

 阿特网 2022-02-16



现居于成都。四川省美术家协会岩彩画 ∙ 壁画艺术专业委员会委员,四川省美术家协会会员,四川省工笔画会会员

Li Zhaoxia

Born in Chengdu Sichuan

She currently lives in Chengdu and serves as committee member of Committee of Rock Painting and Murals of Sichuan Provincial Artists Association, association committee member of Sichuan Provincial Artists Association, association committee member of Sichuan Provincial Association of Claborate-style of painting


雪里已知春信至  纸本设色  2021

Herald the Coming Spring in Winter Snow

Ink and color on paper



夜静春山空  纸本设色  2021

A Silent Spring Night in Ethereal Mountains

Ink and color on paper



一衣寒江  纸本设色  2021

A Winter Night Pilgrimage Along The Riverside

Ink and color on paper


Viewing Zhaoxia’s masterpieces brings back to youth, like reading poems, a collection of reminiscence. Tranquility, elegancy, the tone of the artist herself, is penetrated in the lines of ink and brush. Rooted in the beauty of creatures by hands of the Nature, illuminated in the light of the Cosmos, the artist paints. Partly hidden partly visible are blossoms by her heavy ink wash; quiescence in rhyme, solemnity in movement, on the scroll, blue grass sways as time goes by. Affection is touched, by the artist’s careful delineation with ink and brush, as bright as childhood, plus a bit more serenity and self-control of adulthood.
“The setting sun paints mountains velvet; the golden age leaves pavilions vacated.” With the escort of lamenting spirit, a lonely image very quietly takes the leave, and vanishes in haze. The artist paints the mundane world in black ink, to describe colorfulness in monochromatic tone, from which the viewer still discovers the beauty of fresh blossoms and feels the romance of vines growing into heart. “A lost boat has no place to go; why not raft as joyfully as clouds flow.” Like the artist’s view of a pilgrim in the mundane world, such a lonely image is jade. 

Text by Wu Xujing


月明溪上竹萧萧  纸本设色  2021

Rustling Bamboo Woods by a Moonlit Brook

 Ink and color on paper



王阳明说:“你未看此花时,此花与汝心同归于寂;你来看此花时,则此花颜色一时明白起来,便知此花不在你心外。”会心之处不在远,以自然之美为素材、以尺幅为大地、以水墨为媒介,在一花一世界中,见天见地、会通物我。乘物游心,是自在,也是抵达。画世界,也是在画自己,悠游而忘忧。师古,但不泥古,落墨凝香,以中国式审美意趣营造一个秀丽清幽、淡香萧疏的氤氲,“掬水月在手,弄花香满衣。”    文/李朝霞


一壶寒江芦花深  纸本设色  2021

Above a pool of cold and wet, 

swaying the crowds of reed flowers

 Ink and color on paper


Carefree falling petals dance 

as lightly as dreams

Wang Yangming once said: “Before seeing the flower, thy heart is as still as the flower; when you come to see the flower, in an instant you understand its colour, and you know that the flower already dwells inside your heart.” My artistic creation begins where hearts meet. In my paintings, the beauty of nature is my source material, the scroll is my panorama, and ink is the medium to transmit my visions. Thus, my heart meets the hearts of each object, the sky, the earth, a flower, even the whole world. Experiencing the world with a pure heart emancipates me into the state of flow. Painting the world, indeed I paint myself, forgetting the pains of life in a carefree excursion. Obsessed with the elegance and tranquillity of ancient Chinese aesthetics, I value the classics while evolving my own style of creation, metaphorically as delineated in the verse: “In my hands that held water, clear the moon seemed shining; the caress of flowers steeped my clothes with sweet smell.”     

By Li Zhaoxia


愿我如星君如月  纸本设色  2021
May we never be apart as the Venus and the Moon

Ink and color on paper









闲庭花影移之一  纸本设色  2021

Rambling with the Vibrations of Moonlit Flower Shadows in the Garden No.1

Ink and color on paper



闲庭花影移之二  纸本设色  2021

Rambling with the Vibrations of Moonlit Flower Shadows in the Garden No.2

Ink and color on paper


Her beauty shines as rosy dawn; 

Her love devotes to inking wash

Zhaoxia’s masterpieces bring limpid clarity to haziness, and her alacrity hides wisdom—as could be expected of one whose name means “rosy dawn.” Her paintings also illustrate the aftertaste of fragrant tea, like the scent of a bamboo grove, unforgotten but faded, just like her pseudonym “Zhuqing”, meaning “bamboo green,” implies.
Artist Zhuqing, a beauty herself, pours devotion into her Chinese ink paintings. Poetic and dreamlike, there the lotus shoots from the pond; here, tiny buds are about to bloom; in the next frame, dewy bamboo leaves, freshly sprouting wisteria. Exquisitely articulated little birds glide through a moonlit sky above silent woods, and dark mountains sit empty after a spring shower. Words can hardly express the mixed emotions aroused by the sight of such poetic phantasies
What an odyssey of an aesthetic world the artist cruises! This is the joyful state which the soul seeks in life, a poetic pursuit. A transient pilgrimage has been eternally inked upon these scrolls!
It is both my extraordinary destiny as a writer and my honour to experience such exquisite beauty. Best wishes and smooth sailing to Ms. Zhaoxia on her aesthetic voyage.   
Naibin Deng October, 2021


岳麓白夜静  纸本设色  2021

A Tranquil Night at the Hill Foot

Ink and color on paper



烟外人家澹有痕  纸本设色  2021

Arousing Mist, Stirring Ripples

Ink and color on paper


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