

 sharon外刊 2022-01-21

上一篇文章探讨了颜色与性格的关系,今天再读一篇, 姓名与性格和命运的关系。

How our name affects our personality, appearance and who we become


Parents often give a great deal of thought to what name they will give their baby. Some parents want unique names that will distinguish their child while others choose names that are particularly feminine or masculine.


distinguishv 区分;辨别;使杰出

Every man's life ends the sameway. It is only the details of how he lived and how he died that distinguish one man from another.­Ernest Hemingway 欧内斯特·海明威(美国作家)


拓展 distinguished adj 卓越的;著名的;杰出的

No one will ever know what mix of talent, ambition, energy and luck made Dickens such a distinguished writer. 


feminine n女性(化)的;阴性的;娇柔的

masculine n 男性(化)的;阳性的;男子气概的

A person’s name has been shown to be associated with a number of later characteristics. In eight studies conducted in two different countries, researchers found that a person’s name was related to what they later looked like. People were able to pick the right name for strangers more accurately than what would result from chance.


be associated with 与……有关;与……联系在一起

Too much TV has been associated with violence, overweight and loneliness. 


be related to 与……有关

chance n [一词多义运气

In these studies, there appeared that there were common perceptions of how a person with a certain name would look. This indicates that we have an idea of what is the“right” name for a certain face,which can be determined even in the absence of meeting or observing them.


perceptionn 感觉;知觉;看法

拓展 perception perceive的派生词。

Risks are perceived differently by different people.


As it’s also been shown that names given at birth aren’t related to physical appearance at this time, this suggests that our name influences what we later come to look like rather than our appearance affecting the name we’re given.


physical appearance 外貌;外表

People with certain names may develop a specific appearance by adapting what they believe to be expected behavior, facial expressions, looks, stance, posture, walk etc.


stancen 立场;姿态

For example, say you are a woman named Jasmine.Since this a floral name, social coding may lead you to act in a feminine manner, to smile demurely, wear flowing dresses, grow your hair long, and speak softly. You may behave in a way that you perceive to be easy going, non-confrontational, kindhearted and “sweet.”


Jasmine n 茉莉(一种花名)

social coding 社会礼仪;社会准则

flowing dress 长裙

If you are a woman who has a name that might be unisex or given more often to men than women, you might be more outgoing, assertive, and feel freer to push the boundaries of gender stereotypes. These characteristics may affect what subjects in school you favor, what hobbies you take up andwhat career you pursue.


unisexadj 男女皆宜的;男女通用的

拓展词缀uni-one 表示一个,如unicycle 独轮车; uniform 制服;校服

assertiveadj 肯定的;坚定而自信的

gender stereotype 性别刻板印象;性别成见

take up 开始从事(某种爱好)

After he retired from office,Rogers took up painting for a while, but soon lost interest.


In addition to appearance, our names are associated with our personality, character, the way we act and our psychological adjustment. As far back as 1948, studies indicated that the names we are given affect how we perform later in life. One study looked at 3300 men who had or should have recently graduated from college to see if their names were associated with their academic performance.


psychologicaladj 心理的;精神上的

Each person, no matter who theyare, has psychological imbalances. 


performv 执行;完成

As a result, humans can performvery complex tasks with their hands.


Those men with unusual names, were found to be more likely to have flunked out and to have experienced psychological problems than those with common names. It was concluded that rare names could negatively affect a person’s psychological and academic adaptation. Common names may serve to help make the person feel like they fit in better, leading to better overall adjustment.


flunkout [非正式退学(尤美)

If he doesn't find a solution tohis problem soon, he'll surely flunk out of college.


serve to 有助于;用来

fit in 融入;适应

As she gathered her books, Jennadecided shedcontinue to try to fit in at her new school. 


Subsequent research has shownthat our given names can affect our grades in school, what profession we choose, where we live geographically, whom we marry,what we choose to invest in financially, whether we’re accepted to certain colleges or are hired for particular jobs, and how well we work in group settings. Our names can even determine whether we give money to charity, for example contributing to disaster victims.


subsequentadj 随后的;后来的

拓展与sub-close, up to 表示接近,达到+ sequent 表示to follow

sequent同词根的还有 consequent 随之发生的;作为结果

profession n 职业;专业

Only 20 percent of jobs in theprofessions are held by women.


The name given to us at birth is the first way we are identified socially. Each name has certain characteristics, behaviors, and physical features that are associated with it. This means that people who have similar characteristics can be identified by others with an identifiable name.


be identified 被认为;被识别

Anger canbe identified in the brain, where the electrical activity changes.


identifiableadj 可辨认的;可证明是同一的



Whilethere are trends in names at different times or eras, as these shifts occur, sodo our common ideas of what aspects of a person each name represents. Thissuggests that we can quickly develop shared conceptualizations of what newly trending names represent in terms ofphysical appearance, personality and behavior.


conceptualizationn 概念化;概念模型



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