
中国故事(双语)51:Family Matters Part 1 宝莲灯1

 家有学子 2022-02-22

51. Family Matters Part 1



Uncle Erlang squints all three eyes and frowns. He points his spear at my stomach. Then he advances toward me along the narrow path carved into the side of the cliff. I back away from him and the path becomes even narrower.
Uncle Erlang jabs the spear at my stomach! I swing my stone axe. Our weapons clash against each other with a loud clang. I lose my balance.
My left foot hangs over nothingness. I swing my axe into the mountainside. It pierces the rocky cliff, and I hang for a moment. Then I scramble and regain my footing.
I pull my stone axe from the cliff. Then I flip it into the air, spinning it toward my uncle. Its sharp blade makes a wicked hiss as it reaches for him. He jerks to the side, dodging my attack. I crook my finger and the axe flips back toward me. I catch it in one hand.
Uncle Erlang puts his spear in his teeth and crawls up the cliff. I spin the axe over my head, just missing him. I hear his dog on the path ahead of me. Erlang hits the boulders above me with his spear.
I duck under an overhang as huge stones tumble past.
“You never thanked me!” he yells. “I gave you birthday gifts!” Then his third eye shoots at me! It burns my elbow before I crouch under the overhang.
“Really?” I yell back. “That’s what has you upset? Birthday gifts?” It’s true. I never thanked him. So, shoot me! Preferably not with a third eye.
My elbow stings!
You might wonder how I, Chen Xiang, came to be fighting my uncle on the most dangerous path in the world. I once lived in a heavenly palace on Kunlun Mountain with my great-uncle and aunt. My great-uncle is the Jade Emperor and my great-aunt is the Queen Mother of the West. It sounds fabulous, but it was actually pretty boring. Maybe I would have enjoyed the luxe life more if I hadn’t been so lonely. Those two had many noble duties, which didn’t leave much time for me.
My dad lived in the woods near Kunlun Mountain. I rarely saw him. My mom? I wasn’t sure where my mom was. When I asked my great-aunt and uncle, they said, “She’s far away. But I know she’d be very happy to have such a hardworking son!” and other weird compliments relatives say when they want you to stop asking questions.
But all that changed one evening a few years ago. Uncle Erlang was over for dinner and brought his dog with him. They were never apart, which would have been fine if the dog didn’t growl at everyone else.
It had a tail like a whip and a very bad case of doggy breath. While we ate, the dog whined outside. To quiet him, I tossed him a bite of my dessert—peaches with cloud topping.
Then I took a deep breath and turned to Uncle Erlang. “What was my mom like when she was my age?” I asked.
My great-uncle coughed. My great-aunt loudly blew her nose. Sparks flew off Uncle Erlang’s third eye. (Just in case you’re wondering—a sparking eyeball looks very uncomfortable. Yee-ouch!)
“She was rude!” roared Uncle Erlang. “She laughed during your great￾aunt’s birthday party. Laughed!” The way he said it, you would think it was the worst thing in the world. He turned back to me. “After your mom was sent to the human world in punishment—”
“Erlang Shen!” whispered my great-aunt fiercely, using his full name.
“After she went to the human world, she fell in love with one of them,” shouted Uncle Erlang. “A human!” He banged the table with his fist.
“Oh, here we go,” sighed my great-uncle. “Again.” He rolled his eyes at Uncle Erlang.
“I’ll explain the rest, dear,” said my great-aunt, patting Erlang on the arm. 
She turned to me. “You’re almost fifteen, you’re old enough to know the truth about your mother.”
I leaned in.

The End

Question: What do you think Chen Xiang’s great-aunt will tell him?


squint v. 患斜视

jab v. 刺,捅,戳

clang n. (金属相击的)锵锵声

scramble v. 爬,争夺,仓促行动

flip v. 转动,使翻转

spin v. 使旋转

blade n. 刀身,刀片

hiss n. 嘶嘶声,(表示嘲弄、厌恶等的)嘘声

jerk v. 急拉,急推

dodge v. 躲避

crook v. (使)弯曲

crawl v. 爬,匍匐前进

boulder n. (由于气候或水侵蚀而形成的)卵石

duck v. 忽地低下头,忽地弯下身

overhang n. 悬垂物

tumble v. 滚下,坠落

crouch v. 蹲,蹲伏

preferably adv. 更可取地,更好地,更合意地

Jade Emperor 玉帝

Queen Mother of the West 西王母

fabulous adj. 难以置信的,(口)极好的

luxe adj. 富丽堂皇的,奢华的

weird adj. 奇特的,怪诞的

compliment n. 赞美

growl v. 发低沉的怒声,咆哮

whip n. 鞭子

whine v. 发哀叫(或哀诉)声,哼哼唧唧地诉说

toss v. 扔,抛,掷

topping n. 构成顶部的东西

punishment n. 惩罚

bang v. (砰砰)猛击

lean v. 屈身,靠,倚

Maybe I would have enjoyed the luxe life more if I hadn’t been
so lonely.如果我不是这么孤独,也许我将会更加享受我的奢侈生活。本句使用虚拟语气,用过去完成时表示对于过去情况的虚拟。
other weird compliments relatives say when they want you tostop asking questions 当亲戚们想让你停止提问时候说的其他的奇怪赞语。本句中 relatives say when they want you stop asking questions 是定语从句,修饰前边的 compliments。
They were never apart, which would have been fine if the dog didn’t growl at everyone else.他们从来没分开过,如果这只狗不是对着每个人咆哮的话,这还好。本句使用过去时表示对于过去情况的虚拟。
“Oh, here we go,” sighed my great-uncle. “Again.” “哦,咱们又开始了”我的叔祖父说。本句中 again 补充修饰前面的 here we go,表示又一次开始,表达了说话者的不耐烦。



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