
绘本推荐《Leslie Patricelli Potty》

 格子酱讲绘本 2022-02-22

《Leslie Patricelli Potty》

作者:Leslie Patricelli 出版社: Candlewick/2010-09 字数/页数:50词/28页/24开 Lexile/AR: Lexile AD120L


A new toddler title charts a crucial achievement. There comes a point in a toddler’s life when going in one’s diaper is only one possible option, and the question must be raised: Should I go in my potty? With pitch-perfect humor and pacing, Leslie Patricelli follows the inner dialogue (sure to have little ones shouting responses) and hilarious actions of everyone’s favorite Baby, winding up with an over-the-top look of surprise and delight that will have both parents and offspring laughing out loud. "I did it!"


这个书特别适合刚开始训练上马桶的娃看。 学会上马桶以后就不用穿diaper了,会有各种各样漂亮的undies可以穿。 I did it的成就感和漂亮内裤的诱惑。。 很实用一本书,不是训练上马桶的实用,而是里面的句型宝宝上马桶的时候都可以用来游戏。。 尿尿时的tinkle,tinkle,toot....太有意思了。 should i go in my diaper,i don't want to.should i go in my potty? i could try.都可以拿来用。 建议娃十几个月的时候就可以入一本,慢慢看。


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