
Study in China | Civil Engineering in Zhejiang A & F University

 法国生活馆戼冃 2022-02-16

Founded in 1958,  located in Lin’an City (west of the popular tourist destination Hangzhou), Zhejiang A & F University  (ZJFC) is a comprehensive university offering Bachelor and Masters degrees in agriculture, technology, science, literature, management, law, economics, medicine, etc. and enrolling international students and etc.

 with Yijin and East Lake campuses covering almost 167 hectares with 550,000 square meters of building space. 

with modern buildings and facilities in a setting of great natural beauty, surrounded by mountains and water, 

combined with the botanical garden comprise an ecological environment with functions of teaching, scientific research, and biodiversity conservation,which is a most suitable place for learning, teaching, and conducting research. 

Zhejiang A&F University  | Civil Engineering

University Award for Degree Programs

Full scholarship: to cover the tuition
Partial scholarship: 50% off/ 25%off
English-medium bachelor degree programs: RMB 17,600          Application Fee: RMB 500                        
Monthly Accommodation  Single room:RMB860    Double room: RMB 430                                        Yearly Insurance RMB 600                       
Yearly Residence Permit RMB 400            
Yearly Students Union Membership Dues RMB 50  


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第49期 我在法国是如何过新年的(下)

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法语会话:第一课   在巴黎

法语会话:第二课 在商店

法语会话:第三课  在咖啡馆

第四课 在咖啡厅(续)

作者:毛琼,笔名:戼(mǎo)冃 [mào]自由撰稿人,英语口笔译,中英文老师;需要软文营销英语翻译(公证、艺术、投资、工程类等),英语口语辅导

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