
【稀世文物 9】让人惊叹的 牛首玉人,公元前4700 年左右。中国红山文化。当这件精美的玉雕出现时,...

 寂寞红山 2022-02-13
【稀世文物 9】让人惊叹的 牛首玉人,公元前4700 年左右。中国红山文化。当这件精美的玉雕出现时,没有人知道他是什么,后来经过我国考古学家的研究,才最终确定它的年代和出处。据考证,这件玉雕应该是原始萨满教进行宗教仪式时使用的用具。在它的肩部有两个互通的圆孔,证明它有可能可以作为吊坠使用。现在美国克利夫兰艺术博物馆。
Amulet in the Form of a Seated Figure with Bovine Head. C. 4700~2920 BC. Jade. 13.2 cm
CMA daringly acquired this masterpiece without knowing exactly what it was. Only after Chinese archaeologists started excavating similar jades in Northeast China could it be attributed to the Hongshan culture.
With a bovine head and four horns, this seated figurine was a powerful ritual and shamanic symbol. Drill holes above its shoulders form two interconnected perforations for suspension, suggesting that the jade was originally used as a pendant, presumably by the shaman performing the tasks of journeying to and communicating with the supernatural realms.

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