

 创骨英文 2022-04-02


[Music] introducing sentinel spine the company

[音乐]介绍哨兵脊椎 该公司

offering the most studied and clinically proven disc replacement technology in


the world [Music]


beginning with clinical usage in 1990 in over 30 years of use prodisc has become

从 1990 年开始临床使用,在 30 多年的使用中 prodisc 已

the most studied and widely used total disc replacement in the world

成为研究和广泛使用的全椎间盘置换技术 全世界

with over 540 published studies

有超过 540 项已发表的

the prodisc c total disc replacement is an fda approved spinal implant intended

研究 prodisc c 全椎间盘置换是 FDA 批准的脊柱植入物,

to reconstruct a diseased intervertebral disc in the cervical spine and is


indicated for patients suffering from intractable(/ɪnˈtræktəbl/) symptomatic cervical disc


disease or scdd at one level between c3 and c7

疾病或 c3 和 c7 之间一个级别的 scdd 的患者

the prodisc c is a ball and socket implant that is composed of two cobalt

prodisc c 是一种球窝植入物,由两个钴

chrome alloy end plates and a polyethylene insert


the polyethylene insert is affixed to the bottom end plate forming the ball


and a polished dome in the top end plate forms the socket

all bone contacting surfaces of the prodisc c implant have a plasma spray

prodisc 植入物的接触表面具有等离子喷涂

titanium coating to promote bony on growth providing long-term implant



the prodisc c implant is secured to the vertebral bodies above and below the

稳定性 prodisc c 植入物固定在椎间盘空间上方和下方的椎体上,并

disc space and held in place with two central keels


the implant components work together with the surrounding spinal structures

龙骨固定到位 植入物组件与周围的脊柱结构一起工作

to provide stability and function the prodisc c is a zero profile implant

以提供稳定性和功能 prodisc c 植入后

that does not contact soft tissue structures after it is implanted




first an incision is made in the neck at the location of the diseased disc and


the soft tissues are moved away from the front of the diseased disc

the surgeon then performs a discectomy and remobilization removing the diseased

,然后外科医生将软组织从病变椎间盘的前部移开 进行椎间盘切除和再活动,一旦椎间盘空间被清除并重新活动,则移除患病

disc and releasing pressure on the surrounding nerves and spinal cord


once the disc space is cleared and the segment is remobilized a trial is used


to assess the implant size and position within the disk space next


keel channels are prepared in the vertebral bodies above and below the

位置 准备下一个龙骨通道 在椎间盘空间上方和下方的椎体中,

disk space the keel channels for the prodisc c

用于 prodisc c

implant can be prepared using either a milling technique or a chiseling

植入物 ca 的龙骨通道 n 在铣削技术中使用铣削技术或凿凿

technique in the milling technique a milling bit


is used to create the channels for the prodisc c keel

钻头用于为prodisc c 龙骨创建通道 凿凿

the chiseling technique utilizes two chisels to create the keel channels


first the primary chisel is inserted over the trial and advanced into the

通道 主凿子在试验中插入 并推进到

vertebral bodies then the step is repeated with a


secondary chisel to remove any remaining bits of bone from the keel channels


both the milling and chiseling instruments are designed to ensure that


the final placement of the implant precisely matches the placement of the


trial after the keel channels have been

prepared the vertebral bodies are ready to be implanted with the prodisc c

准备好龙骨通道后 椎体准备好植入 prodisc c

implant the implant is attached to the inserter


the keels are aligned with the keel channels


and the implant is inserted on block into the vertebral bodies

通道对齐 植入物块状插入

the instruments are removed and the final implant placement is confirmed

椎体 移除器械 并确认最终的种植体位置

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