
初三英语 | 任务型阅读-细节归纳题解题技巧

 黄河清 2022-03-11






After a long summer, it’s always hard to go back to school. So in many countries, there are special traditions for the first day of school. Let’s take a look.
In these countries, students go back-to-school shopping to get new school supplies and clothes. This lets them make a fresh start. In high school, there is a spirit week(校园精神周) to get kids excited. Families can come and visit the school. There are also fun activities such as dancing and ball games. Traditions like these can cheer students up.(1)
On the first day of school, German kids get a colorful cone(锥形筒). Usually their parents make it. What’s in the come? There are classroom things like pens and pencils, as well as candies and toys. They can help make the first day easier for the students.(2)
In Russia, the first day of school is called knowledge and Skills Day. There is a “first bell” ceremony (仪式) at school. Students must dress up and give flowers to their new teachers, and they get a balloon from their teachers in return. People have been following the tradition for centuries. It helps students be well-prepared for the first day at school.(3)
67. How can these special traditions help students?

【解题技巧】共同主语+谓v①, 谓v②and 谓v③

【参考答案】They can cheer students up, help make the first day easier for the students and help students be well-prepared for the first day at school.




67.What do instant food companies do to increase sales?

【参考答案】They use more natural food and fewer man-made tastes,  try to make their noodles non-fried,  cut down the price for each bowl and other ways to improve their products to meet people's needs.


67. What is the spirit of the Chinese womens volleyball team according to this passage?(List at least 2 points)

【答案解析】根据以上红色细节处,可以看出女排精神是try their best, work together, love their country...回答的时候可以用共同主语They串在一起或用名词性结构即可。

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