
as the next man 居然跟“下一个人”无关!实际意思让我大吃一惊

 外语行天下 2022-01-20
意思看似简单的 next 实际上并没有想象中的那么简单;一般来说,next 有三个词性,形容词、副词或代词,其中最为常见的是形容词,如标题,但它的实际意思却跟“下一个人”无关。

当 next 作定语时,只作前置定语,指位置、时间、次序等最为接近的,此时常与 the 连用,意为“下一个的,紧接着的,接下来的”,如 the next train,意为“下一趟列车”,the next chapter,意为“下一章”,例如:

正确:I fainted and the next thing I knew I was in the hospital.
错误:I fainted and the thing next I knew I was in the hospital.

首先需要弄清楚 the 和 next 的关系,相信大家都有一定的耳闻,貌似有一定的规则,又貌似规则模棱两可;它们的关系说白了就是 next 和 the next 的区别,而且有一定的讲究。

当我们谈论与现在相关的一周中的星期几、周、月、年、季节或未来的公共假日(时间名词)时,我们使用 next,不用 the 和介词,这也就是江湖流传的用 next 修饰的不用再加介词,有时可以作时间状语,例如:

正确:I have an appointment with the dentist next Wednesday morning.
错误:I have an appointment with the dentist on next Wednesday morning.
错误:I have an appointment with the dentist the next Wednesday morning.

Next year will be our fortieth wedding anniversary.

换句话说,不用 the 和介词修饰的 next 时间短语表示基于现在的未来的时间,加了话就不确定了。那么 next 和 the next 的区别就很明了,如“next + 时间名词”指的是现在以后的一个时间段,而“the next + 时间表达式”是特指,指的是谈话时的星期的下一个时间段,谈话可能是现在或过去,例如:

现在:The painting will be put on public display next week.
过去:The painting would be put on public display for the next week.

The painting will be put on public display for the next two weeks.

除此之外,修饰其他普通名词时,用 the next,如短语 as the next man,然而这个短语的实际意思却跟 next 的本意没有关系,实际意思让人大吃一惊。

As the next man 是一个习语,意为“一般的人,平常人”;既然是一般人,那么也可能是 women 了,因此还可以写成 as the next woman,甚至是 as the next person 等,常用于 as ... as 结构中,例如:

I can enjoy a joke as well as the next man , but this is going too far.

I enjoy winning awards as much as the next guy, but other things are more important to me.


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