
Journey to the West 006西游记英文版视频带英文字幕带word文档词汇背诵单(108集全)

 英语俱乐部 2022-01-19

Journey to the West 6

The Dragon King

What’s wrong with our swords and spears?” asked the gibbon.

“They’re fine for normal monkeys and apes,” said Wukong. “But I am very powerful. I need a much heavier weapon.”

The gibbon thought for a minute. “A dragon king lives at the bottom of the Eastern Sea,” he said. “Maybe he has a weapon you can use.”

“That’s a good idea,” said Wukong. “I’ll be back soon!”

He said a quick spell so he could breathe underwater. Then he dived into the stream. He swam to the ocean and went deeper and deeper. Soon he arrived at a large palace.

The Dragon King and the Dragon Queen were sitting at a table, having tea. The Dragon King looked over when Wukong walked in.

“Who are you?” asked the Dragon King. “I’m king of the Fruit and Flower Mountain,” said Wukong. “My name is Sun Wukong.”

“It’s nice to meet you,” said the queen. “Would you like some tea?”

“No, thank you,” said Wukong. “I need a heavy weapon because I’m as strong as a god. I want one of yours.”

“Well,” said the Dragon King, “I suppose I could find a weapon for you.” The Dragon King looked at a turtle soldier. “Find a heavy weapon for Sun Wukong.”

The turtle went out of the room. He soon came back, slowly dragging a huge sword. He dropped the sword and then fell down, out of breath.

Wukong picked up the sword with no trouble at all. Swish! Swoosh! He waved the sword through the air, pretending to fight.

“This sword is too light,” said Wukong. “Find me a better weapon!”

“This monkey is rude,” the Dragon Queen whispered to her husband.

“You’re right, dear,” the Dragon King whispered back. “Let’s find him something quickly so he’ll leave.”

A few minutes later, several turtles and octopuses dragged an enormous spear into the room.

“There,” said the Dragon King. “That looks like a very heavy weapon. Right, Wukong?”

Wukong lifted the spear and began stabbing at the air. He shook his head. “This spear is too light.” The Dragon King snorted. “That spear is very heavy! How can you say it’s too light?”

“To me, it’s light,” said Wukong. “Find       me something else!”

“We don’t have anything else,” said the Dragon King. “That’s the heaviest weapon we have.”

Wukong stomped his foot. “I’m not leaving until I get what I want!”

“This is an outrage!” said the Dragon King.

The queen whispered to him again. “What about the magical iron bar in the treasury? I’m sure that’s heavy enough.”

“We can’t give that to him,” said the Dragon King. “It’s a treasure from Heaven.”

“Who cares?” said the queen. “I just want this monkey out of my palace!”

The Dragon King sighed. “Wukong, we might have something heavy enough for you.”

“Bring it here,” said Wukong.

“We can’t,” said the Dragon King. “It’s too heavy for anyone to lift. But if you can lift it, we’ll let you have it.”

“Show me where it is,” said Wukong.

The group went to the treasury. An enormous iron pillar stood in the center of the room. Beams of golden light shone from it.

“That pillar was used to measure all the oceans and rivers,” said the Dragon King.

Wukong went closer and looked up at the large piece of iron.

The Dragon King folded his arms. “If you can pick it up, you can have it.”

normal 英 ['nɔːml]  美 ['nɔːrml] adj.正常的;正规的;精神健全的 n.常态;标准

dragon 英 ['dræɡən]  美 ['dræɡən] n.龙

bottom 英 ['bɒtəm]  美 ['bɑːtəm] n.底部;底端 adj.底部的 v.触底;打(基础)

spell 英 [spel]  美 [spel] v.拼写;拼成;导致;暂时代替 n.咒语;魔力;一段时间;一阵发作;轮班

breathe 英 [briːð]  美 [briːð] vi.呼吸 vt.轻声说;流露(自信等感情);注入

dive 英 [daɪv]  美 [daɪv] n.潜水;跳水 vi.跳水;俯冲;潜心钻研

queen 英 [kwiːn]  美 [kwiːn] n.王后;女王

suppose 英 [sə'pəʊz]  美 [sə'poʊz] vt.假设;假定;认为;想;应该;让(虚拟语气) vi.推测

turtle 英 ['tɜːtl]  美 ['tɜːrtl] n.高翻领;【动】龟,海龟 v.倾覆,翻身;捕龟

soldier 英 ['səʊldʒə(r)]  美 ['soʊldʒər] n.士兵;军人 vi.当兵;坚持做

drag 英 [dræɡ]  美 [dræɡ] v.拖;拉;迫使;缓慢行进;进行过久;扯进;打捞 n.拖;拉;累赘;阻力 n.男子穿的女子服装

swish 英 [swɪʃ]  美 [swɪʃ] v.摆动或挥动某物出声;发出摩擦声;挥棍等打掉某物 n.物体快速移动的声音 adj.时髦的;漂亮的;搞同性恋的

swoosh 英 [swuːʃ]  美 [swuːʃ] v.发出嗖的一声;喷涌;旋动 n.嗖的一声

pretend 英 [prɪ'tend]  美 [prɪ'tend] v.假装;装作;自以为

whisper 英 ['wɪspə(r)]  美 ['wɪspər] n.低语;窃窃私语;飒飒的声音 vi.低声说;窃窃私语;飒飒地响 vt.耳语;私语

octopus 英 ['ɒktəpəs]  美 ['ɑːktəpəs] n.章鱼

enormous 英 [ɪ'nɔːməs]  美 [ɪ'nɔːrməs] adj.巨大的;庞大的

stab 英 [stæb]  美 [stæb] v.刺;戳;刺伤 n.刺;戳;刺痛;尝试

snort 英 [snɔːt]  美 [snɔːrt] v.喷鼻息作声;哼着鼻子;从鼻子吸入(毒品) n.鼻息声;发哼声;(用鼻孔吸入的)少量毒品

stomp 英 [stɒmp]  美 [stɑːmp] vt.跺(脚);重踏 n.跺脚舞;顿足爵士舞乐曲

iron 英 ['aɪən]  美 ['aɪərn] n.熨斗;铁;刚强 (复)irons: 镣铐. v.熨;烫 adj.铁的;刚强的

bar 英 [bɑː(r)]  美 [bɑːr] n.酒吧;条;横木;栅 vt.禁止;阻挠;闩上;在 ... 设栅栏

treasury 英 ['treʒəri]  美 ['treʒəri] n.宝库;国库;金库 Treasury. n.财政部;国债

treasure 英 ['treʒə(r)]  美 ['treʒər] n.财富;宝物 vt.珍藏;珍视

pillar 英 ['pɪlə(r)]  美 ['pɪlər] n.柱子;支柱;核心(人物) vt.用柱支持

beam 英 [biːm]  美 [biːm] vi.微笑;发光 vt.播送;发射;用梁支撑 n.桁条;光线;(光线的)束;(横)梁

measure 英 ['meʒə(r)]  美 ['meʒər] n.措施;量度;尺寸;程度;办法 v.测量;比较;给予;权衡

look over 检查,察看;看过去,从……上面看

out of breath 喘不过气来,上气不接下气

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