and forth 反复地,来回地

the Judge of the Dead 阎王

cross out 删去,注销

And so will all of my subjects! 我所有的子民也将如此!(倒装句式)

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