
Case Files: Anesthesiology 学习笔记(50) 急诊阑尾切除术的麻醉5.

 麻花慧慧子 2022-01-27

01. Hiatal hernia un.食管裂孔疝;贲门疝 A hiatal hernia occurs when the upper part of your stomach bulges through the large muscle separating your abdomen and chest (diaphragm).

Hiatal [haɪ'eɪtəl] adj.裂孔的;间断的;越级不等粒的 → hiatus [haɪ'eɪtəs] n.间断;停滞;空隙;

Hernia ['hɜː(r)niə] n.疝;突出

02. Scleroderma (sklair-oh-DUR-muh) n.【医】硬皮病;皮硬化症 Scleroderma is a group of rare diseases that involve the hardening and tightening of the skin and connective tissues.

03. Respiratory mucosa 呼吸道粘膜

Mucosa [mjuː'kəʊsə] n.黏液膜

04. Nonparticulate antacid

Nonparticulate non-particulate → particulate [pa'tɪkjəlet] adj. 微粒的,粒子的 // This includes increased monitoring of particulate matter in the air. 包括监测空气中的悬浮颗粒物等。

Antacid [ænt'æsɪd] n.抗酸药;解酸药 adj.解酸的

05. Sodium citrate 柠檬酸钠,又名枸橼酸钠、柠檬酸三钠

Sodium ['səʊdiəm] n.钠

Citrate ['sɪtreɪt] n.【化】柠檬酸盐

06. acidity [ə'sɪdəti] n.酸性;酸味 → acidic [ə'sɪdɪk] adj.【化】酸性的;含酸的;

07. histamine receptor antagonist 组胺受体拮抗剂

Histamine ['hɪstəmiːn] n.组胺(遇组织受伤或过敏时释放)

Antagonist [æn'tæɡənɪst] n.对手;对立者;

08. ranitidine 雷尼替丁 Ranitidine belongs to a group of drugs called histamine-2 blockers. It works by reducing the amount of acid your stomach produces.

09. metoclopramide [metə'kləʊprəmaɪd] n.胃复安;氯普胺;灭吐灵

10. Lower esophageal sphincter tone 降低食管括约肌张力

Esophageal sphincter [ˌi:sə'fædʒɪəl 'sfɪŋktə(r)]

Esophageal adj.【解】食管的 → esophagus 

Sphincter n.括约肌

11. Anticholinergic drug An anticholinergic agent is a substance that blocks the neurotransmitter acetylcholine ([ˌæsɪtɪl'kɒli:n] n.乙酰胆碱) in the central and the peripheral nervous system.

Anticholinergic 英[æntɪˌkɒlɪ'nərdʒɪk] n.抗胆碱能药;抗胆硷剂 adj.抗胆碱能的

12. Glycopyrrolate [ɡlaɪkə'pɪrəʊleɪt] n.胃长宁 Glycopyrrolate helps to control conditions such as peptic ulcers that involve excessive stomach acid production

Peptic ulcer [ˌpeptɪk 'ʌlsə(r)] n.消化性溃疡;(尤指)胃溃疡 Peptic ulcers are open sores that develop on the inside lining of your stomach and the upper portion of your small intestine.

13. An undesirable trait

Undesirable [.ʌndɪ'zaɪrəb(ə)l] adj.不想要的;不得人心的;易惹麻烦的

Trait [treɪt] n.特点

14. Alter the incidence of aspiration 改变误吸的发生率

Alter ['ɔːltə(r)] v.更改 // You can’t alter details of a memory. 你不能改变记忆中的细节。

Incidence ['ɪnsɪd(ə)ns] n.发生率;

15. The Food and Drug Administration 美国食品和药品管理局 Food and Drug Administration (FDA), agency of the U.S. federal government authorized by Congress to inspect, test, approve, and set safety standards for foods and food additives (['ædətɪv] n.(尤指食品的)添加剂), drugs, chemicals, cosmetics, and household and medical devices.

16. Aspiration prophylaxis 预防误吸

Prophylaxis [.prɒfə'læksɪs] n.(疾病)预防

17. Use the nasogastric tube to decompress the stomach

Nasogastric [ˌneɪzəʊˈɡæstrɪk] 鼻饲的;鼻胃管;鼻胃的

18. Controversial [.kɒntrə'vɜː(r)ʃ(ə)l] adj.引起争论的;有争议的

19. Detrimental [ˌdɛtriˈmɛnt(ə)l] adj.不利的

20. The upper and lower esophageal sphincter 食管上/下括约肌

21. Pharynx ['færɪŋks] n.咽

22. Predispose [.priːdɪ'spəʊz] v.使倾向于;使受…的影响;使易于患(某种病);

23. Narcotic [nɑː(r)'kɒtɪk] n.麻醉品;麻醉性镇痛药 adj.致幻的;麻醉的;

24. Anticoagulant [.æntikəʊ'æɡjələnt] n.抗凝(血)剂

25. Phenothiazine [.finəʊ'θaɪə.zin] n.【化】吩噻嗪

26. Ganglionic [ˌgæŋglɪ'ɒnɪk] adj.神经节的

Case Files: Anesthesiology 学习笔记(49) 急诊阑尾切除术的麻醉4.
Case Files: Anesthesiology 学习笔记(48) 急诊阑尾切除术的麻醉3.
Case Files: Anesthesiology 学习笔记(47) 急诊阑尾切除术的麻醉2.
“心电图之父” 诺贝尔生理学/医学奖获得者 Williem Einthoven 威廉-艾恩芬托

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